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// Headers
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
2024-02-08 14:28:57 +01:00
#include <cstdlib>
/// Entry point of application
/// \return Application exit code
int main()
// Create the window of the application with a stencil buffer
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode({600, 600}),
"SFML Stencil",
sf::Style::Titlebar | sf::Style::Close,
sf::ContextSettings{0 /* depthBits */, 8 /* stencilBits */});
sf::RectangleShape red({500, 50});
red.setPosition({270, 70});
sf::RectangleShape green({500, 50});
green.setPosition({370, 100});
sf::RectangleShape blue({500, 50});
blue.setPosition({550, 470});
while (window.isOpen())
// Handle events
while (const std::optional event = window.pollEvent())
// Window closed: exit
if (event->is<sf::Event::Closed>())
// When drawing using a 2D API, we normally resort to what is known as the "painter's algorithm".
// Because our graphics primitives lack any depth information, objects that are drawn later in the frame will
// overlap objects drawn earlier in the frame. This means that the objects have to be sorted from farthest to
// closest and drawn in that order to appear correct.
// This also means that objects cannot simultaneously be both "in front" and "behind" already drawn objects.
// With the magic of the stencil buffer we can get around this rule. Much like the depth buffer in 3D applications
// the stencil buffer holds additional information that informs the rendering pipeline about our intentions.
// Unlike the depth buffer which requires that all drawn primitives contain depth information (e.g. in the form
// of 3D vertices), the stencil buffer allows us to specify stencil values for whole primitives ourselves.
// For every fragment/pixel that would be written to the screen, after the fragment shader is executed, the stencil
// test is performed. First, the rendering pipeline will ask whether the pixel in question should even be kept or
// discarded. This is known as the stencil test. In order to answer this question 2 integer values are compared
// against each other, the value already in the screen stencil buffer corresponding to the pixel in question and
// the new value of the incoming pixel to perform the test for. The value of the incoming pixel is known as the
// reference value and can be set per draw operation when using the sfml-graphics drawing API. All mathematical
// operations comparing 2 integers are supported: Less, LessEqual, Greater, GreaterEqual, Equal, NotEqual.
// Additionally, 2 special comparisons are provided: Always and Never. Always will make sure the stencil test
// will always pass, whereas Never will make sure the stencil test never passes. The incoming reference value
// is compared to the stencil buffer value in the following order: (ReferenceValue Comparison BufferValue)
// If the test evaluates to true, the pixel is kept, otherwise it is culled and will no longer contribute to
// the frame in any way.
// Once the stencil test passes, the value in the stencil buffer can be updated with a new value. The new value
// is determined by the update operation and for the Replace operation the incoming reference value as well.
// In the case of Increment, Decrement and Invert, the existing value in the stencil buffer is modified accordingly,
// Invert will perform a bit-wise inversion of the integer value in the buffer. Keep will not modify the value
// in the buffer whereas Zero will set it to 0. Replace will replace the value in the buffer with the incoming
// reference value.
// Like all data types, the stencil values in the stencil buffer have a finite bit width. Typically stencil buffers
// with 8-bits are offered by the graphics implementation. In complex scenarios, we might want to partition our
// bits up into multiple areas so a single stencil buffer value can be used for multiple purposes simultaneously.
// For this purpose, we can specify a mask value that is bit-wise ANDed with both the incoming reference value
// and the stencil buffer value before they are compared. For simple cases, a mask of ~0 (all 1s) can be used which
// is the equivalent of disabling masking all together.
// For certain effects, objects might have to be rendered multiple times. Once to establish the stencil value of
// that object within the stencil buffer and another to draw the object itself including its texture/color. Drawing
// objects with the sole purpose of updating stencil buffer values is also known as performing a stencil-only pass.
// Skipping texturing and writes to the color buffer can save a lot of time depending on the object to be drawn.
// StencilMode allows us to perform stencil-only drawing by setting the corresponding flag to true.
// In this example, we demonstrate how can can draw 3 cyclically overlapping rectangles using the stencil buffer.
// Without the stencil buffer, 1 of the rectangles would have to be precisely split along the edge of another
// rectangle and both pieces would have to be drawn at different stages in the draw pass. This would not only be
// almost impossible to compute to the required accuracy to mimic the GPU's vertex computations but splitting a
2024-07-15 12:25:36 -06:00
// primitive up and drawing the pieces in separate draw calls would introduce noticeable artifacts which would
// reduce the overall quality of the output image.
// To start with, we initialize the stencil buffer values for every pixel to 0 at the start of each frame. In
// our draw calls we need to make sure that the stencil reference values of all objects will pass the test compared
// to the initial buffer value. In the case of Always, the initial value is insignificant, when we use Greater we
// make sure the reference value of 2 is greater than 0.
// Clear the window color to black and the initial stencil buffer values to 0
window.clear(sf::Color::Black, 0);
// Draw rectangles
// We draw the first rectangle with comparison set to always so that it will definitely draw and update (Replace)
// the stencil buffer values of its pixels to the specified reference value.
sf::StencilMode{sf::StencilComparison::Always, sf::StencilUpdateOperation::Replace, 3, ~0u, false});
// Just like the first, we draw the second rectangle with comparison set to always so that it will definitely
// draw and update (Replace) the stencil buffer values of its pixels to the specified reference value.
// In the case of pixels overlapping the first rectangle, because we specify Always as the comparison, it is
// as if we are drawing using the painter's algorithm, i.e. newer pixels overwrite older pixels.
sf::StencilMode{sf::StencilComparison::Always, sf::StencilUpdateOperation::Replace, 1, ~0u, false});
// Now comes the magic. We want to draw the third rectangle so it is behind i.e. does not overwrite pixels of the
// first rectangle but in front of i.e. overwrites pixels of the second rectangle. We already set the reference
// value of the first rectangle to 3 and the second rectangle to 1, so in order to be "between" them, this rectangle
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// has to have a reference value of 2. 2 is not greater than 3 so pixels of this rectangle will not overwrite pixels
// of the first rectangle, however 2 is greater than 1 and thus pixels of this rectangle will overwrite pixels of the
// second rectangle. The stencil update operation for this draw operation is not significant in any way since this is
// the last draw call in the frame.
sf::StencilMode{sf::StencilComparison::Greater, sf::StencilUpdateOperation::Replace, 2, ~0u, false});
// Display things on screen