LaurentGom 0e2297af28 Moved all bindings to the "bindings" sub-directory
Renamed the CSFML directory to c
Renamed the DSFML directory to d
--> bindings must now be updated to match the new organization!

git-svn-id: 4e206d99-4929-0410-ac5d-dfc041789085
2010-11-09 17:13:17 +00:00

465 lines
17 KiB

// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
// Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Laurent Gomila (
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef SFML_SHAPE_H
#define SFML_SHAPE_H
// Headers
#include <SFML/Config.h>
#include <SFML/Graphics/BlendMode.h>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Color.h>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Types.h>
/// Create a new shape
/// \return A new sfShape object, or NULL if it failed
CSFML_API sfShape* sfShape_Create(void);
/// Create a new shape made of a single line
/// \param p1x, p1y : Position of the first point
/// \param p2x, p2y : Position second point
/// \param thickness : Line thickness
/// \param color : Color used to draw the line
/// \param outline : Outline width
/// \param outlineColor : Color used to draw the outline
CSFML_API sfShape* sfShape_CreateLine(float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y, float thickness, sfColor color, float outline, sfColor outlineColor);
/// Create a new shape made of a single rectangle
/// \param left, top : Top-left corner of the rectangle
/// \param width, height : Size of the rectangle
/// \param color : Color used to fill the rectangle
/// \param outline : Outline width
/// \param outlineColor : Color used to draw the outline
CSFML_API sfShape* sfShape_CreateRectangle(float left, float top, float width, float height, sfColor color, float outline, sfColor outlineColor);
/// Create a new shape made of a single circle
/// \param x, y : Position of the center
/// \param radius : Radius
/// \param color : Color used to fill the circle
/// \param outline : Outline width
/// \param outlineColor : Color used to draw the outline
CSFML_API sfShape* sfShape_CreateCircle(float x, float y, float radius, sfColor color, float outline, sfColor outlineColor);
/// Copy an existing shape
/// \param shape : Shape to copy
/// \return Copied object
CSFML_API sfShape* sfShape_Copy(sfShape* shape);
/// Destroy an existing Shape
/// \param Shape : Shape to delete
CSFML_API void sfShape_Destroy(sfShape* shape);
/// Set the X position of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param x : New X coordinate
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetX(sfShape* shape, float x);
/// Set the Y position of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param y : New Y coordinate
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetY(sfShape* shape, float y);
/// Set the position of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param x : New X coordinate
/// \param y : New Y coordinate
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetPosition(sfShape* shape, float x, float y);
/// Set the horizontal scale of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param scale : New scale (must be strictly positive)
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetScaleX(sfShape* shape, float scale);
/// Set the vertical scale of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param scale : New scale (must be strictly positive)
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetScaleY(sfShape* shape, float scale);
/// Set the scale of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param scaleX : New horizontal scale (must be strictly positive)
/// \param scaleY : New vertical scale (must be strictly positive)
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetScale(sfShape* shape, float scaleX, float scaleY);
/// Set the orientation of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param rotation : Angle of rotation, in degrees
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetRotation(sfShape* shape, float rotation);
/// Set the local origin of a shape, in coordinates relative to
/// its left-top corner
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param x : X coordinate of the origin
/// \param y : Y coordinate of the origin
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetOrigin(sfShape* shape, float x, float y);
/// Set the color of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param color : New color
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetColor(sfShape* shape, sfColor color);
/// Set the blending mode for a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param mode : New blending mode
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetBlendMode(sfShape* shape, sfBlendMode mode);
/// Get the X position of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current X position
CSFML_API float sfShape_GetX(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the Y position of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current Y position
CSFML_API float sfShape_GetY(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the horizontal scale of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current X scale factor (always positive)
CSFML_API float sfShape_GetScaleX(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the vertical scale of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current Y scale factor (always positive)
CSFML_API float sfShape_GetScaleY(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the orientation of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current rotation, in degrees
CSFML_API float sfShape_GetRotation(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the X position of the origin a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current X origin
