/* * Last edit by previous maintainer: * 2003/10/25 15:25:05, yoshi * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005 Yoshi <yoshi@giganet.net> * Copyright (C) 2006 John M. Gabriele <jmg3000@gmail.com> * * This program is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. * See the included COPYRIGHT file for the terms of this license. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifdef __APPLE__ #include <OpenGL/gl.h> #include <OpenGL/glu.h> #elif defined WIN32 #include <windows.h> #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glu.h> #else #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glu.h> #endif #include <ruby.h> #include "../common/common.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport) typedef void (CALLBACK*(VOIDFUNC))(); #else #define DLLEXPORT typedef void (*VOIDFUNC)(); #endif #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) typedef GLUtesselator tesselatorObj; #else /* GLU_VERSION_1_2 */ typedef GLUtriangulatorObj tesselatorObj; #endif /* !GLU_VERSION_1_2 */ #ifdef MESA struct glu_MesaStack { int len; GLfloat **ptr; }; static struct glu_MesaStack gms = {0, NULL}; #endif struct nurbsdata { GLUnurbsObj *nobj; }; struct tessdata { tesselatorObj *tobj; VALUE t_ref; }; struct quaddata { GLUquadricObj *qobj; }; static VALUE cNurbs; static VALUE cTess; static VALUE cQuad; #define GetNURBS(obj, ndata) {\ Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct nurbsdata, ndata);\ if (ndata->nobj == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Nurbs Object already deleted!");\ } #define GetTESS(obj, tdata) {\ Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct tessdata, tdata);\ if (tdata->tobj == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Triangulator Object already deleted!");\ } #define GetQUAD(obj, qdata) {\ Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct quaddata, qdata);\ if (qdata->qobj == NULL) rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Quadric Object already deleted!");\ } static ID callId; static ID refId; /* * GLU Implementation */ /* * Nurbs */ /* from nurbscrv.c */ static int get_curve_dim(type) GLenum type; { switch(type) { case GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3: return 3; case GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4: return 4; case GL_MAP1_INDEX: return 1; case GL_MAP1_COLOR_4: return 4; case GL_MAP1_NORMAL: return 3; case GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1: return 1; case GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2: return 2; case GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3: return 3; case GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4: return 4; default: abort(); /* TODO: is this OK? */ } return 0; /*never get here*/ } /* from nurbssrf.c */ static int get_surface_dim(GLenum type) { switch(type) { case GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3: return 3; case GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4: return 4; case GL_MAP2_INDEX: return 1; case GL_MAP2_COLOR_4: return 4; case GL_MAP2_NORMAL: return 3; case GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1: return 1; case GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2: return 2; case GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3: return 3; case GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4: return 4; default: abort(); /* TODO: is this OK? */ } return 0; /*never get here*/ } /* * NURBS API */ static void free_nurbs(ndata) struct nurbsdata *ndata; { if (ndata->nobj) gluDeleteNurbsRenderer(ndata->nobj); ndata->nobj = NULL; } static VALUE glu_NewNurbsRenderer(obj) VALUE obj; { VALUE ret; struct nurbsdata *ndata; ret = Data_Make_Struct(cNurbs, struct nurbsdata, 0, free_nurbs, ndata); ndata->nobj = gluNewNurbsRenderer(); return ret; } static VALUE glu_DeleteNurbsRenderer(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); free_nurbs(ndata); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_NurbsProperty(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GLenum property; GLfloat value; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); property = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); value = (GLfloat)NUM2DBL(arg3); gluNurbsProperty(ndata->nobj, property, value); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_GetNurbsProperty(obj, arg1, arg2) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GLenum property; GLfloat value; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); property = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); gluGetNurbsProperty(ndata->nobj, property, &value); return rb_float_new(value); } static VALUE glu_BeginCurve(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); gluBeginCurve(ndata->nobj); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_EndCurve(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); gluEndCurve(ndata->nobj); /* hack for Mesa 3.1 */ #ifdef MESA for (gms.len;gms.len>0;gms.len--) free(gms.ptr[gms.len-1]); free(gms.ptr); gms.ptr = NULL; #endif return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_NurbsCurve(argc,argv,obj) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE obj; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GLint uknot_count; GLfloat *uknot; GLint u_stride; GLint uorder; GLfloat *ctlarray; GLenum type; VALUE args[7]; GLfloat tmp[4]; int i; struct RArray *ary_ctl1; switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "43", &args[0], &args[1], &args[2], &args[3], &args[4], &args[5], &args[6])) { case 3: uknot_count = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[1]))->len; uknot = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, uknot_count); ary2cflt(args[1], uknot, uknot_count); ary_ctl1 = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[2])); type = (GLenum)NUM2INT(args[3]); u_stride = get_curve_dim(type); uorder = ary_ctl1->len; ctlarray = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, u_stride*uorder); for (i = 0; i < ary_ctl1->len; i++) { ary2cflt(ary_ctl1->ptr[i], tmp, 4); memcpy(&ctlarray[i*u_stride], tmp, u_stride); } break; case 7: uknot_count = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[1]); uknot = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, uknot_count); ary2cflt(args[2], uknot, uknot_count); u_stride = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[3]); uorder = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[5]); type = (GLenum)NUM2INT(args[6]); /* ---> line was missing */ /* ctlarray = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, u_stride*uorder); //--->Mathematically