using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
namespace SFML
namespace Graphics
/// This class defines a view (position, size, etc.) ;
/// you can consider it as a 2D camera
public class View : ObjectBase
/// Create a default view (1000x1000)
public View() :
/// Construct the view from a rectangle
/// Rectangle defining the position and size of the view
public View(FloatRect viewRect) :
/// Construct the view from its center and size
/// Center of the view
/// Size of the view
public View(Vector2 center, Vector2 size) :
this.Center = center;
this.Size = size;
/// Construct the view from another view
/// View to copy
public View(View copy) :
/// Center of the view
public Vector2 Center
get {return new Vector2(sfView_GetCenterX(This), sfView_GetCenterY(This));}
set {sfView_SetCenter(This, value.X, value.Y);}
/// Half-size of the view
public Vector2 Size
get {return new Vector2(sfView_GetWidth(This), sfView_GetHeight(This));}
set {sfView_SetSize(This, value.X, value.Y);}
/// Rotation of the view, in degrees
public float Rotation
get { return sfView_GetRotation(This); }
set { sfView_SetRotation(This, value); }
/// Target viewport of the view, defined as a factor of the
/// size of the target to which the view is applied
public FloatRect Viewport
get { return sfView_GetViewport(This); }
set { sfView_SetViewport(This, value); }
/// Rebuild the view from a rectangle
/// Rectangle defining the position and size of the view
public void Reset(FloatRect rectangle)
sfView_Reset(This, rectangle);
/// Move the view
/// Offset to move the view
public void Move(Vector2 offset)
sfView_Move(This, offset.X, offset.Y);
/// Rotate the view
/// Angle of rotation, in degrees
public void Rotate(float angle)
sfView_Rotate(This, angle);
/// Resize the view rectangle to simulate a zoom / unzoom effect
/// Zoom factor to apply, relative to the current zoom
public void Zoom(float factor)
sfView_Zoom(This, factor);
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[View]" +
" Center(" + Center + ")" +
" Size(" + Size + ")" +
" Rotation(" + Rotation + ")" +
" Viewport(" + Viewport + ")";
/// Internal constructor for other classes which need to manipulate raw views
/// Direct pointer to the view object in the C library
internal View(IntPtr thisPtr) :
/// Handle the destruction of the object
/// Is the GC disposing the object, or is it an explicit call ?
protected override void Destroy(bool disposing)
#region Imports
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern IntPtr sfView_Create();
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern IntPtr sfView_CreateFromRect(FloatRect Rect);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern IntPtr sfView_Copy(IntPtr View);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_Destroy(IntPtr View);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_SetCenter(IntPtr View, float X, float Y);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_SetSize(IntPtr View, float Width, float Height);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_SetRotation(IntPtr View, float Angle);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_SetViewport(IntPtr View, FloatRect Viewport);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_Reset(IntPtr View, FloatRect Rectangle);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern float sfView_GetCenterX(IntPtr View);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern float sfView_GetCenterY(IntPtr View);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern float sfView_GetWidth(IntPtr View);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern float sfView_GetHeight(IntPtr View);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern float sfView_GetRotation(IntPtr View);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern FloatRect sfView_GetViewport(IntPtr View);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_Move(IntPtr View, float OffsetX, float OffsetY);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_Rotate(IntPtr View, float Angle);
[DllImport("csfml-graphics"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
static extern void sfView_Zoom(IntPtr View, float Factor);