#include "mapper_misc.h" #include "app.h" #include "entity.h" #include "render_util.h" #include "util/assert.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <easyx.h> #ifdef __MINGW32__ #define NCHAR char #else #define NCHAR wchar_t #endif namespace { static vector_Vector *tbuf; void convert_text(const char *str) { if (!tbuf) tbuf = vector_Create(sizeof(NCHAR)); const NCHAR zero = 0; vector_Clear(tbuf); int len = strlen(str); int i = 0; while (i < len) { NCHAR wc = str[i]; vector_Push(tbuf, &wc); i++; } vector_Push(tbuf, &zero); } } // namespace extern "C" void misc_render_Textbox(App *app, Entity *e, Vec2 entity_screen_pos, void *user) { if (!e->misc || !e->misc->textbox) { WARN("called on an entity without misc or misc.textbox", 0); return; } misc_Textbox *t = e->misc->textbox; // If we're too dim to see, quit early if (t->progress < EPS) return; // Set the color int rgb = (int)round(fminf(t->progress, 1.0f) * 255.0); settextcolor(RGB(rgb, rgb, rgb)); // Compute the bounding rect RECT rect; ASSERT(e->position && "Textboxes must have a position component"); rect.left = (LONG)round(entity_screen_pos.x) - 20; rect.right = (LONG)round(entity_screen_pos.x) + 20; rect.top = (LONG)round(entity_screen_pos.y) + t->offset; rect.top = (LONG)round(entity_screen_pos.y) + t->offset + 40; // Convert & draw // https://docs.easyx.cn/zh-cn/drawtext convert_text(t->text); drawtext((LPCTSTR)vector_Data(tbuf), &rect, DT_CENTER | DT_NOCLIP); }