Identifier org.sfml-dev.linker Kind Xcode.Xcode3.ProjectTemplateUnitKind Options Identifier binaryType Name [ADVANCED] SFML binaries Description Choose between dylibs and frameworks. If you're not sure, keep the default value. Default Frameworks NotPersisted Type popup Units Frameworks Project SharedSettings SFML_BINARY_TYPE FRAMEWORKS SFML_LINK_DYLIBS_SUFFIX Dylibs Project SharedSettings SFML_BINARY_TYPE DYLIBS SFML_LINK_DYLIBS_SUFFIX Dylibs (debug) Project SharedSettings SFML_BINARY_TYPE DYLIBS Configurations Debug SFML_LINK_DYLIBS_SUFFIX -d Release SFML_LINK_DYLIBS_SUFFIX Identifier windowModule Name Use window module Description Indicates whether window module should be used or not. Type checkbox Default true Units true Project SharedSettings SFML_WINDOW $(SFML_LINK_PREFIX) sfml-window$(SFML_LINK_SUFFIX) false Project SharedSettings SFML_WINDOW Identifier graphicsModule Name Use graphics module Description Indicates whether graphics module should be used or not. RequiredOptions windowModule true Type checkbox Default true Units true Project SharedSettings SFML_GRAPHICS $(SFML_LINK_PREFIX) sfml-graphics$(SFML_LINK_SUFFIX) false Project SharedSettings SFML_GRAPHICS Identifier audioModule Name Use audio module Description Indicates whether audio module should be used or not. Type checkbox Default true Units true Project SharedSettings SFML_AUDIO $(SFML_LINK_PREFIX) sfml-audio$(SFML_LINK_SUFFIX) false Project SharedSettings SFML_AUDIO Identifier networkModule Name Use network module Description Indicates whether network module should be used or not. Type checkbox Default true Units true Project SharedSettings SFML_NETWORK $(SFML_LINK_PREFIX) sfml-network$(SFML_LINK_SUFFIX) false Project SharedSettings SFML_NETWORK Project SharedSettings SFML_LINK_DYLIBS_PREFIX -l SFML_LINK_FRAMEWORKS_PREFIX -framework SFML_LINK_FRAMEWORKS_SUFFIX SFML_LINK_PREFIX $(SFML_LINK_$(SFML_BINARY_TYPE)_PREFIX) SFML_LINK_SUFFIX $(SFML_LINK_$(SFML_BINARY_TYPE)_SUFFIX) SFML_SYSTEM $(SFML_LINK_PREFIX) sfml-system$(SFML_LINK_SUFFIX) OTHER_LDFLAGS $(inherited) $(SFML_SYSTEM) $(SFML_WINDOW) $(SFML_GRAPHICS) $(SFML_AUDIO) $(SFML_NETWORK)