56 lines
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2021-10-10 14:39:17 +08:00
format elf64
public interrupt_ReloadSegments
public interrupt_LoadGDT
public interrupt_LoadIDT
2021-10-10 14:39:17 +08:00
section '.text' executable
; sysvx64call void interrupt_ReloadSegments()
; Clobbers: rax
mov ax, 0x08 ; my data segment
2021-10-10 14:39:17 +08:00
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
;jmp 0x10:.flush
2021-10-10 14:39:17 +08:00
; as in https://forum.osdev.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=30739
; farjump does not work in long mode, you need to do a far return:
pop rax
push qword 0x10 ; my code segment
2021-10-10 14:39:17 +08:00
push rax
; sysvx64call void interrupt_LoadGDT(uint16_t length_sub1, void* base_ptr)
; Input: (uint16_t di, void* rsi)
; Clobbers: rax, flags
mov rax, rsp ; save old RSP
sub rsp, 10
and rsp, 0xfffffffffffffffc ; align RSP to 4-byte
mov [rsp], di
mov [rsp+2], rsi
lgdt [rsp]
mov rsp, rax ; restore old RSP
; sysvx64call void interrupt_LoadIDT(uint16_t length_sub1, void* base_ptr)
; Input: (uint16_t di, void* rsi)
; Clobbers: rax, flags
mov rax, rsp ; save old RSP
sub rsp, 10
and rsp, 0xfffffffffffffffc ; align RSP to 4-byte
mov [rsp], di
mov [rsp+2], rsi
lidt [rsp]
mov rsp, rax ; restore old RSP