incorrect */ ctlarray = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, u_stride*(uknot_count-uorder)); ary_ctl1 = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[4])); if (TYPE(ary_ctl1->ptr[0]) == T_ARRAY) for (i = 0; i < ary_ctl1->len; i++) { ary2cflt(ary_ctl1->ptr[i], tmp, 4); memcpy(&ctlarray[i*u_stride], tmp, u_stride); } else { /* ary2cflt((VALUE)ary_ctl1, ctlarray, u_stride*uorder); //--->Mathematically incorrect */ ary2cflt((VALUE)ary_ctl1, ctlarray, (uknot_count-uorder)*u_stride); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "arg num:%d",argc); } GetNURBS(args[0], ndata); gluNurbsCurve(ndata->nobj, uknot_count, uknot, u_stride, ctlarray, uorder, type); /* as of Mesa 3.1, Mesa assumes all data that following pointers points to is valid at gluEndCurve. so, free them in glu_EndCurve() */ #ifdef MESA gms.ptr = REALLOC_N(gms.ptr, GLfloat*, gms.len+=2); gms.ptr[gms.len - 2] = uknot; gms.ptr[gms.len - 1] = ctlarray; #else free(uknot); free(ctlarray); #endif return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_BeginSurface(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); gluBeginSurface(ndata->nobj); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_EndSurface(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); gluEndSurface(ndata->nobj); /* hack for Mesa 3.1 */ #ifdef MESA for(gms.len; gms.len>0; gms.len--) free(gms.ptr[gms.len-1]); free(gms.ptr); gms.ptr = NULL; #endif return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_NurbsSurface(argc, argv, obj) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE obj; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GLint sknot_count; GLfloat *sknot; GLint tknot_count; GLfloat *tknot; GLint s_stride; GLint t_stride; GLfloat *ctlarray; GLint sorder; GLint torder; GLenum type; VALUE work_ary; VALUE args[11]; struct RArray *ary_ctl1; int type_len; switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "56", &args[0], &args[1], &args[2], &args[3], &args[4], &args[5], &args[6], &args[7], &args[8], &args[9], &args[10])) { case 5: sknot_count = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[1]))->len; sknot = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, sknot_count); ary2cflt(args[1], sknot, sknot_count); tknot_count = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[2]))->len; tknot = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, tknot_count); ary2cflt(args[2], tknot, tknot_count); ary_ctl1 = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[3])); sorder = ary_ctl1->len; torder = RARRAY(rb_Array(ary_ctl1->ptr[0]))->len; type = (GLenum)NUM2INT(args[4]); t_stride = get_surface_dim(type); s_stride = t_stride * sorder; ctlarray = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, t_stride*s_stride); work_ary = rb_ary_new(); mary2ary((VALUE)ary_ctl1, work_ary); ary2cflt(work_ary, ctlarray, t_stride*s_stride); case 11: sknot_count = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[1]); sknot = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, sknot_count); ary2cflt(args[2], sknot, sknot_count); tknot_count = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[3]); tknot = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, tknot_count); ary2cflt(args[4], tknot, tknot_count); s_stride = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[5]); t_stride = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[6]); sorder = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[8]); torder = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[9]); type = (GLint)NUM2INT(args[10]); type_len = get_surface_dim(type); /* ctlarray = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, sorder*torder*type_len); //--->Mathematically incorrect */ ctlarray = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, (sknot_count-sorder)*(tknot_count-torder)*type_len); ary_ctl1 = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[7])); if (TYPE(ary_ctl1->ptr[0]) == T_ARRAY) { work_ary = rb_ary_new(); mary2ary((VALUE)ary_ctl1, work_ary); /* ary2cflt(work_ary, ctlarray, sorder*torder*type_len); //--->Mathematically incorrect */ ary2cflt(work_ary, ctlarray, (sknot_count-sorder)*(tknot_count-torder)*type_len); } else { /* ary2cflt((VALUE)ary_ctl1, ctlarray, sorder*torder*type_len); //--->Mathematically incorrect */ ary2cflt((VALUE)ary_ctl1, ctlarray, (sknot_count-sorder)*(tknot_count-torder)*type_len); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "arg num:%d",argc); } GetNURBS(args[0], ndata); gluNurbsSurface(ndata->nobj, sknot_count, sknot, tknot_count, tknot, s_stride, t_stride, ctlarray, sorder, torder, type); /* as of Mesa 3.1, Mesa assumes all data that following pointers points to is valid at gluEndSurface. so, free them in glu_EndSurface() */ #ifdef MESA gms.ptr = REALLOC_N(gms.ptr, GLfloat*, gms.len+=3); gms.ptr[gms.len-3] = sknot; gms.ptr[gms.len-2] = tknot; gms.ptr[gms.len-1] = ctlarray; #else free(sknot); free(tknot); free(ctlarray); #endif return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_BeginTrim(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); gluBeginTrim(ndata->nobj); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_EndTrim(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GetNURBS(arg1, ndata); gluEndTrim(ndata->nobj); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_PwlCurve(argc, argv, obj) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE obj; { struct nurbsdata *ndata; GLint count; GLfloat *array; GLint stride; GLenum type; VALUE args[5]; GLfloat tmp[3]; struct RArray* ary_ctl1; int i; switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "32", &args[0], &args[1], &args[2], &args[3], &args[4])) { case 3: ary_ctl1 = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[2])); count = ary_ctl1->len; type = NUM2INT(args[2]); stride = (type == GLU_MAP1_TRIM_2 ? 