From c1064bae925693667c7a34cad264bd5ea3ece177 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chris Thrasher Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 09:42:08 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Lock 2.6.x branch to macOS 11 images The macos-latest image recently upgraded to macOS 12. This includes the iOS 16 SDK which deprecates some features which we're using. The short term fix is to just keep using macOS 11 for 2.6.x. --- .github/workflows/ci.yml | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index 6cce2bbd..52896d8d 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ jobs: - { name: Windows VS2022 Clang, os: windows-2022, flags: -T ClangCL } - { name: Linux GCC, os: ubuntu-latest } - { name: Linux Clang, os: ubuntu-latest, flags: -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ } - - { name: MacOS XCode, os: macos-latest } + - { name: MacOS XCode, os: macos-11 } config: - { name: Shared, flags: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE } - { name: Static, flags: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=FALSE } @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ jobs: include: - platform: { name: Windows VS2022, os: windows-2022 } config: { name: Unity, flags: -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=TRUE -DCMAKE_UNITY_BUILD=ON } - - platform: { name: MacOS XCode, os: macos-latest } + - platform: { name: MacOS XCode, os: macos-11 } config: { name: Frameworks, flags: -DSFML_BUILD_FRAMEWORKS=TRUE } - - platform: { name: MacOS XCode, os: macos-latest } + - platform: { name: MacOS XCode, os: macos-11 } config: { name: iOS, flags: -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/cmake/toolchains/iOS.toolchain.cmake -DIOS_PLATFORM=SIMULATOR } - platform: { name: Android, os: ubuntu-latest } config: { name: x86, flags: -DCMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI=x86 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Android -DSFML_BUILD_TEST_SUITE=FALSE -DCMAKE_ANDROID_NDK=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/android-ndk-r18b -DCMAKE_ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=clang -DCMAKE_ANDROID_STL_TYPE=c++_shared -DCMAKE_ANDROID_API=26 }