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// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
// Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org)
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#pragma once
// Headers
#include <SFML/Graphics/Export.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Color.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Rect.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
namespace sf
class InputStream;
/// \brief Class for loading, manipulating and saving images
/// \brief Create the image and fill it with a unique color
/// \param size Width and height of the image
/// \param color Fill color
void create(const Vector2u& size, const Color& color = Color::Black);
/// \brief Create the image from an array of pixels
/// The \a pixel array is assumed to contain 32-bits RGBA pixels,
/// and have the given \a width and \a height. If not, this is
/// an undefined behavior.
/// If \a pixels is null, an empty image is created.
/// \param size Width and height of the image
/// \param pixels Array of pixels to copy to the image
void create(const Vector2u& size, const std::uint8_t* pixels);
/// \brief Load the image from a file on disk
/// The supported image formats are bmp, png, tga, jpg, gif,
/// psd, hdr, pic and pnm. Some format options are not supported,
/// like jpeg with arithmetic coding or ASCII pnm.
/// If this function fails, the image is left unchanged.
/// \param filename Path of the image file to load
/// \return True if loading was successful
/// \see loadFromMemory, loadFromStream, saveToFile
[[nodiscard]] bool loadFromFile(const std::filesystem::path& filename);
/// \brief Load the image from a file in memory
/// The supported image formats are bmp, png, tga, jpg, gif,
/// psd, hdr, pic and pnm. Some format options are not supported,
/// like jpeg with arithmetic coding or ASCII pnm.
/// If this function fails, the image is left unchanged.
/// \param data Pointer to the file data in memory
/// \param size Size of the data to load, in bytes
/// \return True if loading was successful
/// \see loadFromFile, loadFromStream
[[nodiscard]] bool loadFromMemory(const void* data, std::size_t size);
/// \brief Load the image from a custom stream
/// The supported image formats are bmp, png, tga, jpg, gif,
/// psd, hdr, pic and pnm. Some format options are not supported,
/// like jpeg with arithmetic coding or ASCII pnm.
/// If this function fails, the image is left unchanged.
/// \param stream Source stream to read from
/// \return True if loading was successful
/// \see loadFromFile, loadFromMemory
[[nodiscard]] bool loadFromStream(InputStream& stream);
/// \brief Save the image to a file on disk
/// The format of the image is automatically deduced from
/// the extension. The supported image formats are bmp, png,
/// tga and jpg. The destination file is overwritten
/// if it already exists. This function fails if the image is empty.
/// \param filename Path of the file to save
/// \return True if saving was successful
/// \see create, loadFromFile, loadFromMemory
[[nodiscard]] bool saveToFile(const std::filesystem::path& filename) const;
/// \brief Save the image to a buffer in memory
/// The format of the image must be specified.
/// The supported image formats are bmp, png, tga and jpg.
/// This function fails if the image is empty, or if
/// the format was invalid.
/// \param output Buffer to fill with encoded data
/// \param format Encoding format to use
/// \return True if saving was successful
/// \see create, loadFromFile, loadFromMemory, saveToFile
[[nodiscard]] bool saveToMemory(std::vector<std::uint8_t>& output, std::string_view format) const;
/// \brief Return the size (width and height) of the image
/// \return Size of the image, in pixels
Vector2u getSize() const;
/// \brief Create a transparency mask from a specified color-key
/// This function sets the alpha value of every pixel matching
/// the given color to \a alpha (0 by default), so that they
/// become transparent.
/// \param color Color to make transparent
/// \param alpha Alpha value to assign to transparent pixels
void createMaskFromColor(const Color& color, std::uint8_t alpha = 0);
/// \brief Copy pixels from another image onto this one
/// This function does a slow pixel copy and should not be
/// used intensively. It can be used to prepare a complex
/// static image from several others, but if you need this
/// kind of feature in real-time you'd better use sf::RenderTexture.
/// If \a sourceRect is empty, the whole image is copied.
/// If \a applyAlpha is set to true, alpha blending is
/// applied from the source pixels to the destination pixels
/// using the \b over operator. If it is false, the source
/// pixels are copied unchanged with their alpha value.
/// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing for
/// details on the \b over operator.
/// Note that this function can fail if either image is invalid
/// (i.e. zero-sized width or height), or if \a sourceRect is
/// not within the boundaries of the \a source parameter, or
/// if the destination area is out of the boundaries of this image.
/// On failure, the destination image is left unchanged.
/// \param source Source image to copy
/// \param dest Coordinates of the destination position
/// \param sourceRect Sub-rectangle of the source image to copy
/// \param applyAlpha Should the copy take into account the source transparency?
/// \return True if the operation was successful, false otherwise
[[nodiscard]] bool copy(const Image& source,
const Vector2u& dest,
const IntRect& sourceRect = IntRect({0, 0}, {0, 0}),
bool applyAlpha = false);
/// \brief Change the color of a pixel
/// This function doesn't check the validity of the pixel
/// coordinates, using out-of-range values will result in
/// an undefined behavior.
/// \param coords Coordinates of pixel to change
/// \param color New color of the pixel
/// \see getPixel
void setPixel(const Vector2u& coords, const Color& color);
/// \brief Get the color of a pixel
/// This function doesn't check the validity of the pixel
/// coordinates, using out-of-range values will result in
/// an undefined behavior.
/// \param coords Coordinates of pixel to change
/// \return Color of the pixel at given coordinates
/// \see setPixel
Color getPixel(const Vector2u& coords) const;
/// \brief Get a read-only pointer to the array of pixels
/// The returned value points to an array of RGBA pixels made of
/// 8 bits integers components. The size of the array is
/// width * height * 4 (getSize().x * getSize().y * 4).
/// Warning: the returned pointer may become invalid if you
/// modify the image, so you should never store it for too long.
/// If the image is empty, a null pointer is returned.
/// \return Read-only pointer to the array of pixels
const std::uint8_t* getPixelsPtr() const;
/// \brief Flip the image horizontally (left <-> right)
void flipHorizontally();
/// \brief Flip the image vertically (top <-> bottom)
void flipVertically();
// Member data
Vector2u m_size; //!< Image size
std::vector<std::uint8_t> m_pixels; //!< Pixels of the image
} // namespace sf
/// \class sf::Image
/// \ingroup graphics
/// sf::Image is an abstraction to manipulate images
/// as bidimensional arrays of pixels. The class provides
/// functions to load, read, write and save pixels, as well
/// as many other useful functions.
/// sf::Image can handle a unique internal representation of
/// pixels, which is RGBA 32 bits. This means that a pixel
/// must be composed of 8 bits red, green, blue and alpha
/// channels -- just like a sf::Color.
/// All the functions that return an array of pixels follow
/// this rule, and all parameters that you pass to sf::Image
/// functions (such as loadFromMemory) must use this
/// representation as well.
/// A sf::Image can be copied, but it is a heavy resource and
/// if possible you should always use [const] references to
/// pass or return them to avoid useless copies.
/// Usage example:
/// \code
/// // Load an image file from a file
/// sf::Image background;
/// if (!background.loadFromFile("background.jpg"))
/// return -1;
/// // Create a 20x20 image filled with black color
/// sf::Image image;
/// image.create({20, 20}, sf::Color::Black);
/// // Copy background on image at position (10, 10)
/// if (!image.copy(background, {10, 10}))
/// return -1;
/// // Make the top-left pixel transparent
/// sf::Color color = image.getPixel({0, 0});
/// color.a = 0;
/// image.setPixel({0, 0}, color);
/// // Save the image to a file
/// if (!image.saveToFile("result.png"))
/// return -1;
/// \endcode
/// \see sf::Texture