/* rbSFML - Copyright (c) 2010 Henrik Valter Vogelius Hansson - groogy@groogy.se * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or * implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held * liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute * it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; * you must not claim that you wrote the original software. * If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment * in the product documentation would be appreciated but * is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, * and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any * source distribution. */ #include "Image.hpp" #include "Color.hpp" #include "Rect.hpp" #include "main.hpp" #include #include VALUE globalImageClass; /* External classes */ extern VALUE globalColorClass; extern VALUE globalRectClass; /* Free a heap allocated object * Not accessible trough ruby directly! */ static void Image_Free( sf::Image *anObject ) { delete anObject; } static VALUE Image_LoadFromFile( VALUE self, VALUE aFileName ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); if( object->LoadFromFile( rb_string_value_cstr( &aFileName ) ) == true ) { return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } static VALUE Image_LoadFromPixels( VALUE self, VALUE aWidth, VALUE aHeight, VALUE somePixels ) { const unsigned int rawWidth = FIX2UINT( aWidth ); const unsigned int rawHeight = FIX2UINT( aHeight ); VALIDATE_CLASS( somePixels, rb_cArray, "pixels" ); const unsigned long dataSize = rawWidth * rawHeight * 4; sf::Uint8 * const tempData = new sf::Uint8[dataSize]; VALUE pixels = rb_funcall( somePixels, rb_intern("flatten"), 0 ); for(unsigned long index = 0; index < dataSize; index++) { sf::Uint8 val = NUM2CHR( rb_ary_entry( pixels, index ) ); tempData[index] = val; } sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); bool result = object->LoadFromPixels( rawWidth, rawHeight, tempData ); delete[] tempData; if( result == true ) { return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } static VALUE Image_SaveToFile( VALUE self, VALUE aFileName ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); if( object->SaveToFile( rb_string_value_cstr( &aFileName ) ) == true ) { return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } static VALUE Image_Create( int argc, VALUE *args, VALUE self ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); unsigned int width = 0; unsigned int height = 0; VALUE rubyColor = Qnil; sf::Color color; switch( argc ) { case 3: rubyColor = Color_ForceType( args[2] ); color.r = FIX2INT( Color_GetR( rubyColor ) ); color.g = FIX2INT( Color_GetG( rubyColor ) ); color.b = FIX2INT( Color_GetB( rubyColor ) ); color.a = FIX2INT( Color_GetA( rubyColor ) ); case 2: width = FIX2UINT( args[0] ); height = FIX2UINT( args[1] ); break; default: rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Expected 2 or 3 arguments but was given %d", argc ); } return ( object->Create( width, height, color ) == true ? Qtrue : Qfalse ); } static VALUE Image_CreateMaskFromColor( int argc, VALUE *args, VALUE self ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); sf::Uint8 alpha = 0; VALUE rubyColor = Qnil; sf::Color color; switch( argc ) { case 2: alpha = FIX2UINT( alpha ); case 1: rubyColor = Color_ForceType( args[0] ); color.r = FIX2INT( Color_GetR( rubyColor ) ); color.g = FIX2INT( Color_GetG( rubyColor ) ); color.b = FIX2INT( Color_GetB( rubyColor ) ); color.a = FIX2INT( Color_GetA( rubyColor ) ); break; default: rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Expected 1 or 2 arguments but was given %d", argc ); } object->CreateMaskFromColor( color, alpha ); return Qnil; } static VALUE Image_Copy( int argc, VALUE *args, VALUE self ) { sf::Image *source; unsigned int destX = 0; unsigned int destY = 0; sf::IntRect sourceRect = sf::IntRect(0, 0, 0, 0); VALUE rubySourceRect = Qnil; bool applyAlpha = false; switch( argc ) { case 5: if( args[4] == Qtrue ) { applyAlpha = true; } else if( args[4] == Qfalse ) { applyAlpha = false; } else { VALIDATE_CLASS( args[4], rb_cTrueClass, "applyAlpha" ); } case 4: rubySourceRect = Rect_ForceType( args[3] ); sourceRect.Left = FIX2INT( Rect_GetLeft( rubySourceRect ) ); sourceRect.Top = FIX2INT( Rect_GetTop( rubySourceRect ) ); sourceRect.Width = FIX2INT( Rect_GetWidth( rubySourceRect ) ); sourceRect.Height = FIX2INT( Rect_GetHeight( rubySourceRect ) ); case 3: VALIDATE_CLASS( args[0], globalImageClass, "source" ); Data_Get_Struct( args[0], sf::Image, source ); destX = FIX2UINT( args[1] ); destX = FIX2UINT( args[2] ); break; default: rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Expected 3..5 arguments but was given %d", argc ); } sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); object->Copy( *source, destX, destY, sourceRect, applyAlpha ); return Qnil; } static VALUE Image_CopyScreen( int argc, VALUE *args, VALUE self ) { sf::RenderWindow *source; sf::IntRect sourceRect = sf::IntRect(0, 0, 0, 0); VALUE rubySourceRect = Qnil; switch( argc ) { case 2: rubySourceRect = Rect_ForceType( args[3] ); sourceRect.Left = FIX2INT( Rect_GetLeft( rubySourceRect ) ); sourceRect.Top = FIX2INT( Rect_GetTop( rubySourceRect ) ); sourceRect.Width = FIX2INT( Rect_GetWidth( rubySourceRect ) ); sourceRect.Height = FIX2INT( Rect_GetHeight( rubySourceRect ) ); case 1: VALIDATE_CLASS( args[0], globalImageClass, "source" ); Data_Get_Struct( args[0], sf::RenderWindow, source ); break; default: rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Expected 1 or 2 arguments but was given %d", argc ); } sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); if( object->CopyScreen( *source, sourceRect ) == true ) { return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } static VALUE Image_SetPixel( VALUE self, VALUE aX, VALUE aY, VALUE aColor ) { VALUE rbColor = Color_ForceType( aColor ); sf::Color color; color.r = FIX2INT( Color_GetR( rbColor ) ); color.g = FIX2INT( Color_GetG( rbColor ) ); color.b = FIX2INT( Color_GetB( rbColor ) ); color.a = FIX2INT( Color_GetA( rbColor ) ); sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); object->SetPixel( FIX2INT( aX ), FIX2INT( aY ), color ); return Qnil; } static VALUE Image_GetPixel( VALUE self, VALUE aX, VALUE aY ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); const sf::Color color = object->GetPixel( FIX2INT( aX ), FIX2INT( aY ) ); return rb_funcall( globalColorClass, rb_intern( "new" ), 4, INT2FIX( color.r ), INT2FIX( color.g ), INT2FIX( color.b ), INT2FIX( color.a ) ); } static VALUE Image_GetPixelsPtr( VALUE self ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); const unsigned int rawWidth = object->GetWidth(); const unsigned int rawHeight = object->GetHeight(); const unsigned long dataSize = rawWidth * rawHeight * 4; VALUE pixels = rb_ary_new2( dataSize ); const sf::Uint8 *const pixelPointer = object->GetPixelsPtr(); for(unsigned long index = 0; index < dataSize; index++) { rb_ary_store( pixels, index, CHR2FIX( pixelPointer[index] ) ); } return pixels; } static VALUE Image_UpdatePixels( int argc, VALUE *args, VALUE self ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); VALUE somePixels = Qnil; VALUE aRectangle = Qnil; sf::IntRect rectangle = sf::IntRect(0, 0, object->GetWidth(), object->GetHeight() ); switch( argc ) { case 2: aRectangle = Rect_ForceType( args[1] ); rectangle.Left = FIX2INT( Rect_GetLeft( aRectangle ) ); rectangle.Top = FIX2INT( Rect_GetTop( aRectangle ) ); rectangle.Width = FIX2INT( Rect_GetWidth( aRectangle ) ); rectangle.Height = FIX2INT( Rect_GetHeight( aRectangle ) ); case 1: VALIDATE_CLASS( args[0], rb_cArray, "pixels" ); somePixels = args[0]; break; default: rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "Expected 1 or 2 arguments but was given %d", argc ); } const unsigned int rawWidth = FIX2UINT( rectangle.Width ); const unsigned int rawHeight = FIX2UINT( rectangle.Height ); const unsigned long dataSize = rawWidth * rawHeight * 4; sf::Uint8 * const tempData = new sf::Uint8[dataSize]; VALUE pixels = rb_funcall( somePixels, rb_intern("flatten"), 0 ); for(unsigned long index = 0; index < dataSize; index++) { sf::Uint8 val = NUM2CHR( rb_ary_entry( pixels, index ) ); tempData[index] = val; } object->UpdatePixels( tempData, rectangle ); delete[] tempData; return Qnil; } static VALUE Image_Bind( VALUE self ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); object->Bind(); return Qnil; } static VALUE Image_SetSmooth( VALUE self, VALUE aSmoothFlag ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); if( aSmoothFlag == Qtrue ) { object->SetSmooth( true ); } else if( aSmoothFlag == Qfalse ) { object->SetSmooth( false ); } else { VALIDATE_CLASS( aSmoothFlag, rb_cTrueClass, "smoothFlag" ); } return Qnil; } static VALUE Image_IsSmooth( VALUE self ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); return ( object->IsSmooth() == true ? Qtrue : Qfalse ); } static VALUE Image_GetWidth( VALUE self ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); return INT2FIX( object->GetWidth() ); } static VALUE Image_GetHeight( VALUE self ) { sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); return INT2FIX( object->GetHeight() ); } static VALUE Image_GetTexCoords( VALUE self, VALUE aRectangle ) { VALUE rubyRectangle = Rect_ForceType( aRectangle ); sf::IntRect rectangle; rectangle.Left = FIX2INT( Rect_GetLeft( aRectangle ) ); rectangle.Top = FIX2INT( Rect_GetTop( aRectangle ) ); rectangle.Width = FIX2INT( Rect_GetWidth( aRectangle ) ); rectangle.Height = FIX2INT( Rect_GetHeight( aRectangle ) ); sf::Image *object = NULL; Data_Get_Struct( self, sf::Image, object ); sf::FloatRect result = object->GetTexCoords( rectangle ); return rb_funcall( globalRectClass, rb_intern( "new" ), 4, rb_float_new( result.Left ), rb_float_new( result.Top ), rb_float_new( result.Width ), rb_float_new( result.Height ) ); } /* call-seq: * Image.new() -> image * * The clock starts automatically after being constructed. */ static VALUE Image_New( VALUE aKlass ) { sf::Image *object = new sf::Image(); VALUE rbData = Data_Wrap_Struct( aKlass, 0, Image_Free, object ); rb_obj_call_init( rbData, 0, 0 ); return rbData; } void Init_Image( void ) { /* SFML namespace which contains the classes of this module. */ VALUE sfml = rb_define_module( "SFML" ); /* Class for loading, manipulating and saving images. * * SFML::Image is an abstraction to manipulate images as bidimensional arrays of pixels. * * The class provides functions to load, read, write and save pixels, as well as many other useful functions to... * * SFML::Image can handle a unique internal representation of pixels, which is RGBA 32 bits. This means that a pixel * must be composed of 8 bits red, green, blue and alpha channels -- just like a SFML::Color. All the functions that * return an array of pixels follow this rule, and all parameters that you pass to sf::Image functions (such as * loadFromPixels or updatePixels) must use this representation as well. * * A SFML::Image can be copied, but it is a heavy resource and if possible you should always use [const] references * to pass or return them to avoid useless copies. * * Usage example: * * # Load an image file * background = SFML::Image.new; * if background.loadFromFile( "background.jpg" ) == false * # Error * end * * # Create a 20x20 image filled with black color * image = SFML::Image.new; * if image.create( 20, 20, SFML::Color::Black ) == false * # Error * end * * # Copy image1 on image2 at position (10, 10) * image.copy( background, 10, 10 ) * * # Make the top-left pixel transparent * color = image.getPixel( 0, 0 ) * color.a = 0 * image.setPixel( 0, 0, color ) * * # Save the image to a file * if image.saveToFile( "result.png" ) == false * # Error * end */ globalImageClass = rb_define_class_under( sfml, "Image", rb_cObject ); // Class methods rb_define_singleton_method( globalImageClass, "new", Image_New, 0 ); // Instance methods // Aliases }