# # Try to find the Opus libraries and include paths # OPUS_FOUND # OPUS_INCLUDE_DIR # OPUS_LIBRARY # # find the opusfile header, defines our api. find_path(OPUS_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES opus/opusfile.h DOC "Opus include directory" ) mark_as_advanced(OPUS_INCLUDE_DIR) # look for libopusfile, the highlevel container-aware api. find_library(OPUSFILE_LIBRARY NAMES opusfile DOC "Path to OpusFile library" ) mark_as_advanced(OPUSFILE_LIBRARY) # find libopus, the core codec component. find_library(OPUS_LIBRARY NAMES opus DOC "Path to Opus library" ) mark_as_advanced(OPUS_LIBRARY) add_library(Opus::opus IMPORTED UNKNOWN) set_target_properties(Opus::opus PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${OPUS_INCLUDE_DIR}) if(OPUS_LIBRARY MATCHES "/([^/]+)\\.framework$") set_target_properties(Opus::opus PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${OPUS_LIBRARY}/${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) else() set_target_properties(Opus::opus PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${OPUS_LIBRARY}) endif()