#include "Vector3.hpp" #include "System.hpp" VALUE globalVector3Class; VALUE Vector3_ForceType( VALUE someValue ) { if( rb_obj_is_kind_of( someValue, rb_cArray ) == true ) { VALUE arg1 = rb_ary_entry( someValue, 0 ); VALUE arg2 = rb_ary_entry( someValue, 1 ); VALUE arg3 = rb_ary_entry( someValue, 2 ); return rb_funcall( globalVector3Class, rb_intern( "new" ), 3, arg1, arg2, arg3 ); } else if( rb_obj_is_kind_of( someValue, globalVector3Class ) == true ) { return someValue; } else { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "expected Array or Vector3" ); } } static void Vector3_internal_CopyFrom( VALUE self, VALUE aSource ) { VALUE vectorSource = Vector3_ForceType( aSource ); VALUE x = rb_funcall( vectorSource, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE y = rb_funcall( vectorSource, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE z = rb_funcall( vectorSource, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "x=" ), 1, x ); rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y=" ), 1, y ); rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "z=" ), 1, z ); rb_iv_set( self, "@dataType", rb_iv_get( vectorSource, "@dataType" ) ); } static void Vector3_internal_ValidateTypes( VALUE aFirst, VALUE aSecond, VALUE aThird ) { if( CLASS_OF( aFirst ) != CLASS_OF( aSecond ) && CLASS_OF( aFirst ) != CLASS_OF( aThird ) ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "x, y and z must be of same type" ); } if( rb_obj_is_kind_of( aFirst, rb_cNumeric ) == Qfalse ) { rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "x, y and z must be numeric!" ); } } static VALUE Vector3_Negate( VALUE self ) { VALUE x = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE y = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE z = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE negatedX = rb_funcall( x, rb_intern( "-@" ), 0 ); VALUE negatedY = rb_funcall( y, rb_intern( "-@" ), 0 ); VALUE negatedZ = rb_funcall( z, rb_intern( "-@" ), 0 ); return rb_funcall( globalVector3Class, rb_intern( "new" ), 2, negatedX, negatedY, negatedZ ); } static VALUE Vector3_Add( VALUE self, VALUE aRightOperand ) { VALUE rightVector = Vector3_ForceType( aRightOperand ); // Get values VALUE leftX = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE leftY = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE leftZ = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); VALUE rightX = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE rightY = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE rightZ = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); // Do calculation VALUE newX = rb_funcall( leftX, rb_intern( "+" ), 1, rightX ); VALUE newY = rb_funcall( leftY, rb_intern( "+" ), 1, rightY ); VALUE newZ = rb_funcall( leftZ, rb_intern( "+" ), 1, rightZ ); return rb_funcall( globalVector3Class, rb_intern( "new" ), 2, newX, newY, newZ ); } static VALUE Vector3_Subtract( VALUE self, VALUE aRightOperand ) { VALUE rightVector = Vector3_ForceType( aRightOperand ); // Get values VALUE leftX = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE leftY = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE leftZ = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); VALUE rightX = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE rightY = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE rightZ = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); // Do calculation VALUE newX = rb_funcall( leftX, rb_intern( "-" ), 1, rightX ); VALUE newY = rb_funcall( leftY, rb_intern( "-" ), 1, rightY ); VALUE newZ = rb_funcall( leftZ, rb_intern( "-" ), 1, rightZ ); return rb_funcall( globalVector3Class, rb_intern( "new" ), 2, newX, newY, newZ ); } static VALUE Vector3_Multiply( VALUE self, VALUE aRightOperand ) { VALUE rightVector = Vector3_ForceType( aRightOperand ); // Get values VALUE leftX = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE leftY = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE leftZ = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); VALUE rightX = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE rightY = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE rightZ = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); // Do calculation VALUE newX = rb_funcall( leftX, rb_intern( "*" ), 1, rightX ); VALUE newY = rb_funcall( leftY, rb_intern( "*" ), 1, rightY ); VALUE newZ = rb_funcall( leftZ, rb_intern( "*" ), 1, rightZ ); return rb_funcall( globalVector3Class, rb_intern( "new" ), 2, newX, newY, newZ ); } static VALUE Vector3_Divide( VALUE self, VALUE aRightOperand ) { VALUE rightVector = Vector3_ForceType( aRightOperand ); // Get values VALUE leftX = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE leftY = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE leftZ = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); VALUE rightX = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE rightY = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE rightZ = rb_funcall( rightVector, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); // Do calculation VALUE newX = rb_funcall( leftX, rb_intern( "/" ), 1, rightX ); VALUE newY = rb_funcall( leftY, rb_intern( "/" ), 1, rightY ); VALUE newZ = rb_funcall( leftZ, rb_intern( "/" ), 1, rightZ ); return rb_funcall( globalVector3Class, rb_intern( "new" ), 2, newX, newY, newZ ); } static VALUE Vector3_Equal( VALUE self, VALUE anArgument ) { VALUE aVector = Vector3_ForceType( anArgument ); VALUE leftX = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE leftY = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE leftZ = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); VALUE rightX = rb_funcall( aVector, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE rightY = rb_funcall( aVector, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE rightZ = rb_funcall( aVector, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); if( rb_funcall( leftX, rb_intern( "==" ), 1, rightX ) == Qtrue && rb_funcall( leftY, rb_intern( "==" ), 1, rightY ) == Qtrue && rb_funcall( leftZ, rb_intern( "==" ), 1, rightZ ) == Qtrue ) { return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } static VALUE Vector3_StrictEqual( VALUE self, VALUE anArgument ) { VALUE aVector = Vector3_ForceType( anArgument ); VALUE leftX = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE leftY = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE leftZ = rb_funcall( self, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); VALUE rightX = rb_funcall( aVector, rb_intern( "x" ), 0 ); VALUE rightY = rb_funcall( aVector, rb_intern( "y" ), 0 ); VALUE rightZ = rb_funcall( aVector, rb_intern( "z" ), 0 ); if( rb_funcall( leftX, rb_intern( "eql?" ), 1, rightX ) == Qtrue && rb_funcall( leftY, rb_intern( "eql?" ), 1, rightY ) == Qtrue && rb_funcall( leftZ, rb_intern( "eql?" ), 1, rightZ ) == Qtrue ) { return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } static VALUE Vector3_Initialize( VALUE self, VALUE someArgs ) { long arrayLength = RARRAY_LEN( someArgs ); rb_iv_set( self, "@x", INT2NUM( 0 ) ); rb_iv_set( self, "@y", INT2NUM( 0 ) ); rb_iv_set( self, "@z", INT2NUM( 0 ) ); if( arrayLength == 0 ) { // Nothing needs to be done } else if( arrayLength == 1 ) { Vector3_internal_CopyFrom( self, rb_ary_entry( someArgs, 0 ) ); } else if( arrayLength == 3 ) { VALUE arg1 = rb_ary_entry( someArgs, 0 ); VALUE arg2 = rb_ary_entry( someArgs, 1 ); VALUE arg3 = rb_ary_entry( someArgs, 1 ); Vector3_internal_ValidateTypes( arg1, arg2, arg3 ); rb_iv_set( self, "@x", arg1 ); rb_iv_set( self, "@y", arg2 ); rb_iv_set( self, "@z", arg3 ); } rb_iv_set( self, "@dataType", CLASS_OF( rb_iv_get( self, "@x" ) ) ); return self; } VALUE Vector3_New( int anArgCount, VALUE * someArgs, VALUE aKlass ) { return rb_call_super( anArgCount, someArgs ); } void Init_Vector3( void ) { globalVector3Class = rb_define_class_under( GetNamespace(), "Vector3", rb_cObject ); // Class methods rb_define_singleton_method( globalVector3Class, "new", FUNCPTR( Vector3_New ), -1 ); // Instance methods rb_define_method( globalVector3Class, "initialize", FUNCPTR( Vector3_Initialize ), -2 ); rb_define_method( globalVector3Class, "eql?", FUNCPTR( Vector3_Initialize ), 1 ); // Instance operators rb_define_method( globalVector3Class, "-@", FUNCPTR( Vector3_Negate ), 0 ); rb_define_method( globalVector3Class, "+", FUNCPTR( Vector3_Add ), 1 ); rb_define_method( globalVector3Class, "-", FUNCPTR( Vector3_Subtract ), 1 ); rb_define_method( globalVector3Class, "*", FUNCPTR( Vector3_Multiply ), 1 ); rb_define_method( globalVector3Class, "/", FUNCPTR( Vector3_Divide ), 1 ); rb_define_method( globalVector3Class, "==", FUNCPTR( Vector3_Divide ), 1 ); // Attribute accessors rb_define_attr( globalVector3Class, "x", 1, 1 ); rb_define_attr( globalVector3Class, "y", 1, 1 ); rb_define_attr( globalVector3Class, "z", 1, 1 ); }