*   DSFML - SFML Library binding in D language.
*   Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Dagorn (sirjulio13@gmail.com)
*   This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
*   implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held
*   liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
*   Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
*   including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
*   it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
*   1.  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
*       you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
*       If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
*       in the product documentation would be appreciated but
*       is not required.
*   2.  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
*       and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
*   3.  This notice may not be removed or altered from any
*       source distribution.

module dsfml.graphics.sprite;

import dsfml.graphics.blendmode;
import dsfml.graphics.color;
import dsfml.graphics.drawableimpl;
import dsfml.graphics.image;
import dsfml.graphics.rect;

import dsfml.system.vector2;

*   Sprite defines a sprite : texture, transformations,
*   color, and draw on screen
*   See_Also:
*       IDrawable
class Sprite : Drawableimpl!(sfSprite)
    *   Default constructor

    *   Construct the sprite from a source image
    *   Params: 
    *       img = Image of the sprite
    *       left = Left coordinate of the sprite (0 by default)
    *       top = Top coordinate of the sprite (0 by default)
    *       scaleX = Horizontal scale (1 by default)
    *       scaleY= Vertical scale (1 by default)
    *       rotation = Orientation, in degrees (0 by default)
    *       col = Color of the sprite (white by default)
    this(Image img, float left = 0.f, float top = 0.f, float scaleX = 1.f, float scaleY = 1.f, float rotation = 0.f, Color col = Color.WHITE)
        m_image = img;
        sfSprite_SetImage(m_ptr, img.getNativePointer);

    *   Change the image of the sprite
    *   Params:
    *       img = New image
    void setImage(Image img)
        assert(img !is null, "Trying to set a null image.");
        sfSprite_SetImage(m_ptr, img.getNativePointer);
        m_image = img;

    *   Set the sub-rectangle of a sprite inside the source image.
    *   Params:
    *       rect = New sub-rectangle                   
    void setSubRect(IntRect rect)
        sfIntRect r = rect.toCIntRect();
        sfSprite_SetSubRect(m_ptr, &r);
        m_subRect = rect;

    *   Resize the sprite (by changing its scale factors).
    *   The default size is defined by the subrect
    *   Params:    
    *       width = New width (must be strictly positive)
    *       height = New height (must be strictly positive)
    void resize(float width, float height)
        if (width > 0 && height > 0)
            sfSprite_Resize(m_ptr, width, height);

    *   Resize the sprite (by changing its scale factors).
    *   The default size is defined by the subrect
    *   Params:    
    *       size = New size (both coordinates must be strictly positive)
    void resize(Vector2f size)
        if (size.x > 0 && size.y > 0)
            sfSprite_Resize(m_ptr, size.x, size.y);

    *   Flip the sprite horizontally
    *   Params: 
    *       flipped = True to flip the sprite
    void flipX(bool flipped)
        sfSprite_FlipX(m_ptr, flipped);

    *   Flip the sprite vertically
    *   Params: 
    *       flipped = True to flip the sprite
    void flipY(bool flipped)
        sfSprite_FlipY(m_ptr, flipped);

    *   Get the source image of the sprite
    *   Returns: 
    *       Pointer to the image (can be NULL)
    Image getImage()
        return m_image;

    *   Get the sub-rectangle of the sprite inside the source image
    *   Returns:
    *       Sub-rectangle            
    IntRect getSubRect()
        if (m_subRect is null)
            m_subRect = new IntRect(0, 0, m_image.getWidth(), m_image.getHeight());
        return m_subRect;

    *   Get the sprite size
    *   Returns: 
    *       Size of the sprite
    Vector2f getSize()
        return Vector2f(sfSprite_GetWidth(m_ptr), sfSprite_GetHeight(m_ptr));

    *   Get the color of a given pixel in the sprite
    *   Params:
    *       x = X coordinate 
    *       y = Y coordinate
    *   Returns:
    *       Color of pixel             
    Color getPixel(uint x, uint y)
        return sfSprite_GetPixel(m_ptr, x, y);

    Image m_image;      //< Image used to draw the sprite
    IntRect m_subRect;    //< Sub-rectangle of source image to assign to the sprite
    extern (C)
        typedef void function(void*, void*) pf_sfSprite_SetImage;
    	typedef void function(void*, sfIntRect*) pf_sfSprite_SetSubRect;
    	typedef void function(void*, float, float) pf_sfSprite_Resize;
    	typedef void function(void*, int) pf_sfSprite_FlipX;
    	typedef void function(void*, int) pf_sfSprite_FlipY;
    	typedef void* function(void*) pf_sfSprite_GetImage;
    	typedef void* function(void*) pf_sfSprite_GetSubRect;
    	typedef float function(void*) pf_sfSprite_GetWidth;
    	typedef float function(void*) pf_sfSprite_GetHeight;
    	typedef Color function(void*, uint, uint) pf_sfSprite_GetPixel;
    	static pf_sfSprite_SetImage sfSprite_SetImage;
    	static pf_sfSprite_SetSubRect sfSprite_SetSubRect;
    	static pf_sfSprite_Resize sfSprite_Resize;
    	static pf_sfSprite_FlipX sfSprite_FlipX;
    	static pf_sfSprite_FlipY sfSprite_FlipY;
    	static pf_sfSprite_GetImage sfSprite_GetImage;
    	static pf_sfSprite_GetSubRect sfSprite_GetSubRect;
    	static pf_sfSprite_GetWidth sfSprite_GetWidth;
    	static pf_sfSprite_GetHeight sfSprite_GetHeight;
    	static pf_sfSprite_GetPixel sfSprite_GetPixel;

    static this()
        DllLoader dll = DllLoader.load("csfml-graphics");
        sfSprite_SetImage = cast(pf_sfSprite_SetImage)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_SetImage");
        sfSprite_SetSubRect = cast(pf_sfSprite_SetSubRect)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_SetSubRect");
        sfSprite_Resize = cast(pf_sfSprite_Resize)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_Resize");
        sfSprite_FlipX = cast(pf_sfSprite_FlipX)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_FlipX");
        sfSprite_FlipY = cast(pf_sfSprite_FlipY)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_FlipY");
        sfSprite_GetImage = cast(pf_sfSprite_GetImage)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_GetImage");
        sfSprite_GetSubRect = cast(pf_sfSprite_GetSubRect)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_GetSubRect");
        sfSprite_GetWidth = cast(pf_sfSprite_GetWidth)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_GetWidth");
        sfSprite_GetHeight = cast(pf_sfSprite_GetHeight)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_GetHeight");
        sfSprite_GetPixel = cast(pf_sfSprite_GetPixel)dll.getSymbol("sfSprite_GetPixel");