2 : 3); array = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, count*stride); for (i = 0; i < ary_ctl1->len; i++) { ary2cflt(ary_ctl1->ptr[i], tmp, 3); memcpy(&array[i*stride], tmp, stride); } break; case 5: count = NUM2INT(args[1]); stride = NUM2INT(args[3]); type = NUM2INT(args[4]); array = ALLOC_N(GLfloat, count*stride); ary_ctl1 = RARRAY(rb_Array(args[2])); if (TYPE(ary_ctl1->ptr[0]) == T_ARRAY) for (i = 0; i < ary_ctl1->len; i++) { ary2cflt(ary_ctl1->ptr[i], tmp, 3); memcpy(&array[i*stride], tmp, stride); } else ary2cflt((VALUE)ary_ctl1, array, count*stride); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "arg num:%d",argc); } GetNURBS(args[0], ndata); gluPwlCurve(ndata->nobj, count, array, stride, type); free(array); return Qnil; } /* * Tesselation API */ static VALUE t_current; #define TESS_DATA 0 #define TESS_BEGIN 1 #define TESS_VERTEX 2 #define TESS_END 3 #define TESS_ERROR 4 #define TESS_EDGE 5 #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) # define TESS_OUTDATA 6 # define TESS_COMBINE 7 # define TESS_BEGIN_DATA 8 # define TESS_VERTEX_DATA 9 # define TESS_END_DATA 10 # define TESS_ERROR_DATA 11 # define TESS_EDGE_DATA 12 # define TESS_COMBINE_DATA 13 # define TESS_USERDATA 14 # define REF_LAST 15 #else /* !GLU_VERSION_1_2 */ # define REF_LAST 6 #endif /* GLU_VERSION_1_2 */ static void mark_tess(tdata) struct tessdata* tdata; { if (tdata->tobj) rb_gc_mark(tdata->t_ref); } static void free_tess(tdata) struct tessdata *tdata; { ID id; VALUE call_key; if (tdata->tobj) { gluDeleteTess(tdata->tobj); } tdata->t_ref = Qnil; tdata->tobj = NULL; } static VALUE glu_NewTess(obj) VALUE obj; { VALUE ret; struct tessdata *tdata; ret = Data_Make_Struct(cTess, struct tessdata, mark_tess, free_tess, tdata); tdata->tobj = gluNewTess(); tdata->t_ref = rb_ary_new2(REF_LAST); return ret; } static VALUE glu_DeleteTess(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct tessdata *tdata; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); free_tess(tdata); return Qnil; } void t_begin(type) GLenum type; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_BEGIN), callId, 1, INT2NUM(type)); } } static void t_edgeFlag(flag) GLboolean flag; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_EDGE), callId, 1, INT2NUM(flag)); } } static void t_vertex(data) void* data; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_VERTEX), callId, 1, data); } } static void t_end() { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_END), callId, 0); } } static void t_error(errorno) GLenum errorno; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_ERROR), callId, 1, INT2NUM(errorno)); } } #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) static void t_begin_data(type, user_data) GLenum type; void* user_data; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_BEGIN_DATA), callId, 2, INT2NUM(type), user_data); } } static void t_edgeFlag_data(flag, user_data) GLboolean flag; void* user_data; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_EDGE_DATA), callId, 2, INT2NUM(flag), user_data); } } static void t_vertex_data(data, user_data) void* data; void* user_data; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_VERTEX_DATA), callId, 2, data, user_data); } } static void t_end_data(user_data) void* user_data; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_END_DATA), callId, 1, user_data); } } static void t_error_data(errorno, user_data) GLenum errorno; void* user_data; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_ERROR_DATA), callId, 2, INT2NUM(errorno), user_data); } } static void t_combine(coords, vertex_data, weight, outData) GLdouble coords[3]; void* vertex_data[4]; GLfloat weight[4]; void** outData; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; VALUE rb_coord, rb_vertex_data, rb_weight; int i; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_coord = rb_ary_new2(3); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rb_ary_store(rb_coord, i, rb_float_new(coords[i])); rb_vertex_data = rb_ary_new2(4); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) rb_ary_store(rb_vertex_data, i, (VALUE)vertex_data[i]); rb_weight = rb_ary_new2(4); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) rb_ary_store(rb_weight, i, rb_float_new(weight[i])); *outData = (void*)rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_COMBINE), callId, 3, rb_coord, rb_vertex_data, rb_weight); rb_ary_push(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_OUTDATA), (VALUE)*outData); } } static void t_combine_data(coords, vertex_data, weight, outData, user_data) GLdouble coords[3]; void* vertex_data[4]; GLfloat weight[4]; void** outData; void* user_data; { VALUE tess; struct tessdata *tdata; VALUE rb_coord, rb_vertex_data, rb_weight; int i; tess = rb_ary_entry(t_current, -1); if (tess != Qnil) { GetTESS(tess, tdata); rb_coord = rb_ary_new2(3); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) rb_ary_store(rb_coord, i, rb_float_new(coords[i])); rb_vertex_data = rb_ary_new2(4); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) rb_ary_store(rb_vertex_data, i, (VALUE)vertex_data[i]); rb_weight = rb_ary_new2(4); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) rb_ary_store(rb_weight, i, rb_float_new(weight[i])); *outData = (void*)rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_COMBINE_DATA), callId, 4, rb_coord, rb_vertex_data, rb_weight, (VALUE)user_data); rb_ary_push(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_OUTDATA), (VALUE)*outData); } } static VALUE glu_TessProperty(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct tessdata* tdata; GLenum property; GLdouble value; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); property = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); value = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg3); gluTessProperty(tdata->tobj, property, value); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_GetTessProperty(obj, arg1, arg2) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct tessdata* tdata; GLenum property; GLdouble value; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); property = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); gluGetTessProperty(tdata->tobj, property, &value); return rb_float_new(value); } static VALUE glu_TessNormal(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4; { struct tessdata* tdata; GLdouble x, y, z; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); x = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg2); y = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg3); z = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg4); gluTessNormal(tdata->tobj, x, y, z); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_TessBeginPolygon(obj, arg1, arg2) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct tessdata* tdata; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_USERDATA, arg2); rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_OUTDATA, rb_ary_new()); rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_DATA, rb_ary_new()); rb_ary_push(t_current, arg1); gluTessBeginPolygon(tdata->tobj, (void*)arg2); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_TessEndPolygon(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct tessdata* tdata; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); gluTessEndPolygon(tdata->tobj); rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_USERDATA, Qnil); rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_OUTDATA, Qnil); rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_DATA, Qnil); rb_ary_pop(t_current); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_TessBeginContour(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct tessdata* tdata; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); gluTessBeginContour(tdata->tobj); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_TessEndContour(obj, arg1) { struct tessdata* tdata; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); gluTessEndContour(tdata->tobj); return Qnil; } #endif /* GLU_VERSION_1_2 */ static VALUE glu_TessCallback(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3; { struct tessdata* tdata; GLenum type; ID id; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); type = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); id = rb_intern("[]="); if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg3,rb_cProc) && NIL_P(arg3)) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "GLU.TessCallback needs Proc Object:%s",rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(arg3))); switch (type) { #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) case GLU_TESS_BEGIN: #else case GLU_BEGIN: #endif rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_BEGIN, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)(t_begin)); break; #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) case GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG: #else case GLU_EDGE_FLAG: #endif rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_EDGE, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)t_edgeFlag); break; #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) case GLU_TESS_VERTEX: #else case GLU_VERTEX: #endif rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_VERTEX, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)t_vertex); break; #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) case GLU_TESS_END: #else case GLU_END: #endif rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_END, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)t_end); break; #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) case GLU_TESS_ERROR: #else case GLU_ERROR: #endif rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_ERROR, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)t_error); break; #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) case GLU_TESS_COMBINE: rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_COMBINE, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)(t_combine)); break; case GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA: rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_BEGIN_DATA, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)(t_begin_data)); break; case GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA: rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_VERTEX_DATA, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)(t_vertex_data)); break; case GLU_TESS_END_DATA: rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_END_DATA, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)(t_end_data)); break; case GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA: rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_ERROR_DATA, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)(t_error_data)); break; case GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA: rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_EDGE_DATA, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)(t_edgeFlag_data)); break; case GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA: rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_COMBINE_DATA, arg3); if (NIL_P(arg3)) gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, NULL); else gluTessCallback(tdata->tobj, type, (VOIDFUNC)(t_combine_data)); break; #endif /* GLU_VERSION_1_2 */ } return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_BeginPolygon(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct tessdata* tdata; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_DATA, rb_ary_new()); rb_ary_push(t_current, arg1); gluBeginPolygon(tdata->tobj); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_TessVertex(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3; { struct tessdata* tdata; GLdouble v[3]; VALUE call_key; ID id; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); rb_ary_push(rb_ary_entry(tdata->t_ref, TESS_DATA), arg3); ary2cdbl(arg2, v, 3); gluTessVertex(tdata->tobj, v,(void *)arg3); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_NextContour(obj, arg1, arg2) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct tessdata* tdata; GLenum type; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); type = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); gluNextContour(tdata->tobj, type); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_EndPolygon(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct tessdata* tdata; GetTESS(arg1, tdata); gluEndPolygon(tdata->tobj); rb_ary_store(tdata->t_ref, TESS_DATA, Qnil); rb_ary_pop(t_current); return Qnil; } /* * Quadric API */ static void free_quad(qdata) struct quaddata *qdata; { if (qdata->qobj) gluDeleteQuadric(qdata->qobj); qdata->qobj = NULL; } static VALUE glu_NewQuadric(obj) VALUE obj; { VALUE ret; struct quaddata *qdata; ret = Data_Make_Struct(cQuad, struct quaddata, 0, free_quad, qdata); qdata->qobj = gluNewQuadric(); return ret; } static VALUE glu_DeleteQuadric(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { struct quaddata *qdata; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); free_quad(qdata); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_QuadricNormals(obj, arg1, arg2) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct quaddata* qdata; GLenum normals; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); normals = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); gluQuadricNormals(qdata->qobj, normals); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_QuadricTexture(obj, arg1, arg2) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct quaddata* qdata; GLboolean textureCoords; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); textureCoords = (GLboolean)NUM2INT(arg2); gluQuadricTexture(qdata->qobj, textureCoords); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_QuadricOrientation(obj, arg1, arg2) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct quaddata* qdata; GLenum