//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Headers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <SFML/Audio.hpp> #include <SFML/Network.hpp> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> const sf::Uint8 audioData = 1; const sf::Uint8 endOfStream = 2; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Customized sound stream for acquiring audio data /// from the network //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class NetworkAudioStream : public sf::SoundStream { public : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Default constructor /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NetworkAudioStream() : myOffset (0), myHasFinished(false) { // Set the sound parameters Initialize(1, 44100); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run the server, stream audio data from the client /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Start(unsigned short port) { if (!myHasFinished) { // Listen to the given port for incoming connections if (myListener.Listen(port) != sf::Socket::Done) return; std::cout << "Server is listening to port " << port << ", waiting for connections... " << std::endl; // Wait for a connection if (myListener.Accept(myClient) != sf::Socket::Done) return; std::cout << "Client connected: " << myClient.GetRemoteAddress() << std::endl; // Start playback Play(); // Start receiving audio data ReceiveLoop(); } else { // Start playback Play(); } } private : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /see SoundStream::OnGetData /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual bool OnGetData(sf::SoundStream::Chunk& data) { // We have reached the end of the buffer and all audio data have been played : we can stop playback if ((myOffset >= mySamples.size()) && myHasFinished) return false; // No new data has arrived since last update : wait until we get some while ((myOffset >= mySamples.size()) && !myHasFinished) sf::Sleep(0.01f); // Copy samples into a local buffer to avoid synchronization problems // (don't forget that we run in two separate threads) { sf::Lock lock(myMutex); myTempBuffer.assign(mySamples.begin() + myOffset, mySamples.end()); } // Fill audio data to pass to the stream data.Samples = &myTempBuffer[0]; data.NbSamples = myTempBuffer.size(); // Update the playing offset myOffset += myTempBuffer.size(); return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /see SoundStream::OnSeek /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void OnSeek(float timeOffset) { myOffset = static_cast<std::size_t>(timeOffset * GetSampleRate() * GetChannelsCount()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get audio data from the client until playback is stopped /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ReceiveLoop() { while (!myHasFinished) { // Get waiting audio data from the network sf::Packet packet; if (myClient.Receive(packet) != sf::Socket::Done) break; // Extract the message ID sf::Uint8 id; packet >> id; if (id == audioData) { // Extract audio samples from the packet, and append it to our samples buffer const sf::Int16* samples = reinterpret_cast<const sf::Int16*>(packet.GetData() + 1); std::size_t nbSamples = (packet.GetDataSize() - 1) / sizeof(sf::Int16); // Don't forget that the other thread can access the samples array at any time // (so we protect any operation on it with the mutex) { sf::Lock lock(myMutex); std::copy(samples, samples + nbSamples, std::back_inserter(mySamples)); } } else if (id == endOfStream) { // End of stream reached : we stop receiving audio data std::cout << "Audio data has been 100% received!" << std::endl; myHasFinished = true; } else { // Something's wrong... std::cout << "Invalid packet received..." << std::endl; myHasFinished = true; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Member data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sf::TcpListener myListener; sf::TcpSocket myClient; sf::Mutex myMutex; std::vector<sf::Int16> mySamples; std::vector<sf::Int16> myTempBuffer; std::size_t myOffset; bool myHasFinished; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Launch a server and wait for incoming audio data from /// a connected client /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DoServer(unsigned short port) { // Build an audio stream to play sound data as it is received through the network NetworkAudioStream audioStream; audioStream.Start(port); // Loop until the sound playback is finished while (audioStream.GetStatus() != sf::SoundStream::Stopped) { // Leave some CPU time for other threads sf::Sleep(0.1f); } std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); // Wait until the user presses 'enter' key std::cout << "Press enter to replay the sound..." << std::endl; std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); // Replay the sound (just to make sure replaying the received data is OK) audioStream.Play(); // Loop until the sound playback is finished while (audioStream.GetStatus() != sf::SoundStream::Stopped) { // Leave some CPU time for other threads sf::Sleep(0.1f); } }