*   DSFML - SFML Library binding in D language.
*   Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Dagorn (sirjulio13@gmail.com)
*   This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
*   implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held
*   liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
*   Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
*   including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
*   it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
*   1.  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
*       you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
*       If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
*       in the product documentation would be appreciated but
*       is not required.
*   2.  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
*       and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
*   3.  This notice may not be removed or altered from any
*       source distribution.

module dsfml.window.videomode;

import dsfml.system.common;

*   VideoMode defines a video mode (width, height, bpp, frequency)
*   and provides static functions for getting modes supported
*   by the display device
align(1) struct VideoMode
    static VideoMode opCall(uint width, uint height, uint bitsPerPixel = 32)
        VideoMode mode;
        mode.Width = width;
        mode.Height = height;
        mode.BitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
        return mode;
    *   Get the current desktop video mode
    *   Returns:
    *       Current desktop video mode
    static VideoMode getDesktopMode()
        return sfVideoMode_GetDesktopMode();

    *   Get a valid video mode
    *   Index must be in range [0, GetModesCount()[
    *   Modes are sorted from best to worst
    *   Params:
    *       index = Index of video mode to get
    *   Returns:
    *       Corresponding video mode (invalid mode if index is out of range)
    static VideoMode getMode(size_t index)
        return sfVideoMode_GetMode(index);

    *   Get valid video modes count
    *   Returns:
    *       Number of valid video modes available
    static size_t getModesCount()
        return sfVideoMode_GetModesCount();

    *   Tell whether or not the video mode is supported
    *   Returns:
    *       True if video mode is supported, false otherwise
    bool isValid()
        return cast(bool)sfVideoMode_IsValid(*this);

    *   Comparison operator overload -- tell if two video modes are equal
    *   Params: 
    *       Other : Video mode to compare
    *   Returns:
    *       True if modes are equal
    bool opEquals(VideoMode other)
        return ((other.Width == Width) && (other.Height == Height) && (other.BitsPerPixel == BitsPerPixel));
    uint Width;        /// Video mode width, in pixels
    uint Height;       /// Video mode height, in pixels
    uint BitsPerPixel; /// Video mode pixel depth, in bits per pixels

extern (C)
    typedef VideoMode function() pf_sfVideoMode_GetDesktopMode;
    typedef VideoMode function(size_t) pf_sfVideoMode_GetMode;
    typedef size_t function() pf_sfVideoMode_GetModesCount;
    typedef int function(VideoMode) pf_sfVideoMode_IsValid;
    pf_sfVideoMode_GetDesktopMode sfVideoMode_GetDesktopMode;
    pf_sfVideoMode_GetMode sfVideoMode_GetMode;
    pf_sfVideoMode_GetModesCount sfVideoMode_GetModesCount;
    pf_sfVideoMode_IsValid sfVideoMode_IsValid;

static this()
    DllLoader dll = DllLoader.load("csfml-window");
    sfVideoMode_GetDesktopMode = cast(pf_sfVideoMode_GetDesktopMode)dll.getSymbol("sfVideoMode_GetDesktopMode");
    sfVideoMode_GetMode = cast(pf_sfVideoMode_GetMode)dll.getSymbol("sfVideoMode_GetMode");
    sfVideoMode_GetModesCount = cast(pf_sfVideoMode_GetModesCount)dll.getSymbol("sfVideoMode_GetModesCount");
    sfVideoMode_IsValid = cast(pf_sfVideoMode_IsValid)dll.getSymbol("sfVideoMode_IsValid");