module dflsample; import dsfml.system.all; import dsfml.window.all; // DFL and Derelict must be present. import dfl.all; import; import Derelict.opengl.glu; // An enum for each controls methods enum ControlMethod { MOUSE, KEYBOARD } void main() { DerelictGL.load(); DerelictGLU.load(); //Start the message loop MyForm()); } //A simple form with a groupbox to choose input method and the openGL control class MyForm : Form { GLControl m_gl; GroupBox m_gbx; RadioButton m_rb1; RadioButton m_rb2; this() { m_gbx = new GroupBox(); m_gbx.dock = DockStyle.TOP; m_gbx.height = 40; m_gbx.text = "Choose your input"; this.controls.add(m_gbx); m_rb1 = new RadioButton(); m_rb1.text = "Mouse"; m_rb1.location = Point(10, 15); m_rb1.checked = true; ~= &radioButtonClick; m_gbx.controls.add(m_rb1); m_rb2 = new RadioButton(); m_rb2.text = "Keyboard"; m_rb2.location = Point(m_rb1.width + 10, 15); ~= &radioButtonClick; m_gbx.controls.add(m_rb2); m_gl = new GLControl(); m_gl.dock = DockStyle.FILL; m_gl.controlMethod = ControlMethod.MOUSE; this.controls.add(m_gl); this.text = "DFL Opengl Integration Sample"; } private void radioButtonClick(Control c, EventArgs ea) { m_gl.controlMethod(c.text == "Mouse" ? ControlMethod.MOUSE : ControlMethod.KEYBOARD); m_gl.focus(); } } //Our OpenGL control class GLControl : Control { Window m_win; Input i; Timer m_timer; GLfloat rotx = 0.f, roty = 0.f; ControlMethod m_method = ControlMethod.MOUSE; this () { super(); this.setStyle(ControlStyles.SELECTABLE | ControlStyles.ALL_PAINTING_IN_WM_PAINT | ControlStyles.WANT_ALL_KEYS, true); //We set a timer to ensure periodic refresh of the window m_timer = new Timer(); m_timer.interval(10); m_timer.tick ~= &this.onTick; } public void controlMethod(ControlMethod m) { m_method = m; } //Override of the onHandleCreated method of Control //integration of DSFML window in a control need a valid handle protected void onHandleCreated(EventArgs ea) { super.onHandleCreated(ea); //Construction of the window m_win = new Window(cast(WindowHandle)this.handle); //Get the input for further use i = m_win.getInput(); //Now that the Window is instanciated, we can start the timer. m_timer.start(); //Some opengl initializations functions glClearDepth(1.f); glClearColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(90.f, 1.f, 1.f, 500.f); } //We handle Mouse leaving and entering the control to hide or show the cursor protected void onMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs mea) { super.onMouseEnter(mea); Cursor.current.hide(); } protected void onMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs mea) { super.onMouseLeave(mea);; } //If the window is resize, we need to modify openGL view protected void onResize(EventArgs ea) { super.onResize(ea); glViewport(0, 0, this.width, this.height); } protected void onTick(Timer t, EventArgs ea) { draw(); } protected void onPaint(PaintEventArgs pea) { super.onPaint(pea); draw(); } private void handleKeys() { if (i.isKeyDown(KeyCode.UP)) rotx += 1.f; if (i.isKeyDown(KeyCode.DOWN)) rotx += -1.f; if (i.isKeyDown(KeyCode.LEFT)) roty += -1.f; if (i.isKeyDown(KeyCode.RIGHT)) roty += 1.f; } private void handleMousePos() { rotx = i.getMouseY() - (this.height / 2.0); roty = i.getMouseX() - (this.width / 2.0); } private void draw() { if (m_method == ControlMethod.KEYBOARD) handleKeys(); else handleMousePos(); m_win.setActive(true); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(0.f, 0.f, -200.f); glRotatef(rotx, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f); glRotatef(roty, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, -50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, 50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f( 50.f, 50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f( 50.f, -50.f, -50.f); glColor3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, -50.f, 50.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, 50.f, 50.f); glVertex3f( 50.f, 50.f, 50.f); glVertex3f( 50.f, -50.f, 50.f); glColor3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, -50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, 50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, 50.f, 50.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, -50.f, 50.f); glColor3f(1.f, 1.f, 0.f); glVertex3f(50.f, -50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f(50.f, 50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f(50.f, 50.f, 50.f); glVertex3f(50.f, -50.f, 50.f); glColor3f(1.f, 0.f, 1.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, -50.f, 50.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, -50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f( 50.f, -50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f( 50.f, -50.f, 50.f); glColor3f(0.f, 1.f, 1.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, 50.f, 50.f); glVertex3f(-50.f, 50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f( 50.f, 50.f, -50.f); glVertex3f( 50.f, 50.f, 50.f); glEnd(); m_win.display(); } }