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Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SFML;
using SFML.Graphics;
using SFML.Window;
namespace shader
/// <summary>
/// A class to simplify shader selection
/// </summary>
class ShaderSelector
// Constructor
public ShaderSelector(Dictionary<string, Shader> owner)
myOwner = owner;
myIterator = owner.GetEnumerator();
// Select the next shader
public void GotoNext()
if (myIterator.MoveNext() == false)
myIterator = myOwner.GetEnumerator();
// Update the shader parameters
public void Update(float x, float y)
if (myIterator.Current.Key == "blur") myIterator.Current.Value.SetParameter("offset", x * y * 0.05f);
else if (myIterator.Current.Key == "colorize") myIterator.Current.Value.SetParameter("color", 0.3f, x, y);
else if (myIterator.Current.Key == "fisheye") myIterator.Current.Value.SetParameter("mouse", x, y);
else if (myIterator.Current.Key == "wave") myIterator.Current.Value.SetParameter("offset", x, y);
else if (myIterator.Current.Key == "pixelate") myIterator.Current.Value.SetParameter("mouse", x, y);
// Get the name of the current shader
public string Name
get {return myIterator.Current.Key;}
// Get the current shader
public Shader Shader
get {return myIterator.Current.Value;}
private Dictionary<string, Shader> myOwner;
private Dictionary<string, Shader>.Enumerator myIterator;
static class Program
private static Dictionary<string, Shader> shaders;
private static ShaderSelector backgroundShader;
private static ShaderSelector entityShader;
private static ShaderSelector globalShader;
private static Text shaderText;
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
// Create the main window
RenderWindow window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML.Net Shader");
// Setup event handlers
window.Closed += new EventHandler(OnClosed);
window.KeyPressed += new EventHandler<KeyEventArgs>(OnKeyPressed);
// Check that the system can use shaders
if (Shader.IsAvailable == false)
// Create the render image
RenderImage image = new RenderImage(window.Width, window.Height);
// Load a background image to display
Sprite background = new Sprite(new Image("resources/background.jpg"));
background.Image.Smooth = false;
// Load a sprite which we'll move into the scene
Sprite entity = new Sprite(new Image("resources/sprite.png"));
// Load the text font
Font font = new Font("resources/arial.ttf");
// Load the image needed for the wave effect
Image waveImage = new Image("resources/wave.jpg");
// Load all effects
shaders = new Dictionary<string, Shader>();
shaders["nothing"] = new Shader("resources/nothing.sfx");
shaders["blur"] = new Shader("resources/blur.sfx");
shaders["colorize"] = new Shader("resources/colorize.sfx");
shaders["fisheye"] = new Shader("resources/fisheye.sfx");
shaders["wave"] = new Shader("resources/wave.sfx");
shaders["pixelate"] = new Shader("resources/pixelate.sfx");
backgroundShader = new ShaderSelector(shaders);
entityShader = new ShaderSelector(shaders);
globalShader = new ShaderSelector(shaders);
// Do specific initializations
shaders["nothing"].SetTexture("texture", Shader.CurrentTexture);
shaders["blur"].SetTexture("texture", Shader.CurrentTexture);
shaders["blur"].SetParameter("offset", 0.0F);
shaders["colorize"].SetTexture("texture", Shader.CurrentTexture);
shaders["colorize"].SetParameter("color", 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
shaders["fisheye"].SetTexture("texture", Shader.CurrentTexture);
shaders["wave"].SetTexture("texture", Shader.CurrentTexture);
shaders["wave"].SetTexture("wave", waveImage);
shaders["pixelate"].SetTexture("texture", Shader.CurrentTexture);
// Define a string for displaying current effect description
shaderText = new Text();
shaderText.Font = font;
shaderText.Size = 20;
shaderText.Position = new Vector2(5.0F, 0.0F);
shaderText.Color = new Color(250, 100, 30);
shaderText.DisplayedString = "Background shader: \"" + backgroundShader.Name + "\"\n" +
"Flower shader: \"" + entityShader.Name + "\"\n" +
"Global shader: \"" + globalShader.Name + "\"\n";
// Define a string for displaying help
Text infoText = new Text();
infoText.Font = font;
infoText.Size = 20;
infoText.Position = new Vector2(5.0F, 500.0F);
infoText.Color = new Color(250, 100, 30);
infoText.DisplayedString = "Move your mouse to change the shaders' parameters\n" +
"Press numpad 1 to change the background shader\n" +
"Press numpad 2 to change the flower shader\n" +
"Press numpad 3 to change the global shader";
// Start the game loop
float time = 0.0F;
while (window.IsOpened())
// Process events
// TOFIX -- using window.Input together with image.Draw apparently causes a memory corruption
// Get the mouse position in the range [0, 1]
//float x = window.Input.GetMouseX() / (float)window.Width;
//float y = window.Input.GetMouseY() / (float)window.Height;
float x = (float)(Math.Cos(time * 1.3) + 1) * 0.5F;
float y = (float)(Math.Sin(time * 0.8) + 1) * 0.5F;
// Update the shaders
backgroundShader.Update(x, y);
entityShader.Update(x, y);
globalShader.Update(x, y);
// Animate the sprite
time += window.GetFrameTime();
float entityX = (float)(Math.Cos(time * 1.3) + 1.2) * 300;
float entityY = (float)(Math.Cos(time * 0.8) + 1.2) * 200;
entity.Position = new Vector2(entityX, entityY);
entity.Rotation = time * 100;
// Draw the background and the moving entity to the render image
image.Draw(background, backgroundShader.Shader);
image.Draw(entity, entityShader.Shader);
// Draw the contents of the render image to the window
window.Draw(new Sprite(image.Image), globalShader.Shader);
// Draw interface texts
// Finally, display the rendered frame on screen
/// <summary>
/// Fonction called when the post-effects are not supported ;
/// Display an error message and wait until the user exits
/// </summary>
private static void DisplayError(RenderWindow window)
// Define a string for displaying the error message
Text error = new Text("Sorry, your system doesn't support shaders");
error.Position = new Vector2(100.0F, 250.0F);
error.Color = new Color(200, 100, 150);
// Start the game loop
while (window.IsOpened())
// Process events
// Clear the window
// Draw the error message
// Finally, display the rendered frame on screen
/// <summary>
/// Function called when the window is closed
/// </summary>
static void OnClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
RenderWindow window = (RenderWindow)sender;
/// <summary>
/// Function called when a key is pressed
/// </summary>
static void OnKeyPressed(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
RenderWindow window = (RenderWindow)sender;
// Escape key : exit
if (e.Code == KeyCode.Escape)
// Numpad : switch effect
switch (e.Code)
case KeyCode.Numpad1 : backgroundShader.GotoNext(); break;
case KeyCode.Numpad2 : entityShader.GotoNext(); break;
case KeyCode.Numpad3 : globalShader.GotoNext(); break;
// Update the text
shaderText.DisplayedString = "Background shader: \"" + backgroundShader.Name + "\"\n" +
"Flower shader: \"" + entityShader.Name + "\"\n" +
"Global shader: \"" + globalShader.Name + "\"\n";