orientation; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); orientation = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); gluQuadricOrientation(qdata->qobj, orientation); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_QuadricDrawStyle(obj, arg1, arg2) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2; { struct quaddata* qdata; GLenum drawStyle; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); drawStyle = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg2); gluQuadricDrawStyle(qdata->qobj, drawStyle); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_Cylinder(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6; { struct quaddata* qdata; GLdouble baseRadius; GLdouble topRadius; GLdouble height; GLint slices; GLint stacks; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); baseRadius = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg2); topRadius = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg3); height = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg4); slices = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg5); stacks = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg6); gluCylinder(qdata->qobj, baseRadius, topRadius, height, slices, stacks); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_Disk(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5; { struct quaddata* qdata; GLdouble innerRadius; GLdouble outerRadius; GLint slices; GLint loops; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); innerRadius = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg2); outerRadius = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg3); slices = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg4); loops = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg5); gluDisk(qdata->qobj, innerRadius, outerRadius, slices, loops); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_PartialDisk(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7; { struct quaddata* qdata; GLdouble innerRadius; GLdouble outerRadius; GLint slices; GLint loops; GLdouble startAngle; GLdouble sweepAngle; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); innerRadius = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg2); outerRadius = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg3); slices = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg4); loops = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg5); startAngle = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg6); sweepAngle = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg7); gluPartialDisk(qdata->qobj, innerRadius, outerRadius, slices, loops, startAngle, sweepAngle); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_Sphere(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4; { struct quaddata* qdata; GLdouble radius; GLint slices; GLint stacks; GetQUAD(arg1, qdata); radius = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg2); slices = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg3); stacks = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg4); gluSphere(qdata->qobj, radius, slices, stacks); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_LookAt(obj,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9) VALUE obj,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9; { GLdouble eyex; GLdouble eyey; GLdouble eyez; GLdouble centerx; GLdouble centery; GLdouble centerz; GLdouble upx; GLdouble upy; GLdouble upz; eyex = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg1); eyey = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg2); eyez = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg3); centerx = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg4); centery = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg5); centerz = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg6); upx = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg7); upy = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg8); upz = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg9); gluLookAt( eyex, eyey, eyez, centerx, centery, centerz, upx, upy, upz ); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_Ortho2D(obj,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) VALUE obj,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4; { GLdouble left; GLdouble right; GLdouble bottom; GLdouble top; left = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg1); right = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg2); bottom = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg3); top = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg4); gluOrtho2D(left,right,bottom,top); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_Perspective(obj,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) VALUE obj,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4; { GLdouble fovy; GLdouble aspect; GLdouble zNear; GLdouble zFar; fovy = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg1); aspect = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg2); zNear = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg3); zFar = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(arg4); gluPerspective(fovy,aspect,zNear,zFar); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_PickMatrix(argc,argv,obj) int argc; VALUE* argv; VALUE obj; { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; GLdouble width; GLdouble height; GLint viewport[4]; VALUE args[5]; switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "23", &args[0], &args[1], &args[2], &args[3], &args[4])) { case 2: width = 5.0f; height = 5.0f; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); break; case 4: width = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[2]); height = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[3]); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); break; case 5: width = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[2]); height = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[3]); ary2cint(args[4], viewport, 4); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "GLU.PickMatrix args len:%d",argc); } x = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[0]); y = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[1]); gluPickMatrix(x, y, width, height, viewport); return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_Project(argc,argv,obj) int argc; VALUE* argv; VALUE obj; { GLdouble ox; GLdouble oy; GLdouble oz; GLdouble mdl_mtx[4*4]; GLdouble prj_mtx[4*4]; GLint vport[4]; GLdouble wx; GLdouble wy; GLdouble wz; VALUE args[6]; VALUE