using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace SFML
namespace Graphics
/// Enumerate the blending modes available for drawable objects
public enum BlendMode
/// Pixel = Src * a + Dest * (1 - a)
/// Pixel = Src + Dest
/// Pixel = Src * Dest
/// No blending
/// Abstract base class for every object that can be drawn
/// into a render window
public abstract class Drawable : ObjectBase
/// Position of the object on screen
public abstract Vector2 Position {get; set;}
/// Rotation of the object, defined in degrees
public abstract float Rotation {get; set;}
/// Vertical and horizontal scale of the object
public abstract Vector2 Scale {get; set;}
/// Origin of the transformation of the object
/// (center of translation, rotation and scale)
public abstract Vector2 Origin {get; set;}
/// Global color of the object
public abstract Color Color {get; set;}
/// Blending mode of the object
public abstract BlendMode BlendMode {get; set;}
/// Transform a point from global coordinates into local coordinates
/// (ie it applies the inverse of object's origin, translation, rotation and scale to the point)
/// Point to transform
/// Transformed point
public abstract Vector2 TransformToLocal(Vector2 point);
/// Transform a point from local coordinates into global coordinates
/// (ie it applies the object's origin, translation, rotation and scale to the point)
/// Point to transform
/// Transformed point
public abstract Vector2 TransformToGlobal(Vector2 point);
/// Render the object into the given render window
/// Target render window
internal abstract void Render(RenderWindow target);
/// Render the object into the given render image
/// Target render image
internal abstract void Render(RenderImage target);
/// Internal constructor, for derived classes
/// Pointer to the object in C library
protected Drawable(IntPtr thisPtr) :