*	DSFML - SFML Library wrapper for the D programming language.
*	Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Dagorn (sirjulio13@gmail.com)
*	Copyright (C) 2010 Andreas Hollandt
*	This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
*	implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held
*	liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
*	Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
*	including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
*	it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
*	1.  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
*		you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
*		If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
*		in the product documentation would be appreciated but
*		is not required.
*	2.  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
*		and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
*	3.  This notice may not be removed or altered from any
*		source distribution.

module dsfml.graphics.font;

import	dsfml.system.common,

import	dsfml.graphics.rect,

/// Glyph describes a glyph (a visual character)
struct Glyph
	int			Advance;	/// Offset to move horizontically to the next character
	IntRect		Rectangle;	/// Bounding rectangle of the glyph, in relative coordinates
	FloatRect	TexCoords;	/// Texture coordinates of the glyph inside the bitmap font

*	Font is the low-level class for loading and
*	manipulating character fonts.
class Font : DSFMLObject
	static Font s_default;

	*	Get SFML default built-in font (Arial)
	static Font getDefaultFont()
		if (s_default is null)
			s_default = new Font(sfFont_GetDefaultFont());			
		return s_default;

	*	construct the Font from a file
	*	Params:
	*		filename = font file to load
	this(string filename)
		if (filename is null || filename.length == 0)
			throw new LoadingException("LoadingException : Filename is invalid.");

	*	construct the Font from a file in memory
	*	Params:
	*		data = data to load	
	this(ubyte[] data)
		if (data is null || data.length == 0)
			throw new Exception("LoadingException : Memory stream is invalid.");

		super(sfFont_CreateFromMemory(data.ptr, data.length));

	override void dispose()

	 *	get a glyph in a font
	 *	Params:
	 *	    codePoint = Unicode code point of the character to get
	 *	    charSize = Reference character size
	 *	    bold = Retrieve the bold version or the regular one?
	 *	Returns:
	 *		The glyph corresponding to codePoint and charSize
	Glyph getGlyph(uint codePoint, uint charSize, bool bold)
		return sfFont_GetGlyph(m_ptr, codePoint, charSize, bold);
	 *	Get the kerning offset of two glyphs
	 *	Params:
	 *	    first = Unicode code point of the first character
	 *	    second = Unicode code point of the second character
	 *	    charSize = Reference character size
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Kerning value for first and second, in pixels
	int getKerning(uint first, uint second, uint charSize)
		return sfFont_GetKerning(m_ptr, first, second, charSize);
	 *	Get the vertical offset to apply between two consecutive lines of text.
	 *	Params:
	 *	    charSize = Reference character size
	 *	Returns:
	 *		Line spacing, in pixels
	int getLineSpacing(uint charSize)
		return sfFont_GetLineSpacing(m_ptr, charSize);
	Image getImage(uint charSize)
		return new Image(sfFont_GetImage(m_ptr, charSize));


	this(void* ptr)
		super(ptr, true);

	static extern(C)
		// sfFont
		void*	function()					sfFont_Create;
		void*	function(cchar*)			sfFont_CreateFromFile;
		void*	function(ubyte*, size_t)	sfFont_CreateFromMemory;
		void	function(void*)				sfFont_Destroy;
		void*	function()					sfFont_GetDefaultFont;
		// DSFML2
		Glyph	function(void*, uint, uint, bool)	sfFont_GetGlyph;
		int		function(void*, uint, uint, uint)	sfFont_GetKerning;
		int		function(void*, uint)				sfFont_GetLineSpacing;
		void*	function(void*, uint)				sfFont_GetImage;
	static this()
		DllLoader dll = DllLoader.load("csfml-graphics-d");
		DllLoader dll = DllLoader.load("csfml-graphics");

		// sfFont
		// DSFML2