ret; switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "33", &args[0], &args[1], &args[2], &args[3], &args[4], &args[5])) { case 3: glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mdl_mtx); glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, prj_mtx); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vport); break; case 6: ary2cmat4x4dbl(args[3], mdl_mtx); ary2cmat4x4dbl(args[4], prj_mtx); ary2cint(args[5], vport, 4); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "GLU.Project args len:%d",argc); } ox = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[0]); oy = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[1]); oz = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[2]); if (gluProject(ox, oy, oz, mdl_mtx, prj_mtx, vport, &wx, &wy, &wz) == GL_TRUE) { ret = rb_ary_new3(3, rb_float_new(wx), rb_float_new(wy), rb_float_new(wz)); return ret; } else return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_UnProject(argc,argv,obj) int argc; VALUE* argv; VALUE obj; { GLdouble wx; GLdouble wy; GLdouble wz; GLdouble mdl_mtx[4*4]; GLdouble prj_mtx[4*4]; GLint vport[4]; GLdouble ox; GLdouble oy; GLdouble oz; VALUE args[6]; VALUE ret; switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "33", &args[0], &args[1], &args[2], &args[3], &args[4], &args[5])) { case 3: glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, mdl_mtx); glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, prj_mtx); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vport); break; case 6: ary2cmat4x4dbl(args[3], mdl_mtx); ary2cmat4x4dbl(args[4], prj_mtx); ary2cint(args[5], vport, 4); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "GLU.UnProject args len:%d",argc); } wx = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[0]); wy = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[1]); wz = (GLdouble)NUM2DBL(args[2]); if (gluUnProject(wx, wy, wz, mdl_mtx, prj_mtx, vport, &ox, &oy, &oz) == GL_TRUE) { ret = rb_ary_new3(3, rb_float_new(ox), rb_float_new(oy), rb_float_new(oz)); return ret; } else return Qnil; } static VALUE glu_Build2DMipmaps(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7; { GLenum target; GLint components; GLint width; GLint height; GLenum format; GLenum type; void* data; int type_size; int format_size; int size; target = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg1); components = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg2); width = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg3); height = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg4); format = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg5); type = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg6); if (TYPE(arg7) == T_STRING) { type_size = gltype_size(type) / 8; format_size = glformat_size(format); if (type_size == -1 || format_size == -1) return Qnil; size = type_size*format_size*height*width; if (RSTRING(arg7)->len < size) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "string length:%d",RSTRING(arg7)->len); data = RSTRING(arg7)->ptr; } else rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch:%s",rb_class2name(arg7)); return INT2NUM(gluBuild2DMipmaps(target, components, width, height, format, type, data)); } static VALUE glu_ScaleImage(obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) VALUE obj, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8; { GLenum format; GLint widthin; GLint heightin; GLenum typein; void* datain; GLint widthout; GLint heightout; GLenum typeout; int type_size; int format_size; int size; VALUE ret; format = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg1); widthin = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg2); heightin = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg3); typein = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg4); if (TYPE(arg5) == T_STRING) { type_size = gltype_size(typein) / 8; format_size = glformat_size(format); if (type_size == -1 || format_size == -1) return Qnil; size = type_size*format_size*heightin*widthin; if (RSTRING(arg5)->len < size) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "string length:%d",RSTRING(arg5)->len); datain = RSTRING(arg5)->ptr; } else rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "type mismatch:%s",rb_class2name(arg5)); widthout = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg6); heightout = (GLint)NUM2INT(arg7); typeout = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg8); type_size = gltype_size(typeout) / 8; ret = allocate_buffer_with_string(widthout*heightout*format_size*type_size); gluScaleImage(format, widthin, heightin, typein, datain, widthout, heightout, typeout, (GLvoid*)RSTRING(ret)->ptr); return ret; } static VALUE glu_ErrorString(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { GLenum errorCode; GLubyte* error; errorCode = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg1); error = (GLubyte*)gluErrorString(errorCode); if (error) return rb_str_new2(error); else return Qnil; } #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_1) static VALUE glu_GetString(obj, arg1) VALUE obj, arg1; { GLenum name; GLubyte* str; name = (GLenum)NUM2INT(arg1); str = (GLubyte*)gluGetString(name); if (str) return rb_str_new2(str); else return Qnil; } #endif static VALUE module; #ifndef GLU_BEGIN #define GLU_BEGIN 100100 #endif #ifndef GLU_VERTEX #define GLU_VERTEX 100101 #endif #ifndef GLU_END #define GLU_END 100102 #endif #ifndef GLU_EDGE_FLAG #define GLU_EDGE_FLAG 100104 #endif #ifndef GLU_CW #define GLU_CW 100120 #endif #ifndef GLU_CCW #define GLU_CCW 100121 #endif #ifndef GLU_INTERIOR #define GLU_INTERIOR 100122 #endif #ifndef GLU_EXTERIOR #define GLU_EXTERIOR 100123 #endif #ifndef GLU_UNKNOWN #define GLU_UNKNOWN 100124 #endif #ifndef GLU_ERROR #define GLU_ERROR 100103 #endif DLLEXPORT void Init_glu() { callId = rb_intern("call"); refId = rb_intern("[]"); module = rb_define_module("Glu"); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluNewNurbsRenderer", glu_NewNurbsRenderer, 0); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluDeleteNurbsRenderer", glu_DeleteNurbsRenderer, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluNurbsProperty", glu_NurbsProperty, 3); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluGetNurbsProperty", glu_GetNurbsProperty, 2); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluBeginCurve", glu_BeginCurve, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluEndCurve", glu_EndCurve, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluNurbsCurve", glu_NurbsCurve, -1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluBeginSurface", glu_BeginSurface, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluEndSurface", glu_EndSurface, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluNurbsSurface", glu_NurbsSurface, -1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluBeginTrim", glu_BeginTrim, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluEndTrim", glu_EndTrim, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluPwlCurve", glu_PwlCurve, -1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluNewTess", glu_NewTess, 0); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluDeleteTess", glu_DeleteTess, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluTessCallback", glu_TessCallback, 3); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluBeginPolygon", glu_BeginPolygon, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluTessVertex", glu_TessVertex, 3); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluNextContour", glu_NextContour, 2); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluEndPolygon", glu_EndPolygon, 1); #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) rb_define_module_function(module, "gluTessBeginPolygon", glu_TessBeginPolygon, 2); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluTessBeginContour", glu_TessBeginContour, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluTessEndContour", glu_TessEndContour, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluTessEndPolygon", glu_TessEndPolygon, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluTessProperty", glu_TessProperty, 3); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluTessNormal", glu_TessNormal, 4); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluGetTessProperty", glu_GetTessProperty, 2); #endif /* GLU_VERSION_1_2 */ rb_define_module_function(module, "gluNewQuadric", glu_NewQuadric, 0); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluDeleteQuadric", glu_DeleteQuadric, 1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluQuadricNormals", glu_QuadricNormals, 2); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluQuadricTexture", glu_QuadricTexture, 2); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluQuadricOrientation", glu_QuadricOrientation, 2); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluQuadricDrawStyle", glu_QuadricDrawStyle, 2); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluCylinder", glu_Cylinder, 6); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluDisk", glu_Disk, 5); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluPartialDisk", glu_PartialDisk, 7); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluSphere", glu_Sphere, 4); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluLookAt", glu_LookAt, 9); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluOrtho2D", glu_Ortho2D, 4); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluPerspective", glu_Perspective, 4); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluPickMatrix", glu_PickMatrix, -1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluProject", glu_Project, -1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluUnProject", glu_UnProject, -1); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluBuild2DMipmaps", glu_Build2DMipmaps, 7); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluScaleImage", glu_ScaleImage, 8); rb_define_module_function(module, "gluErrorString", glu_ErrorString, 1); #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_1) rb_define_module_function(module, "gluGetString", glu_GetString, 1); #endif rb_define_const(module, "GLU_SMOOTH", INT2NUM(GLU_SMOOTH)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_FLAT", INT2NUM(GLU_FLAT)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NONE", INT2NUM(GLU_NONE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_POINT", INT2NUM(GLU_POINT)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_LINE", INT2NUM(GLU_LINE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_FILL", INT2NUM(GLU_FILL)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_SILHOUETTE", INT2NUM(GLU_SILHOUETTE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_OUTSIDE", INT2NUM(GLU_OUTSIDE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_INSIDE", INT2NUM(GLU_INSIDE)); #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_2) rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_BEGIN", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_BEGIN)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_VERTEX", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_VERTEX)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_END", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_END)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_COMBINE", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_COMBINE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_END_DATA", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_END_DATA)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA)); /* Winding rules */ rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO)); /* Tessellation properties */ rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE)); #endif /* GLU_VERSION_1_2 */ rb_define_const(module, "GLU_BEGIN", INT2NUM(GLU_BEGIN)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_VERTEX", INT2NUM(GLU_VERTEX)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_END", INT2NUM(GLU_END)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_ERROR", INT2NUM(GLU_ERROR)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_EDGE_FLAG", INT2NUM(GLU_EDGE_FLAG)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_CW", INT2NUM(GLU_CW)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_CCW", INT2NUM(GLU_CCW)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_INTERIOR", INT2NUM(GLU_INTERIOR)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_EXTERIOR", INT2NUM(GLU_EXTERIOR)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_UNKNOWN", INT2NUM(GLU_UNKNOWN)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR1", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR1)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR2", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR2)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR3", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR3)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR4", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR4)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR5", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR5)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR6", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR6)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR7", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR7)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR8", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR8)); #if