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- cxx_add_assign_to_sub_assign # Replaces += with -=
- cxx_add_to_sub # Replaces + with -
- cxx_and_assign_to_or_assign # Replaces &= with |=
- cxx_and_to_or # Replaces & with |
- cxx_assign_const # Replaces 'a = b' with 'a = 42'
- cxx_bitwise_not_to_noop # Replaces ~x with x
- cxx_div_assign_to_mul_assign # Replaces /= with *=
- cxx_div_to_mul # Replaces / with *
- cxx_eq_to_ne # Replaces == with !=
- cxx_ge_to_gt # Replaces >= with >
- cxx_ge_to_lt # Replaces >= with <
- cxx_gt_to_ge # Replaces > with >=
- cxx_gt_to_le # Replaces > with <=
- cxx_init_const # Replaces 'T a = b' with 'T a = 42'
- cxx_le_to_gt # Replaces <= with >
- cxx_le_to_lt # Replaces <= with <
- cxx_lshift_assign_to_rshift_assign # Replaces <<= with >>=
- cxx_lshift_to_rshift # Replaces << with >>
- cxx_lt_to_ge # Replaces < with >=
- cxx_lt_to_le # Replaces < with <=
- cxx_minus_to_noop # Replaces -x with x
- cxx_mul_assign_to_div_assign # Replaces *= with /=
- cxx_mul_to_div # Replaces * with /
- cxx_ne_to_eq # Replaces != with ==
- cxx_or_assign_to_and_assign # Replaces |= with &=
- cxx_or_to_and # Replaces | with &
- cxx_post_dec_to_post_inc # Replaces x-- with x++
- cxx_post_inc_to_post_dec # Replaces x++ with x--
- cxx_pre_dec_to_pre_inc # Replaces --x with ++x
- cxx_pre_inc_to_pre_dec # Replaces ++x with --x
- cxx_rem_assign_to_div_assign # Replaces %= with /=
- cxx_rem_to_div # Replaces % with /
- cxx_remove_void_call # Removes calls to a function returning void
- cxx_replace_scalar_call # Replaces call to a function with 42
- cxx_rshift_assign_to_lshift_assign # Replaces >>= with <<=
- cxx_rshift_to_lshift # Replaces << with >>
- cxx_sub_assign_to_add_assign # Replaces -= with +=
- cxx_sub_to_add # Replaces - with +
- cxx_xor_assign_to_or_assign # Replaces ^= with |=
- cxx_xor_to_or # Replaces ^ with |
# Experimental Mutators
# - negate_mutator # Negates conditionals !x to x and x to !x
# - scalar_value_mutator # Replaces zeros with 42, and non-zeros with 0
# - cxx_logical_and_to_or # Replaces && with ||
# - cxx_logical_or_to_and # Replaces || with &&
# - cxx_remove_negation # Replaces !a with a
- .*/catch2/.*
- .*/test/.*