#include "types.h" #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #include static inline double dmin(double x, double y) { return x < y ? x : y; } static inline double dmax(double x, double y) { return x > y ? x : y; } const double EPS = 1e-6; Vec2 vec2_Add(Vec2 x, Vec2 y) { Vec2 result = { .x = x.x + y.x, .y = x.y + y.y}; return result; } Vec2 vec2_Minus(Vec2 pos, Vec2 neg) { Vec2 result = { .x = pos.x - neg.x, .y = pos.y - neg.y}; return result; } Vec2 vec2_Scale(Vec2 v, double scale) { Vec2 result = { .x = v.x * scale, .y = v.y * scale}; return result; } Vec2 vec2_Random(double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY) { } bool box2_Intersects(const Box2 x, const Box2 y, Box2 *out_intersection) { // Compute the min and max of the first rectangle on both axes const double r1MinX = dmin(x.lefttop.x, x.lefttop.x + x.size.x); const double r1MaxX = dmax(x.lefttop.x, x.lefttop.x + x.size.x); const double r1MinY = dmin(x.lefttop.y, x.lefttop.y + x.size.y); const double r1MaxY = dmax(x.lefttop.y, x.lefttop.y + x.size.y); // Compute the min and max of the second rectangle on both axes const double r2MinX = dmin(y.lefttop.x, y.lefttop.x + y.size.x); const double r2MaxX = dmax(y.lefttop.x, y.lefttop.x + y.size.x); const double r2MinY = dmin(y.lefttop.y, y.lefttop.y + y.size.y); const double r2MaxY = dmax(y.lefttop.y, y.lefttop.y + y.size.y); // Compute the intersection boundaries const double interLeft = dmax(r1MinX, r2MinX); const double interTop = dmax(r1MinY, r2MinY); const double interRight = dmin(r1MaxX, r2MaxX); const double interBottom = dmin(r1MaxY, r2MaxY); // If the intersection is valid (positive non zero area), then there is an intersection if ((interLeft < interRight) && (interTop < interBottom)) { if (out_intersection) { out_intersection->lefttop.x = interLeft; out_intersection->lefttop.y = interTop; out_intersection->size.x = interRight - interLeft; out_intersection->size.y = interBottom - interTop; } return true; } else { return false; } } Vec2 box2_Center(Box2 box) { return vec2( box.lefttop.x + box.size.x / 2.0, box.lefttop.y + box.size.y / 2.0); } Box2 box2_FromCenter(Vec2 center, Vec2 size) { Box2 box = { .size = size, .lefttop = { .x = center.x - size.x / 2.0, .y = center.y - size.y / 2.0}}; return box; } Box2 box2_Offset(Box2 box, Vec2 offset) { box.lefttop = vec2_Add(box.lefttop, offset); return box; } Box2 box2_OffsetX(Box2 box, double offsetX) { box.lefttop.x += offsetX; return box; } Box2 box2_OffsetY(Box2 box, double offsetY) { box.lefttop.y += offsetY; return box; } static double freqInverse = 0.0; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/31411628 // "How to make thread sleep less than a millisecond on Windows" typedef NTSTATUS(__stdcall *NtDelayExecution_Type)(BOOL Alertable, PLARGE_INTEGER DelayInterval); typedef NTSTATUS(__stdcall *ZwSetTimerResolution_Type)(IN ULONG RequestedResolution, IN BOOLEAN Set, OUT PULONG ActualResolution); static NtDelayExecution_Type NtDelayExecution; static ZwSetTimerResolution_Type ZwSetTimerResolution; void duration_Sleep(const Duration t) { if (!NtDelayExecution) { NtDelayExecution = (NtDelayExecution_Type)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "NtDelayExecution"); ZwSetTimerResolution = (ZwSetTimerResolution_Type)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "ZwSetTimerResolution"); // Only run this once ULONG actualResolution; ZwSetTimerResolution(1, true, &actualResolution); fprintf(stderr, "[duration_Sleep] ActualResolution was %u\n", actualResolution); } LARGE_INTEGER interval; interval.QuadPart = t.microseconds * -10; NtDelayExecution(false, &interval); } TimePoint time_Now() { // Reference: https://github.com/SFML/SFML/blob/2.6.x/src/SFML/System/Win32/ClockImpl.cpp if (freqInverse == 0.0) { LARGE_INTEGER freq; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); freqInverse = 1000000.0 / ((double)freq.QuadPart); } LARGE_INTEGER time; QueryPerformanceCounter(&time); TimePoint t = {.microseconds = (int64_t)(((double)time.QuadPart) * freqInverse)}; return t; } Duration time_Since(TimePoint prev) { return time_Difference(time_Now(), prev); } Duration time_Difference(TimePoint now, TimePoint prev) { Duration d = {.microseconds = now.microseconds - prev.microseconds}; return d; } Duration time_Reset(TimePoint *prev) { TimePoint now = time_Now(); Duration d = time_Difference(now, *prev); *prev = now; return d; }