#include "camera.h" #include "render_bundle.h" #include "app.h" #include "render_util.h" #include "util/vector.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <easyx.h> #include <wingdi.h> namespace { vector_Vector *buff; } extern "C" void render_DrawPrimitiveW(App *app, render_Primitive *p, Vec2 offset) { if (buff == NULL) buff = vector_Create(sizeof(POINT)); vector_Clear(buff); bool needDraw = false; // Construct the points in screen space for (int i = 0; i < vector_Size(p->points); i++) { Vec2 realpos = vec2_Add(*((Vec2 *)vector_At(p->points, i)), offset); Vec2 screenpos; if (!app->camera) { // Really weird WARN("called without a Camera system"); screenpos = realpos; needDraw = true; } else { screenpos = camera_TransformVec2(app->camera, realpos); needDraw = needDraw || box2_Contains(app->camera->cam, realpos); } // Round the screen position to ints POINT rounded; rounded.x = (LONG)round(screenpos.x); rounded.y = (LONG)round(screenpos.y); vector_Push(buff, &rounded); } // See if any of the points are in the camera box if (needDraw) { // Set the colors render_SetModes(p->mode, time_Now()); // Draw the converted primitive switch (p->type) { case render_Lines: if (vector_Size(buff) % 2 != 0) WARN("render_Lines drawed odd numbers of points", 0); for (int i = 0; i < vector_Size(buff) - 1; i += 2) { POINT p0 = *(POINT *)vector_At(buff, i); POINT p1 = *(POINT *)vector_At(buff, i + 1); line(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); } break; case render_LineStrip: for (int i = 0; i < vector_Size(buff) - 1; i++) { POINT p0 = *(POINT *)vector_At(buff, i); POINT p1 = *(POINT *)vector_At(buff, i + 1); line(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y); } break; case render_Polygon: fillpolygon((POINT *)vector_Data(buff), vector_Size(buff)); break; } } }