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* DSFML - SFML Library binding in D language.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Dagorn (sirjulio13@gmail.com)
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
* implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held
* liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
* it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
* you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
* If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but
* is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
* and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any
* source distribution.
module dsfml.audio.soundrecorder;
import dsfml.audio.soundbuffer;
import dsfml.system.alloc;
import dsfml.system.common;
import dsfml.system.sleep;
import dsfml.system.linkedlist;
import dsfml.system.mutex;
import dsfml.system.lock;
import dsfml.system.thread;
* SoundRecorder is an interface for capturing sound data.
* $(B onProcessSamples and onStop will be called by a different thread, take care of synchronization issues.)
* Examples:
* -------
* class MySoundRecorder : SoundRecorder
* {
* this()
* {
* }
* protected bool onStart()
* {
* return true;
* }
* protected void onStop()
* {
* }
* protected bool onProcessSamples(out short[])
* {
* // Process data here
* return true; //return true to continue capture, else return false
* }
* }
* -------
abstract class SoundRecorder : DSFMLObject
override void dispose()
if (m_flag)
* Start the capture.
* Only one capture can happen at the same time
* Params:
* sampleRate : Sound frequency (the more samples, the higher the quality)
* (44100 by default = CD quality)
void start(uint sampleRate = 44100)
sfSoundRecorder_Start(m_ptr, sampleRate);
m_t = new Thread(&threadPoll);
* Stop the capture
void stop()
m_flag = false;
m_t = null;
* Get the sample rate
* Returns:
* Frequency, in samples per second
uint getSampleRate()
return sfSoundRecorder_GetSampleRate(m_ptr);
* Tell if the system supports sound capture.
* If not, this class won't be usable
* Returns:
* True if audio capture is supported
static bool canCapture()
return cast(bool)sfSoundRecorder_CanCapture();
* Protected constructor
m_id = ++seed;
m_instances[m_id] = this;
super(sfSoundRecorder_Create(&internalOnStart, &internalCallback, &internalOnStop, &m_id));
this(void* ptr)
* Start recording audio data
* Returns:
* False to abort recording audio data, true to start
abstract bool onStart();
* Stop recording audio data
abstract void onStop();
* callback function
* Parameters:
* samples = Array of samples
* Returns:
* true to continue recording, false to stop.
abstract bool onProcessSamples(short[] samples);
bool m_disposed;
* an init function to initialize id of the object.
void init(bool flag)
if (flag)
m_list = new LinkedList!(Samples)();
m_flag = true;
m_continue = true;
m_mutex = new Mutex();
void* m_userData;
int m_id;
static int seed = 0;
static SoundRecorder[int] m_instances;
* Extern C callback function
* This function must be static for C interop. To retrieve the current
* instance, we retrieve id of the sender in the user data, and search associated instance
* in the associative array.
* We don't call delegate or derived class on that thread because GC is not aware of this thread
* instead we enqueue data informations in a queue and poll this queue with a managed thread.
extern(C) static int internalCallback(short* s, size_t size, void* user)
int id;
// retrieve instance
if ((id = *cast(int*)(user)) in m_instances)
SoundRecorder temp = m_instances[id];
scope Lock l = new Lock(temp.m_mutex);
if (temp.m_continue)
// this new is allowed because Samples is an custom alloc class.
temp.m_list.enqueue(new Samples(s, size));
return temp.m_continue;
return false;
extern(C) static int internalOnStart(void* user)
int id;
bool ret = false;
if ((id = *cast(int*)(user)) in m_instances)
SoundRecorder temp = m_instances[id];
ret = temp.onStart();
return ret;
extern(C) static void internalOnStop(void* user)
// Nothing to do
* Managed thread loop
void threadPoll(void* user)
while (m_flag)
// if samples are available
if (!m_list.empty)
// Lock ressources
scope Lock l = new Lock(m_mutex);
Samples s = m_list.dequeue;
m_continue = this.onProcessSamples(s.data[0..s.length].dup);
delete s;
if (!m_continue)
// delete all samples left
foreach(Samples dummy; m_list)
delete dummy;
Mutex m_mutex;
bool m_flag;
bool m_continue = true;
LinkedList!(Samples) m_list;
Thread m_t;
// External ====================================================================
extern (C)
typedef void* function(int function(void*), int function(short*, size_t, void*), void function(void*), void*) pf_sfSoundRecorder_Create;
typedef void function(void*) pf_sfSoundRecorder_Destroy;
typedef void function(void*, uint SampleRate) pf_sfSoundRecorder_Start;
typedef void function(void*) pf_sfSoundRecorder_Stop;
typedef uint function(void*) pf_sfSoundRecorder_GetSampleRate;
typedef int function() pf_sfSoundRecorder_CanCapture;
static pf_sfSoundRecorder_Create sfSoundRecorder_Create;
static pf_sfSoundRecorder_Destroy sfSoundRecorder_Destroy;
static pf_sfSoundRecorder_Start sfSoundRecorder_Start;
static pf_sfSoundRecorder_Stop sfSoundRecorder_Stop;
static pf_sfSoundRecorder_GetSampleRate sfSoundRecorder_GetSampleRate;
static pf_sfSoundRecorder_CanCapture sfSoundRecorder_CanCapture;
static this()
DllLoader dll = DllLoader.load("csfml-audio");
sfSoundRecorder_Create = cast(pf_sfSoundRecorder_Create)dll.getSymbol("sfSoundRecorder_Create");
sfSoundRecorder_Destroy = cast(pf_sfSoundRecorder_Destroy)dll.getSymbol("sfSoundRecorder_Destroy");
sfSoundRecorder_Start = cast(pf_sfSoundRecorder_Start)dll.getSymbol("sfSoundRecorder_Start");
sfSoundRecorder_Stop = cast(pf_sfSoundRecorder_Stop)dll.getSymbol("sfSoundRecorder_Stop");
sfSoundRecorder_GetSampleRate = cast(pf_sfSoundRecorder_GetSampleRate)dll.getSymbol("sfSoundRecorder_GetSampleRate");
sfSoundRecorder_CanCapture = cast(pf_sfSoundRecorder_CanCapture)dll.getSymbol("sfSoundRecorder_CanCapture");
// Use explicit alloc to allow instaciation by C thread
private class Samples
mixin Alloc;
this(short* data, size_t length)
this.data = data;
this.length = length;
public short* data;
public size_t length;