CSFML_API float sfShape_GetOriginX(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the Y position of the origin a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current Y origin
CSFML_API float sfShape_GetOriginY(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the color of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current color
CSFML_API sfColor sfShape_GetColor(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the current blending mode of a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Current blending mode
CSFML_API sfBlendMode sfShape_GetBlendMode(const sfShape* shape);
/// Move a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param offsetX : Offset on the X axis
/// \param offsetY : Offset on the Y axis
CSFML_API void sfShape_Move(sfShape* shape, float offsetX, float offsetY);
/// Scale a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param factorX : Horizontal scaling factor (must be strictly positive)
/// \param factorY : Vertical scaling factor (must be strictly positive)
CSFML_API void sfShape_Scale(sfShape* shape, float factorX, float factorY);
/// Rotate a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param angle : Angle of rotation, in degrees
CSFML_API void sfShape_Rotate(sfShape* shape, float angle);
/// Transform a point from global coordinates into the shape's local coordinates
/// (ie it applies the inverse of object's origin, translation, rotation and scale to the point)
/// \param shape : Shape object
/// \param pointX : X coordinate of the point to transform
/// \param pointY : Y coordinate of the point to transform
/// \param x : Value to fill with the X coordinate of the converted point
/// \param y : Value to fill with the y coordinate of the converted point
CSFML_API void sfShape_TransformToLocal(const sfShape* shape, float pointX, float pointY, float* x, float* y);
/// Transform a point from the shape's local coordinates into global coordinates
/// (ie it applies the object's origin, translation, rotation and scale to the point)
/// \param shape : Shape object
/// \param pointX : X coordinate of the point to transform
/// \param pointY : Y coordinate of the point to transform
/// \param x : Value to fill with the X coordinate of the converted point
/// \param y : Value to fill with the y coordinate of the converted point
CSFML_API void sfShape_TransformToGlobal(const sfShape* shape, float pointX, float pointY, float* x, float* y);
/// Add a point to a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param x, y : Position of the point
/// \param color : Color of the point
/// \param outlineColor : Outline color of the point
CSFML_API void sfShape_AddPoint(sfShape* shape, float x, float y, sfColor color, sfColor outlineColor);
/// Enable or disable filling a shape.
/// Fill is enabled by default
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param enable : True to enable, false to disable
CSFML_API void sfShape_EnableFill(sfShape* shape, sfBool enable);
/// Enable or disable drawing a shape outline.
/// Outline is enabled by default
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param enable : True to enable, false to disable
CSFML_API void sfShape_EnableOutline(sfShape* shape, sfBool enable);
/// Change the width of a shape outline
/// \param shape : Shape to modify
/// \param width : New width
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetOutlineWidth(sfShape* shape, float width);
/// Get the width of a shape outline
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \param return Current outline width
CSFML_API float sfShape_GetOutlineWidth(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get the number of points composing a shape
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \return Total number of points
CSFML_API unsigned int sfShape_GetPointsCount(const sfShape* shape);
/// Get a the position of a shape's point
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \param index : Index of the point to get
/// \param x : Variable to fill with the X coordinate of the point
/// \param y : Variable to fill with the Y coordinate of the point
CSFML_API void sfShape_GetPointPosition(const sfShape* shape, unsigned int index, float* x, float* y);
/// Get a the color of a shape's point
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \param index : Index of the point to get
/// \return Color of the point
CSFML_API sfColor sfShape_GetPointColor(const sfShape* shape, unsigned int index);
/// Get a the outline color of a shape's point
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \param index : Index of the point to get
/// \return Outline color of the point
CSFML_API sfColor sfShape_GetPointOutlineColor(const sfShape* shape, unsigned int index);
/// Set a the position of a shape's point
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \param index : Index of the point to get
/// \param x : X coordinate of the point
/// \param y : Y coordinate of the point
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetPointPosition(sfShape* shape, unsigned int index, float x, float y);
/// Set a the color of a shape's point
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \param index : Index of the point to get
/// \param color : Color of the point
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetPointColor(sfShape* shape, unsigned int index, sfColor color);
/// Set a the outline color of a shape's point
/// \param shape : Shape to read
/// \param index : Index of the point to get
/// \param color : Outline color of the point
CSFML_API void sfShape_SetPointOutlineColor(sfShape* shape, unsigned int index, sfColor color);
#endif // SFML_SHAPE_H