Mostly to fit the long panic message by interrupt_Handler, dumping all the registers
99 lines
2.5 KiB
99 lines
2.5 KiB
#include "stdio.h"
#include "unicode.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "../memory/memory.h"
#include "../graphics/graphics.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
// printf wants this
void _putchar(char c) {
if (!graphics_Framebuffer) {
UINT16 buf[2] = {c, 0};
efiStdout->OutputString(efiStdout, buf);
} else {
console_WriteChar(&HelosGraphics_Color_White, c);
if (c == '\n') { // swap buffer on newline
int __io_WriteConsole_bufSize = 512;
UINT16 __io_WriteConsole_bufferReal[512];
UINT16 *__io_WriteConsole_buffer = __io_WriteConsole_bufferReal;
void __io_WriteConsole_ResizeBuffer(int size) {
if (__io_WriteConsole_bufSize < size) {
while (__io_WriteConsole_bufSize < size)
__io_WriteConsole_bufSize *= 2;
DEBUG("allocate -> %d", __io_WriteConsole_bufSize);
if (__io_WriteConsole_buffer != __io_WriteConsole_bufferReal)
__io_WriteConsole_buffer = kMalloc(size * sizeof(UINT16));
void io_WriteConsole(const char *str) {
int size = 0; // don't include the \0 at the end here
int len = strlen(str); // left the \0 out here too
for (int i = 0;
i < len;
i += utf8_Decode(str + i, len - i, NULL), size++) {}
__io_WriteConsole_ResizeBuffer(size + 1);
uint32_t codepoint;
for (int i = 0, j = 0;
i < len;) {
i += utf8_Decode(str + i, len - i, &codepoint);
__io_WriteConsole_buffer[j++] = codepoint;
__io_WriteConsole_buffer[size] = 0;
if (!graphics_Framebuffer) {
efiStdout->OutputString(efiStdout, __io_WriteConsole_buffer);
} else {
console_WriteUTF16(&HelosGraphics_Color_White, __io_WriteConsole_buffer, 0);
void io_WriteConsoleASCII(const char *str) {
if (!graphics_Framebuffer) {
int len = strlen(str);
__io_WriteConsole_ResizeBuffer(len + 1);
for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++)
__io_WriteConsole_buffer[i] = str[i];
efiStdout->OutputString(efiStdout, __io_WriteConsole_buffer);
} else {
console_WriteASCII(&HelosGraphics_Color_White, str, 0);
char __io_Printf_buffer[4096];
int io_Printf(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
int ret = vsnprintf(__io_Printf_buffer, sizeof(__io_Printf_buffer), fmt, args);
return ret;
EFI_INPUT_KEY io_PauseForKeystroke() {
UINTN index;
efiBootServices->WaitForEvent(1, &efiStdin->WaitForKey, &index);
efiSystemTable->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(efiSystemTable->ConIn, &key);
return key;