SFML is a simple, fast, cross-platform and object-oriented multimedia API. It provides access to windowing, graphics, audio and network. It is written in C++, and has bindings for various languages such as C, .Net, Ruby, Python.
## Authors
- Laurent Gomila — main developer (laurent@sfml-dev.org)
- Marco Antognini — OS X developer (hiura@sfml-dev.org)
- Jonathan De Wachter — Android developer (dewachter.jonathan@gmail.com)
You can get the latest official release on [SFML's website](https://www.sfml-dev.org/download.php). You can also get the current development version from the [Git repository](https://github.com/SFML/SFML).
SFML is an open-source project, and it needs your help to go on growing and improving. If you want to get involved and suggest some additional features, file a bug report or submit a patch, please have a look at the [contribution guidelines](https://www.sfml-dev.org/contribute.php).