defined(TESS_ERROR9) rb_define_const(module, "GLU_TESS_ERROR9", INT2NUM(GLU_TESS_ERROR9)); #endif #if defined(GLU_VERSION_1_3) rb_define_const(module, "GLU_AUTO_LOAD_MATRIX", INT2NUM(GLU_AUTO_LOAD_MATRIX)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_CULLING", INT2NUM(GLU_CULLING)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE", INT2NUM(GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_DISPLAY_MODE", INT2NUM(GLU_DISPLAY_MODE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_SAMPLING_METHOD", INT2NUM(GLU_SAMPLING_METHOD)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_U_STEP", INT2NUM(GLU_U_STEP)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_V_STEP", INT2NUM(GLU_V_STEP)); #endif rb_define_const(module, "GLU_PATH_LENGTH", INT2NUM(GLU_PATH_LENGTH)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_PARAMETRIC_ERROR", INT2NUM(GLU_PARAMETRIC_ERROR)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_DOMAIN_DISTANCE", INT2NUM(GLU_DOMAIN_DISTANCE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_MAP1_TRIM_2", INT2NUM(GLU_MAP1_TRIM_2)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_MAP1_TRIM_3", INT2NUM(GLU_MAP1_TRIM_3)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_OUTLINE_POLYGON", INT2NUM(GLU_OUTLINE_POLYGON)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_OUTLINE_PATCH", INT2NUM(GLU_OUTLINE_PATCH)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR1", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR1)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR2", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR2)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR3", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR3)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR4", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR4)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR5", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR5)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR6", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR6)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR7", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR7)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR8", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR8)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR9", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR9)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR10", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR10)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR11", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR11)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR12", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR12)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR13", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR13)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR14", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR14)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR15", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR15)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR16", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR16)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR17", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR17)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR18", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR18)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR19", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR19)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR20", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR20)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR21", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR21)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR22", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR22)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR23", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR23)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR24", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR24)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR25", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR25)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR26", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR26)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR27", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR27)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR28", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR28)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR29", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR29)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR30", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR30)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR31", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR31)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR32", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR32)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR33", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR33)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR34", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR34)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR35", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR35)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR36", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR36)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_NURBS_ERROR37", INT2NUM(GLU_NURBS_ERROR37)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_INVALID_ENUM", INT2NUM(GLU_INVALID_ENUM)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_INVALID_VALUE", INT2NUM(GLU_INVALID_VALUE)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY", INT2NUM(GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY)); #ifdef GLU_INCOMPATIBLE_GL_VERSION rb_define_const(module, "GLU_INCOMPATIBLE_GL_VERSION", INT2NUM(GLU_INCOMPATIBLE_GL_VERSION)); #endif rb_define_const(module, "GLU_VERSION", INT2NUM(GLU_VERSION)); rb_define_const(module, "GLU_EXTENSIONS", INT2NUM(GLU_EXTENSIONS)); cNurbs = rb_define_class("Nurbs", rb_cObject); cTess = rb_define_class("Tess", rb_cObject); cQuad = rb_define_class("Quadric", rb_cObject); rb_global_variable(&t_current); t_current = rb_ary_new(); }