#include "graphics.h" #include "color.h" #include "internal_helpers.h" #include "unifont.h" #include "../runtime/stdio.h" #include "../util/minmax.h" #include #include #include #include "../runtime/memcpy.h" const HelosGraphics_Color HelosGraphics_Color_Black = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff}, HelosGraphics_Color_White = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, HelosGraphics_Color_Red = {0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff}, HelosGraphics_Color_Green = {0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff}, HelosGraphics_Color_Blue = {0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff}, HelosGraphics_Color_Cyan = {0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff}, HelosGraphics_Color_Magenta = {0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff}, HelosGraphics_Color_Yellow = {0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; static EFI_GUID gopID = EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_GUID; static EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *gop; static EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *info; static UINTN sizeofInfo, nModes, nativeMode; static HelosGraphics_Mode modes[128]; HelosGraphics_Mode graphics_SystemVideoMode; void *graphics_DeviceFramebuffer; void * graphics_Framebuffer; uint64_t graphics_FramebufferSize; uint32_t graphics_Doublebuffer[2048 * 1024]; #define MOUSE_OVERLAY_SIZE 32 xcursor_ChunkHeader_Image *graphics_Cursor; int graphics_MouseCursorX, graphics_MouseCursorY; static int __lastMouseX, __lastMouseY; // Last of mouse **IMAGE** position static int __lastMouseSizeX, __lastMouseSizeY; static uint32_t __mouseOverlay[MOUSE_OVERLAY_SIZE * MOUSE_OVERLAY_SIZE]; void graphics_Init() { assert(sizeof(HelosGraphics_Color) == sizeof(uint32_t) && "HelosGraphics_Color not packed to be 32-bit(4 bytes)"); EFI_STATUS status = efiBootServices->LocateProtocol(&gopID, NULL, (void **)&gop); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) { io_Printf("graphics_Init: Error locating GOP\r\n"); return; } status = gop->QueryMode(gop, gop->Mode == NULL ? 0 : gop->Mode->Mode, &sizeofInfo, &info); if (status == EFI_NOT_STARTED) { status = gop->SetMode(gop, 0); } if (EFI_ERROR(status)) { io_Printf("graphics_Init: Error getting native modes\r\n"); return; } else { nativeMode = gop->Mode->Mode; nModes = gop->Mode->MaxMode; } for (int i = 0; i < nModes; i++) { status = gop->QueryMode(gop, i, &sizeofInfo, &info); modes[i].Width = info->HorizontalResolution; modes[i].Height = info->VerticalResolution; modes[i].PixelsPerLine = info->PixelsPerScanLine; modes[i].PixelFormat = info->PixelFormat; if (modes[i].Width == HELOS_GRAPHICS_TARGET_MODE_WIDTH && modes[i].Height == HELOS_GRAPHICS_TARGET_MODE_HEIGHT) nativeMode = i; } // set the new mode status = gop->SetMode(gop, nativeMode); if (EFI_ERROR(status)) { io_Printf("graphics_Init: Unable to set mode %d\r\n", nativeMode); return; } io_Printf( "graphics_Init: Framebuffer:\r\n addr %08x len %d, size %dx%d, ppl %d\r\n", graphics_DeviceFramebuffer = (void *)gop->Mode->FrameBufferBase, graphics_FramebufferSize = gop->Mode->FrameBufferSize, gop->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution, gop->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution, gop->Mode->Info->PixelsPerScanLine); // warn the user if the framebuffer is not RGB io_Printf("graphics_Init: Framebuffer format: "); #define CASE(v) \ break; \ case v: io_Printf(#v "\r\n"); switch (gop->Mode->Info->PixelFormat) { CASE(PixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColor) graphics_SetPixel = graphics_SetPixel_RGB; CASE(PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor) graphics_SetPixel = graphics_SetPixel_BGR; CASE(PixelBitMask) CASE(PixelBltOnly) CASE(PixelFormatMax) } #undef CASE graphics_SystemVideoMode = modes[nativeMode]; graphics_Framebuffer = (void *)graphics_Doublebuffer; graphics_CursorX = graphics_CursorY = 0; graphics_MouseCursorX = graphics_SystemVideoMode.Width / 2; graphics_MouseCursorY = graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height / 2; } graphics_SetPixel_Type *graphics_SetPixel; void graphics_SetPixel_RGB(int posX, int posY, const HelosGraphics_Color *color) { struct { uint8_t R, G, B; uint8_t A; } colorRGB = {color->R, color->G, color->B, 0}; *((uint32_t *)(graphics_Framebuffer + graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelsPerLine * 4 * posY + 4 * posX)) = (*((uint32_t *)&colorRGB)); } void graphics_SetPixel_BGR(int posX, int posY, const HelosGraphics_Color *color) { *((uint32_t *)(graphics_Framebuffer + graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelsPerLine * 4 * posY + 4 * posX)) = (*((uint32_t *)color)) & 0x00ffffffu; } void graphics_GetSize(int *sizeX, int *sizeY, int *bitsPerPixel) { *sizeX = graphics_SystemVideoMode.Width; *sizeY = graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height; *bitsPerPixel = 24; } void graphics_ClearBuffer(const HelosGraphics_Color *color) { uint32_t data; if (*((uint32_t *)color) == *((uint32_t *)&HelosGraphics_Color_Black)) { memset(graphics_Framebuffer, 0, graphics_FramebufferSize); return; } if (graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelFormat == PixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColor) { struct { uint8_t R, G, B; uint8_t A; } colorRGB = {color->R, color->G, color->B, 0}; data = (*(uint32_t *)&colorRGB) & 0x00ffffffu; } else if (graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelFormat == PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor) { data = (*(uint32_t *)color) & 0x00ffffffu; } uint32_t *buffer = graphics_Framebuffer, *end = graphics_Framebuffer + graphics_FramebufferSize / sizeof(uint32_t); while (buffer != end) { *buffer = data; buffer++; } } static void __graphics__UpdateMouse() { if (!graphics_Cursor) return; int imgX = graphics_MouseCursorX - graphics_Cursor->xhot + 1; int imgY = graphics_MouseCursorY - graphics_Cursor->yhot + 1; if (imgX != __lastMouseX || imgY != __lastMouseY || graphics_Cursor->width != __lastMouseSizeX || graphics_Cursor->height != __lastMouseSizeY) { // moved __graphics_CopyBuffer32( __mouseOverlay, 0, 0, MOUSE_OVERLAY_SIZE, MOUSE_OVERLAY_SIZE, graphics_Framebuffer, __lastMouseX, __lastMouseY, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Width, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height, __lastMouseSizeX, __lastMouseSizeY); __graphics_CopyBuffer32( graphics_Framebuffer, imgX, imgY, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Width, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height, __mouseOverlay, 0, 0, MOUSE_OVERLAY_SIZE, MOUSE_OVERLAY_SIZE, graphics_Cursor->width, graphics_Cursor->height); __graphics_RenderBuffer32( graphics_Cursor->pixels, 0, 0, graphics_Cursor->width, graphics_Cursor->height, graphics_Framebuffer, imgX, imgY, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Width, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height, graphics_Cursor->width, graphics_Cursor->height); __lastMouseX = imgX; __lastMouseY = imgY; __lastMouseSizeX = graphics_Cursor->width; __lastMouseSizeY = graphics_Cursor->height; } } void graphics_SwapBuffer() { __graphics__UpdateMouse(); memcpy(graphics_DeviceFramebuffer, graphics_Framebuffer, graphics_FramebufferSize); } void graphics_FillPixel(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, const HelosGraphics_Color *color) { // TODO Optimize this! This is too sloooow if (graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelFormat == PixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColor) for (int i = startX; i < endX; i++) for (int j = startY; j < endY; j++) *((uint32_t *)(graphics_Framebuffer + graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelsPerLine * 4 * j + 4 * i)) = (*((uint32_t *)color)) & 0x00ffffffu; else if (graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelFormat == PixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColor) for (int i = startX; i < endX; i++) for (int j = startY; j < endY; j++) { struct { uint8_t B, G, R; uint8_t A; } colorRGB = {color->B, color->G, color->R, 0}; *((uint32_t *)(graphics_Framebuffer + graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelsPerLine * 4 * j + 4 * i)) = (*((uint32_t *)&colorRGB)); } } int graphics_CursorX, graphics_CursorY; void graphics_Scroll(int scrollY) { memmove( graphics_Doublebuffer, graphics_Doublebuffer + graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelsPerLine * scrollY, sizeof(uint32_t) * (graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelsPerLine * (graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height - scrollY))); // TODO proper memset instead of this sloooow FillPixel /*memset( graphics_Doublebuffer + graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelsPerLine * (graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height - scrollY), 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * graphics_SystemVideoMode.PixelsPerLine * (scrollY));*/ graphics_FillPixel(0, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height - scrollY, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Width, graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height, &HelosGraphics_Color_Black); __lastMouseY -= scrollY; } void graphics_ElementSize(int sizeX, int sizeY) { if (graphics_CursorX + sizeX >= graphics_SystemVideoMode.Width) { // line breaking required graphics_CursorY += sizeY; graphics_CursorX = 0; } if (graphics_CursorY + sizeY >= graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height) { // scrolling required graphics_Scroll(sizeY + graphics_CursorY - graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height); graphics_CursorY = graphics_SystemVideoMode.Height - sizeY; } } void graphics_Newline(int advanceY) { graphics_CursorY += advanceY; graphics_CursorX = 0; } void console_WriteChar(const HelosGraphics_Color *color, uint32_t c) { int width; switch (c) { case '\n': graphics_Newline(UNIFONT_CHAR_HEIGHT); break; case '\r': graphics_CursorX = 0; break; default: width = unifont_IsCharDoublewidth(c) ? UNIFONT_CHAR_WIDTH * 2 : UNIFONT_CHAR_WIDTH; graphics_ElementSize(width, UNIFONT_CHAR_HEIGHT); graphics_FillPixel(graphics_CursorX, graphics_CursorY, graphics_CursorX + width, graphics_CursorY + UNIFONT_CHAR_HEIGHT, &HelosGraphics_Color_Black); unifont_DrawChar(graphics_CursorX, graphics_CursorY, color, c); graphics_CursorX += width; } } void console_Write(const HelosGraphics_Color *color, const uint32_t *str, int len) { bool wantSwap = false; if (len == 0) { while (*str != 0) { console_WriteChar(color, *str); if (*str == '\n') wantSwap = true; str++; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { console_WriteChar(color, str[i]); if (str[i] == '\n') wantSwap = true; } } if (wantSwap) graphics_SwapBuffer(); } void console_WriteUTF16(const HelosGraphics_Color *color, const uint16_t *str, int len) { bool wantSwap = false; if (len == 0) { while (*str != 0) { console_WriteChar(color, *str); if (*str == '\n') wantSwap = true; str++; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { console_WriteChar(color, str[i]); if (str[i] == '\n') wantSwap = true; } } if (wantSwap) graphics_SwapBuffer(); } void console_WriteASCII(const HelosGraphics_Color *color, const char *str, int len) { bool wantSwap = false; if (len == 0) { while (*str != 0) { console_WriteChar(color, *str); if (*str == '\n') wantSwap = true; str++; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { console_WriteChar(color, str[i]); if (str[i] == '\n') wantSwap = true; } } if (wantSwap) graphics_SwapBuffer(); }