diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml index 69f6e5720..42603c9c3 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ jobs: build: name: ${{ matrix.platform.name }} ${{ matrix.config.name }} ${{ matrix.type.name }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform.os }} + env: + HAVE_CODECOV_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN != '' }} strategy: fail-fast: false @@ -108,14 +110,32 @@ jobs: if: matrix.type.name == 'Debug' && runner.os != 'Windows' # Coverage is already generated on Windows when running tests. run: gcovr -r $GITHUB_WORKSPACE -x $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/build/coverage.out -s -f 'src/SFML/.*' -f 'include/SFML/.*' ${{ matrix.platform.gcovr_options }} $GITHUB_WORKSPACE + - name: Download Codecov Uploader + if: matrix.type.name == 'Debug' && github.repository == 'SFML/SFML' && env.HAVE_CODECOV_TOKEN == 'true' # Disable upload in forks and when Codecov token isn't available + shell: bash + run: | + platform=$(echo "${{ runner.os }}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') + if [ "$platform" == "windows" ]; then CODECOV_BINARY="codecov.exe"; else CODECOV_BINARY="codecov"; fi + curl https://keybase.io/codecovsecurity/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring trustedkeys.gpg --import + curl -s --remote-name-all "https://uploader.codecov.io/latest/$platform/{$CODECOV_BINARY,$CODECOV_BINARY.SHA256SUM,$CODECOV_BINARY.SHA256SUM.sig}" + gpgv "$CODECOV_BINARY.SHA256SUM.sig" "$CODECOV_BINARY.SHA256SUM" + if [ "$platform" == "windows" ]; then powershell 'If ($(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(($(certUtil -hashfile codecov.exe SHA256)[1], "codecov.exe") -join " ") -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content codecov.exe.SHA256SUM)).length -eq 0) {echo "codecov: OK"} Else {exit 1}'; + else shasum -a 256 -c codecov.SHA256SUM; fi + chmod +x "$CODECOV_BINARY" + echo "CODECOV_BINARY=$CODECOV_BINARY" >> $GITHUB_ENV + - name: Upload Coverage Report to Codecov - if: matrix.type.name == 'Debug' && github.repository == 'SFML/SFML' # Disable upload in forks - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3 + if: matrix.type.name == 'Debug' && github.repository == 'SFML/SFML' && env.HAVE_CODECOV_TOKEN == 'true' # Disable upload in forks and when Codecov token isn't available + env: + CODECOV_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} + uses: nick-fields/retry@v2 with: - token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }} - directory: ./build - files: ./build/coverage.out - fail_ci_if_error: true + timeout_seconds: 30 + max_attempts: 10 + retry_wait_seconds: 60 + warning_on_retry: false + shell: bash + command: ./${{ env.CODECOV_BINARY }} -n "${{ matrix.platform.name }} ${{ matrix.config.name }} ${{ matrix.type.name }}" -Z -f ./build/coverage.out -C ${{ github.sha }} -s ./build -e CODECOV_TOKEN,GITHUB_ACTION,GITHUB_RUN_ID,GITHUB_REF,GITHUB_REPOSITORY,GITHUB_SHA,GITHUB_HEAD_REF - name: Test Install Interface if: matrix.platform.name != 'Android' && matrix.config.name != 'iOS'