//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Headers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <SFML/Audio.hpp> #include <SFML/Network.hpp> #include <iostream> const sf::Uint8 audioData = 1; const sf::Uint8 endOfStream = 2; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Specialization of audio recorder for sending recorded audio /// data through the network //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class NetworkRecorder : public sf::SoundRecorder { public : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor /// /// \param host Remote host to which send the recording data /// \param port Port of the remote host /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NetworkRecorder(const sf::IpAddress& host, unsigned short port) : myHost(host), myPort(port) { } private : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /see SoundRecorder::OnStart /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual bool OnStart() { if (mySocket.Connect(myHost, myPort) == sf::Socket::Done) { std::cout << "Connected to server " << myHost << std::endl; return true; } else { return false; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /see SoundRecorder::ProcessSamples /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual bool OnProcessSamples(const sf::Int16* samples, std::size_t sampleCount) { // Pack the audio samples into a network packet sf::Packet packet; packet << audioData; packet.Append(samples, sampleCount * sizeof(sf::Int16)); // Send the audio packet to the server return mySocket.Send(packet) == sf::Socket::Done; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /see SoundRecorder::OnStop /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void OnStop() { // Send a "end-of-stream" packet sf::Packet packet; packet << endOfStream; mySocket.Send(packet); // Close the socket mySocket.Disconnect(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Member data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sf::IpAddress myHost; ///< Address of the remote host unsigned short myPort; ///< Remote port sf::TcpSocket mySocket; ///< Socket used to communicate with the server }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a client, connect it to a running server and /// start sending him audio data /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DoClient(unsigned short port) { // Check that the device can capture audio if (sf::SoundRecorder::IsAvailable() == false) { std::cout << "Sorry, audio capture is not supported by your system" << std::endl; return; } // Ask for server address sf::IpAddress server; do { std::cout << "Type address or name of the server to connect to : "; std::cin >> server; } while (server == sf::IpAddress::None); // Create an instance of our custom recorder NetworkRecorder recorder(server, port); // Wait for user input... std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); std::cout << "Press enter to start recording audio"; std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); // Start capturing audio data recorder.Start(44100); std::cout << "Recording... press enter to stop"; std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n'); recorder.Stop(); }