Thanks a lot for making a contribution to SFML! 🙂

Before you create the pull request, we ask you to check the follow boxes. (For small changes not everything needs to ticked, but the more the better!)

* [ ] Has this change been discussed on [the forum]( or in an issue before?
* [ ] Does the code follow the SFML [Code Style Guide](
* [ ] Have you provided some example/test code for your changes?
* [ ] If you have additional steps which need to be performed list them as tasks!


## Description

Please describe your pull request.

This PR is related to the issue #

## Tasks

* [ ] Tested on Linux
* [ ] Tested on Windows
* [ ] Tested on macOS
* [ ] Tested on iOS
* [ ] Tested on Android

## How to test this PR?

Describe how to best test these changes. Please provide a [minimal, complete and verifiable example]( if possible, you can use the follow template as a start:

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1280, 720), "Minimal, complete and verifiable example");

    while (window.isOpen())
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
