set(MESA3D_URL "") set(MESA3D_SHA256 "FEF8A643689414A70347AE8027D24674DEFD85E8D6428C8A9D4145BB3F44A3B0") get_filename_component(MESA3D_ARCHIVE "${MESA3D_URL}" NAME) get_filename_component(MESA3D_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY "${MESA3D_URL}" NAME_WLE) if(ARCH_X64) set(MESA3D_ARCH "x64") elseif(ARCH_X86) set(MESA3D_ARCH "x86") elseif(SFML_USE_MESA3D) message(FATAL_ERROR "Mesa 3D does currently not support the target architecture.") endif() set(MESA3D_ARCHIVE_PATH "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${MESA3D_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY}/${MESA3D_ARCHIVE}") set(MESA3D_ARCH_PATH "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${MESA3D_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY}/${MESA3D_ARCH}") # we support automatically installing and uninstalling the necessary files # if SFML_USE_MESA3D is set and true during configuration, we add custom commands to # automatically copy over the necessary files whenever an executable/test target is built # if SFML_USE_MESA3D is not set or false but the Mesa 3D directory is present, use its file list to # remove any files that were previously copied into ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin and subdirectories if(SFML_OS_WINDOWS AND SFML_USE_MESA3D) # we are installing the files # if the Mesa 3D directory is not yet present, download and extract the # files relevant for the architecture we are configured to build for if(NOT EXISTS "${MESA3D_ARCH_PATH}") message(STATUS "Downloading ${MESA3D_ARCHIVE}") file(DOWNLOAD "${MESA3D_URL}" "${MESA3D_ARCHIVE_PATH}" SHOW_PROGRESS EXPECTED_HASH SHA256=${MESA3D_SHA256}) if(NOT EXISTS "${MESA3D_ARCHIVE_PATH}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to download ${MESA3D_URL}") endif() message(STATUS "Extracting ${MESA3D_ARCH} files from ${MESA3D_ARCHIVE}") execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E tar x "${MESA3D_ARCHIVE_PATH}" -- ${MESA3D_ARCH} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${MESA3D_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY}") file(REMOVE "${MESA3D_ARCHIVE_PATH}") endif() # add the files as file dependencies to a custom target that we can add as a dependency to executable/test targets file(GLOB MESA3D_FILE_LIST "${MESA3D_ARCH_PATH}/*") get_property(IS_MULTI_CONFIG GLOBAL PROPERTY GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) foreach(MESA3D_FILE ${MESA3D_FILE_LIST}) get_filename_component(MESA3D_FILE_NAME "${MESA3D_FILE}" NAME) list(APPEND MESA3D_INSTALLED_FILES "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin/$<IF:$<BOOL:${IS_MULTI_CONFIG}>,$<CONFIG>/,>${MESA3D_FILE_NAME}") endforeach() # if files are missing from the target directory of the configuration being built, copy them over add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${MESA3D_INSTALLED_FILES} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" ARGS -E copy_if_different ${MESA3D_FILE_LIST} "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin$<IF:$<BOOL:${IS_MULTI_CONFIG}>,/$<CONFIG>,>") add_custom_target(install-mesa3d DEPENDS ${MESA3D_INSTALLED_FILES}) set_target_properties(install-mesa3d PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ON) elseif(SFML_OS_WINDOWS AND MESA3D_ARCH AND EXISTS "${MESA3D_ARCH_PATH}") # we are removing the files # compile a list of file names that we have to remove file(GLOB MESA3D_FILE_LIST "${MESA3D_ARCH_PATH}/*") foreach(MESA3D_FILE ${MESA3D_FILE_LIST}) get_filename_component(MESA3D_FILE_NAME "${MESA3D_FILE}" NAME) list(APPEND MESA3D_FILE_NAMES "${MESA3D_FILE_NAME}") endforeach() # recursively go through all files in bin and remove files that match the file name of a Mesa 3D file file(GLOB_RECURSE BINARY_FILE_LIST "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/bin/*") foreach(BINARY_FILE ${BINARY_FILE_LIST}) get_filename_component(BINARY_FILE_NAME "${BINARY_FILE}" NAME) list(FIND MESA3D_FILE_NAMES "${BINARY_FILE_NAME}" INDEX) if(NOT INDEX EQUAL -1) file(REMOVE "${BINARY_FILE}") endif() endforeach() endif()