//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Headers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "QSFMLCanvas.hpp" #include <Qt/qapplication.h> #include <Qt/qframe.h> #include <Qt/qlabel.h> #include <Qt/qevent.h> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Custom SFML canvas //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MyCanvas : public QSFMLCanvas { public : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Construct the canvas /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MyCanvas(QWidget* Parent, const QPoint& Position, const QSize& Size) : QSFMLCanvas(Parent, Position, Size) { } private : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /see QSFMLCanvas::OnInit /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void OnInit() { // Load the image myImage.LoadFromFile("datas/qt/sfml.png"); // Setup the sprite mySprite.SetImage(myImage); mySprite.SetOrigin(mySprite.GetSize() / 2.f); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /see QSFMLCanvas::OnUpdate /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void OnUpdate() { sf::Event Event; while (GetEvent(Event)) { // Stick the sprite to the mouse cursor if (Event.Type == sf::Event::MouseMoved) { mySprite.SetPosition(ConvertCoords(Event.MouseMove.X, Event.MouseMove.Y)); } } // Rotate the sprite mySprite.Rotate(GetFrameTime() * 100.f); // Clear the view Clear(sf::Color(0, 128, 0)); // Draw it Draw(mySprite); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Member data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sf::Image myImage; ///< Some image to show sf::Sprite mySprite; ///< A sprite to display the image }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Entry point of application /// /// \return Application exit code /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication App(argc, argv); // Create the main frame QFrame* MainFrame = new QFrame; MainFrame->setWindowTitle("Qt SFML"); MainFrame->resize(400, 400); MainFrame->show(); // Create a label for showing some text QLabel* Label = new QLabel("This is a SFML window\nembedded into a Qt frame :", MainFrame); Label->move(20, 10); Label->setFont(QFont("courier new", 14, 1, false)); Label->show(); // Create a SFML view inside the main frame MyCanvas* SFMLView = new MyCanvas(MainFrame, QPoint(20, 60), QSize(360, 320)); SFMLView->show(); return App.exec(); }