/* * DSFML - SFML Library binding in D language. * Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Dagorn (sirjulio13@gmail.com) * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or * implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held * liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute * it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; * you must not claim that you wrote the original software. * If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment * in the product documentation would be appreciated but * is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, * and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any * source distribution. */ module dsfml.graphics.drawableimpl; public import dsfml.system.common; import dsfml.system.vector2; import dsfml.graphics.idrawable; import dsfml.graphics.color; import dsfml.graphics.blendmode; import dsfml.graphics.renderwindow; package { struct sfSprite{}; struct sfShape{}; struct sfString{}; } /* * Package base class of all drawable. * Provide implementation of IDrawable and functions aliases. */ package class Drawableimpl(T) : DSFMLObject, IDrawable { void setX(float x) { sfDrawable_SetX(m_ptr, x); } void setY(float y) { sfDrawable_SetY(m_ptr, y); } void setPosition(float x, float y) { sfDrawable_SetPosition(m_ptr, x, y); } void setPosition(Vector2f vec) { sfDrawable_SetPosition(m_ptr, vec.x, vec.y); } void setScaleX(float scale) { if (scale > 0) sfDrawable_SetScaleX(m_ptr, scale); } void setScaleY(float scale) { if (scale > 0) sfDrawable_SetScaleY(m_ptr, scale); } void setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY) { if (scaleX > 0 && scaleY > 0) sfDrawable_SetScale(m_ptr, scaleX, scaleY); } void setScale(Vector2f scale) { if (scale.x > 0 && scale.y > 0) sfDrawable_SetScale(m_ptr, scale.x, scale.y); } void setCenter(float centerX, float centerY) { sfDrawable_SetCenter(m_ptr, centerX, centerY); } void setCenter(Vector2f center) { sfDrawable_SetCenter(m_ptr, center.x, center.y); } void setRotation(float angle) { sfDrawable_SetRotation(m_ptr, angle); } void setColor(Color c) { sfDrawable_SetColor(m_ptr, c); } void setBlendMode(BlendMode mode) { sfDrawable_SetBlendMode(m_ptr, mode); } Vector2f getPosition() { return Vector2f(sfDrawable_GetX(m_ptr), sfDrawable_GetY(m_ptr)); } Vector2f getScale() { return Vector2f(sfDrawable_GetScaleX(m_ptr), sfDrawable_GetScaleY(m_ptr)); } Vector2f getCenter() { return Vector2f(sfDrawable_GetCenterX(m_ptr), sfDrawable_GetCenterY(m_ptr)); } float getRotation() { return sfDrawable_GetRotation(m_ptr); } Color getColor() { return sfDrawable_GetColor(m_ptr); } BlendMode getBlendMode() { return cast(BlendMode)(sfDrawable_GetBlendMode(m_ptr)); } void rotate(float angle) { sfDrawable_Rotate(m_ptr, angle); } void move(float offsetX, float offsetY) { sfDrawable_Move(m_ptr, offsetX, offsetY); } void move(Vector2f offset) { sfDrawable_Move(m_ptr, offset.x, offset.y); } void scale(float scaleX, float scaleY) { if (scaleX > 0 && scaleY > 0) sfDrawable_SetScale(m_ptr, scaleX, scaleY); } void scale(Vector2f scale) { if (scale.x > 0 && scale.y > 0) sfDrawable_SetScale(m_ptr, scale.x, scale.y); } Vector2f tranformToLocal(Vector2f point) { Vector2f ret; sfDrawable_TransformToLocal(m_ptr, point.x, point.y, &ret.x, &ret.y); return ret; } Vector2f tranformToGlobal(Vector2f point) { Vector2f ret; sfDrawable_TransformToLocal(m_ptr, point.x, point.y, &ret.x, &ret.y); return ret; } void render(RenderWindow window) { sfRenderWindow_DrawThis(window.getNativePointer, m_ptr); } override void dispose() { sfDrawable_Destroy(m_ptr); } protected: this() { super(sfDrawable_Create()); } this(void* ptr) { super(ptr); } private: extern (C) { typedef void* function() pf_sfDrawable_Create; typedef void function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_Destroy; typedef void function(void*, float) pf_sfDrawable_SetX; typedef void function(void*, float) pf_sfDrawable_SetY; typedef void function(void*, float, float) pf_sfDrawable_SetPosition; typedef void function(void*, float) pf_sfDrawable_SetScaleX; typedef void function(void*, float) pf_sfDrawable_SetScaleY; typedef void function(void*, float, float) pf_sfDrawable_SetScale; typedef void function(void*, float) pf_sfDrawable_SetRotation; typedef void function(void*, float, float) pf_sfDrawable_SetCenter; typedef void function(void*, Color) pf_sfDrawable_SetColor; typedef void function(void*, BlendMode) pf_sfDrawable_SetBlendMode; typedef float function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetX; typedef float function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetY; typedef float function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetScaleX; typedef float function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetScaleY; typedef float function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetRotation; typedef float function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetCenterX; typedef float function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetCenterY; typedef Color function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetColor; typedef BlendMode function(void*) pf_sfDrawable_GetBlendMode; typedef void function(void*, float, float) pf_sfDrawable_Move; typedef void function(void*, float, float) pf_sfDrawable_Scale; typedef void function(void*, float) pf_sfDrawable_Rotate; typedef void function(void*, float, float, float*, float*) pf_sfDrawable_TransformToLocal; typedef