#include "input.h" #include "app.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> const char *input_KeyNames[input_Key_Count] = { "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down", "Jump", "Attack", "Spell", "Use", "Dash", "Escape"}; void input_SetDefaultKeymap(System_Input *sys) { sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Up] = 'W'; sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Left] = 'A'; sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Down] = 'S'; sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Right] = 'D'; sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Jump] = VK_SPACE; sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Attack] = 'J'; sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Spell] = 'K'; sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Use] = 'L'; sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Dash] = VK_OEM_1; // The ;: key on the US keyboard sys->systemKeymap[input_Key_Escape] = VK_ESCAPE; } System_Input *input_NewSystem(App *super) { System_Input *sys = malloc(sizeof(System_Input)); memset(sys, 0, sizeof(System_Input)); sys->super = super; input_SetDefaultKeymap(sys); return sys; } void input_DeleteSystem(System_Input *sys) { free(sys); } void input_Advance(System_Input *sys) { for (int i = 0; i < input_Key_Count; i++) { // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getasynckeystate // Checks the most significiant bit (of the SHORT returned) if ((GetAsyncKeyState(sys->systemKeymap[i]) & 0x8000) != 0) { // Pressed if (sys->keys[i] == JustReleased || sys->keys[i] == Released) { fprintf(stderr, "[input_Advance] Key %s pressed\n", input_KeyNames[i]); sys->keys[i] = JustPressed; } else sys->keys[i] = Pressed; } else { // Released if (sys->keys[i] == JustPressed || sys->keys[i] == Pressed) sys->keys[i] = JustReleased; else sys->keys[i] = Released; } } if (sys->keys[input_Key_Escape] == JustPressed) { fprintf(stderr, "[input_Advance] Let's quit now!\n"); sys->super->wantQuit = true; } }