using System;
namespace SFML
namespace Window
/// Keyboard event parameters
public class KeyEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Construct the key arguments from a key event
/// Key event
public KeyEventArgs(KeyEvent e)
Code = e.Code;
Alt = e.Alt != 0;
Control = e.Control != 0;
Shift = e.Shift != 0;
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[KeyEventArgs]" +
" Code(" + Code + ")" +
" Alt(" + Alt + ")" +
" Control(" + Control + ")" +
" Shift(" + Shift + ")";
/// Code of the key (see KeyCode enum)
public KeyCode Code;
/// Is the Alt modifier pressed?
public bool Alt;
/// Is the Control modifier pressed?
public bool Control;
/// Is the Shift modifier pressed?
public bool Shift;
/// Text event parameters
public class TextEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Construct the text arguments from a text event
/// Text event
public TextEventArgs(TextEvent e)
Unicode = Char.ConvertFromUtf32((int)e.Unicode);
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[TextEventArgs]" +
" Unicode(" + Unicode + ")";
/// UTF-16 value of the character
public string Unicode;
/// Mouse move event parameters
public class MouseMoveEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Construct the mouse move arguments from a mouse move event
/// Mouse move event
public MouseMoveEventArgs(MouseMoveEvent e)
X = e.X;
Y = e.Y;
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[MouseMoveEventArgs]" +
" X(" + X + ")" +
" Y(" + Y + ")";
/// X coordinate of the mouse cursor
public int X;
/// Y coordinate of the mouse cursor
public int Y;
/// Mouse buttons event parameters
public class MouseButtonEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Construct the mouse button arguments from a mouse button event
/// Mouse button event
public MouseButtonEventArgs(MouseButtonEvent e)
Button = e.Button;
X = e.X;
Y = e.Y;
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[MouseButtonEventArgs]" +
" Button(" + Button + ")" +
" X(" + X + ")" +
" Y(" + Y + ")";
/// Code of the button (see MouseButton enum)
public MouseButton Button;
/// X coordinate of the mouse cursor
public int X;
/// Y coordinate of the mouse cursor
public int Y;
/// Mouse wheel event parameters
public class MouseWheelEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Construct the mouse wheel arguments from a mouse wheel event
/// Mouse wheel event
public MouseWheelEventArgs(MouseWheelEvent e)
Delta = e.Delta;
X = e.X;
Y = e.Y;
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[MouseWheelEventArgs]" +
" Delta(" + Delta + ")" +
" X(" + X + ")" +
" Y(" + Y + ")";
/// Scroll amount
public int Delta;
/// X coordinate of the mouse cursor
public int X;
/// Y coordinate of the mouse cursor
public int Y;
/// Joystick axis move event parameters
public class JoyMoveEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Construct the joystick move arguments from a joystick move event
/// Joystick move event
public JoyMoveEventArgs(JoyMoveEvent e)
JoystickId = e.JoystickId;
Axis = e.Axis;
Position = e.Position;
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[JoyMoveEventArgs]" +
" JoystickId(" + JoystickId + ")" +
" Axis(" + Axis + ")" +
" Position(" + Position + ")";
/// Index of the joystick which triggered the event
public uint JoystickId;
/// Joystick axis (see JoyAxis enum)
public JoyAxis Axis;
/// Current position of the axis
public float Position;
/// Joystick buttons event parameters
public class JoyButtonEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Construct the joystick button arguments from a joystick button event
/// Joystick button event
public JoyButtonEventArgs(JoyButtonEvent e)
JoystickId = e.JoystickId;
Button = e.Button;
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[JoyButtonEventArgs]" +
" JoystickId(" + JoystickId + ")" +
" Button(" + Button + ")";
/// Index of the joystick which triggered the event
public uint JoystickId;
/// Index of the button
public uint Button;
/// Size event parameters
public class SizeEventArgs : EventArgs
/// Construct the size arguments from a size event
/// Size event
public SizeEventArgs(SizeEvent e)
Width = e.Width;
Height = e.Height;
/// Provide a string describing the object
/// String description of the object
public override string ToString()
return "[SizeEventArgs]" +
" Width(" + Width + ")" +
" Height(" + Height + ")";
/// New width of the window
public uint Width;
/// New height of the window
public uint Height;