void function(void*, float, float, float*, float*) pf_sfDrawable_TransformToGlobal; typedef void function(void*, void*) pf_sfRenderWindow_DrawThis; static pf_sfDrawable_Create sfDrawable_Create; static pf_sfDrawable_Destroy sfDrawable_Destroy; static pf_sfDrawable_SetX sfDrawable_SetX; static pf_sfDrawable_SetY sfDrawable_SetY; static pf_sfDrawable_SetPosition sfDrawable_SetPosition; static pf_sfDrawable_SetScaleX sfDrawable_SetScaleX; static pf_sfDrawable_SetScaleY sfDrawable_SetScaleY; static pf_sfDrawable_SetScale sfDrawable_SetScale; static pf_sfDrawable_SetRotation sfDrawable_SetRotation; static pf_sfDrawable_SetCenter sfDrawable_SetCenter; static pf_sfDrawable_SetColor sfDrawable_SetColor; static pf_sfDrawable_SetBlendMode sfDrawable_SetBlendMode; static pf_sfDrawable_GetX sfDrawable_GetX; static pf_sfDrawable_GetY sfDrawable_GetY; static pf_sfDrawable_GetScaleX sfDrawable_GetScaleX; static pf_sfDrawable_GetScaleY sfDrawable_GetScaleY; static pf_sfDrawable_GetRotation sfDrawable_GetRotation; static pf_sfDrawable_GetCenterX sfDrawable_GetCenterX; static pf_sfDrawable_GetCenterY sfDrawable_GetCenterY; static pf_sfDrawable_GetColor sfDrawable_GetColor; static pf_sfDrawable_GetBlendMode sfDrawable_GetBlendMode; static pf_sfDrawable_Move sfDrawable_Move; static pf_sfDrawable_Scale sfDrawable_Scale; static pf_sfDrawable_Rotate sfDrawable_Rotate; static pf_sfDrawable_TransformToLocal sfDrawable_TransformToLocal; static pf_sfDrawable_TransformToGlobal sfDrawable_TransformToGlobal; static pf_sfRenderWindow_DrawThis sfRenderWindow_DrawThis; } static this() { DllLoader dll = DllLoader.load("csfml-graphics"); static if (is (T : sfSprite)) { char[] symbol = "sfSprite"; } else static if (is (T : sfString)) { char[] symbol = "sfString"; } else static if (is (T : sfShape)) { char[] symbol = "sfShape"; } sfDrawable_Create = cast(pf_sfDrawable_Create)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_Create"); sfDrawable_Destroy = cast(pf_sfDrawable_Destroy)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_Destroy"); sfDrawable_SetX = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetX)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetX"); sfDrawable_SetY = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetY)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetY"); sfDrawable_SetPosition = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetPosition)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetPosition"); sfDrawable_SetScaleX = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetScaleX)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetScaleX"); sfDrawable_SetScaleY = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetScaleY)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetScaleY"); sfDrawable_SetScale = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetScale)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetScale"); sfDrawable_SetRotation = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetRotation)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetRotation"); sfDrawable_SetCenter = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetCenter)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetCenter"); sfDrawable_SetColor = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetColor)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetColor"); sfDrawable_SetBlendMode = cast(pf_sfDrawable_SetBlendMode)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_SetBlendMode"); sfDrawable_GetX = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetX)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetX"); sfDrawable_GetY = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetY)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetY"); sfDrawable_GetScaleX = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetScaleX)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetScaleX"); sfDrawable_GetScaleY = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetScaleY)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetScaleX"); sfDrawable_GetRotation = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetRotation)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetRotation"); sfDrawable_GetCenterX = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetCenterX)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetCenterX"); sfDrawable_GetCenterY = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetCenterY)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetCenterY"); sfDrawable_GetColor = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetColor)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetColor"); sfDrawable_GetBlendMode = cast(pf_sfDrawable_GetBlendMode)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_GetBlendMode"); sfDrawable_Move = cast(pf_sfDrawable_Move)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_Move"); sfDrawable_Scale = cast(pf_sfDrawable_Scale)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_Scale"); sfDrawable_Rotate = cast(pf_sfDrawable_Rotate)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_Rotate"); sfDrawable_TransformToLocal = cast(pf_sfDrawable_TransformToLocal)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_TransformToLocal"); sfDrawable_TransformToGlobal = cast(pf_sfDrawable_TransformToGlobal)dll.getSymbol(symbol ~ "_TransformToGlobal"); sfRenderWindow_DrawThis = cast(pf_sfRenderWindow_DrawThis)dll.getSymbol("sfRenderWindow_Draw" ~ symbol[2..$]); } }