#include "player.h" #include "entity.h" #include "app.h" #include "input.h" #include "types.h" #include "util/assert.h" #include <stdlib.h> static inline double dabs(double x) { return x < 0.0 ? -x : x; } System_Player *player_NewSystem(App *super) { System_Player *sys = malloc(sizeof(System_Player)); sys->super = super; sys->player = NULL; return sys; } void player_DeleteSystem(System_Player *sys) { free(sys); } static void _player_OnHit(Entity *me, Entity *other, Vec2 triedDelta, void *data) { ASSERT(me->player && "_player_OnHit called with ME as non-player"); // Moving down if (triedDelta.y > 0) me->player->onGround = true; } void player_AddEntity(System_Player *sys, Entity *e) { if (e->player) { ASSERT(!sys->player && "Two player entities are added! Did you forget to DeleteEntity for player?"); sys->player = e->player; ASSERT(e->hitbox && "Player does not have Hitbox component"); e->hitbox->onHit = &_player_OnHit; } } void player_DeleteEntity(System_Player *sys, uintptr_t id) { if (sys->player && sys->player->super->id == id) sys->player = NULL; } static double walkSpeed = 300.0, jumpSpeed = 800.0, dashSpeed = 1500.0; static int airjumpCount = 1, airdashCount = 1; static Duration dashLength = {.microseconds = 150000}, dashCooldown = {.microseconds = 400000}; void player_Advance(System_Player *sys, Duration deltaTime) { if (!sys->player) return; // The bulk of player logic right here System_Input *input = sys->super->input; if (sys->player->faceDirection != 1 && sys->player->faceDirection != -1) sys->player->faceDirection = 1; // Face right by default double targetVecX = 0.0; // Move left/right if (input_IsPressed(input->keys[input_Key_Left])) { sys->player->faceDirection = -1; targetVecX += -walkSpeed; } if (input_IsPressed(input->keys[input_Key_Right])) { sys->player->faceDirection = 1; targetVecX += walkSpeed; } sys->player->super->position->velocity.x = targetVecX; // Jump if (sys->player->onGround) sys->player->jumpCount = 0; if (sys->super->input->keys[input_Key_Jump] == JustPressed || (sys->super->input->keys[input_Key_Jump] == Pressed && dabs(sys->player->super->position->velocity.y) < 5)) { if (sys->player->onGround || sys->player->jumpCount < airjumpCount) { sys->player->storedSpeedY = -jumpSpeed; if (!sys->player->onGround) // Took the second clause, airjumped sys->player->jumpCount++; } } // Dash if (sys->player->onGround) sys->player->dashCount = 0; if (input_IsPressed(input->keys[input_Key_Dash]) && (sys->player->onGround || sys->player->dashCount < airdashCount) && time_Since(sys->player->lastDash).microseconds > dashCooldown.microseconds) { sys->player->lastDash = time_Now(); if (!sys->player->onGround) sys->player->dashCount++; } // Am I dashing right now? if (time_Since(sys->player->lastDash).microseconds < dashLength.microseconds) { sys->player->super->position->velocity.x += sys->player->faceDirection * dashSpeed; sys->player->super->position->velocity.y = 0; } else { // Release the stored Y speed sys->player->super->position->velocity.y += sys->player->storedSpeedY; sys->player->storedSpeedY = 0; } // Check OnGround again if (dabs(sys->player->super->position->velocity.y) > EPS) sys->player->onGround = false; }