module sound3d; import dsfml.system.all; import dsfml.window.all; import; import; void main() { //We create our window with a limit of 100 and a white backcolor. RenderWindow app = new RenderWindow (VideoMode(800, 600, 32), "Sound Spatialization Sample"); app.useVerticalSync(true); Font f = new Font("Data/cheeseburger.ttf", 34); //Some instructions String s = new String("Click anywhere on screen to change listener position.\nPress + or - to modify the speed of the car."c, f); s.setPosition(20, 30); s.setColor(Color.BLACK); //We prepare our images and the sound char[][2] images = ["Data/bluerallyecarleft.bmp", "Data/bluerallyecarright.bmp"]; Car c = new Car(images, "Data/car_idle.wav"); int carSpeed = 100; //Set default position for the car and the listener c.setPosition(Vector2f(0, 300)); SoundListener.setPosition(Vector2f(400, 300)); c.startPlaying(); //Start the main loop while (app.isOpened()) { app.clear(Color.WHITE); Event evt; //The event loop while (app.getEvent(evt)) { // if the window is closed, we can leave the game loop if (evt.Type == Event.EventType.CLOSED) app.close(); // we handle the click event to change listener position else if (evt.Type == Event.EventType.MOUSEBUTTONPRESSED && evt.MouseButton.Button == MouseButtons.LEFT) { Input i = app.getInput(); SoundListener.setPosition(Vector2f(i.getMouseX(), i.getMouseY())); } // and eventual keys press else if (evt.Type == Event.EventType.KEYPRESSED) { //Change the car speed if (evt.Key.Code == KeyCode.ADD) { carSpeed += 25; } else if (evt.Key.Code == KeyCode.SUBTRACT) { carSpeed -= 25; } } } //We move constantly our car. c.move(Vector2f(app.getFrameTime() * carSpeed, 0)); //Draw all the sprite and string on render window app.draw(s); app.draw(c.getSprite()); app.draw(SoundListener.getSprite()); //And finally display the window app.display(); } } // Encapsulate the listener position and the visor sprite. // There is only one listener so all the methods are statics. class SoundListener { static Sprite s_crosshair; static Vector2f s_p; static this() { Image crosshairImg = new Image("Data/crosshair.tga"); crosshairImg.createMaskFromColor(Color.WHITE); s_crosshair = new Sprite(crosshairImg); s_crosshair.setCenter(Vector2f(s_crosshair.getSize().x / 2, s_crosshair.getSize().y / 2)); //Listener.setTarget(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); } // Adjust position of the listener static void setPosition(Vector2f p) { Listener.setPosition(p.x, p.y, 5.f); s_crosshair.setPosition(p); } static Sprite getSprite() { return s_crosshair; } } // Class encapsulating all data for our car class Car { Vector2f m_actual; Sprite m_sprite; Sound m_sound; bool reverse; Image[2] imgs; //Constructor with with a fixed size string array of image path, and a string for the sound path this (char[][2] images, char[] soundFilename) { //load images and create filter imgs[0] = new Image(images[0]); imgs[1] = new Image(images[1]); foreach(img; imgs) img.createMaskFromColor(Color(97, 68, 43)); m_sprite = new Sprite(imgs[0]); m_sprite.setCenter(Vector2f(m_sprite.getSize().x / 2, m_sprite.getSize().y / 2)); SoundBuffer buff = new SoundBuffer(soundFilename); //load our sound with loop enabled m_sound = new Sound(buff, true); m_sound.setAttenuation(.05f); } // Begin the sound play void startPlaying() {; } // Set the position of the car on the window // Used to setup the begin car window and sound location void setPosition(Vector2f p) { m_sprite.setPosition(p); m_sound.setPosition(p.x, 0, p.y); } //Move the car (visual and sound position) //If the car leave the screen, we change the sprite image and reverse moving void move(Vector2f vec) { // if the car is beyond the right screen limit if (!reverse && m_sprite.getPosition().x > 850) { m_sprite.setImage(imgs[1]); reverse = true; } // same as above but for left limit else if (reverse && vec.x + m_sprite.getPosition().x < -50) { m_sprite.setImage(imgs[0]); reverse = false; } if (reverse) vec = -vec; m_sprite.move(vec); Vector2f pos = m_sprite.getPosition(); m_sound.setPosition(pos.x , pos.y, 0); } Sprite getSprite() { return m_sprite; } }