# This script provides the SFML libraries as imported targets # ------------------------------------ # # Usage # ----- # # When you try to locate the SFML libraries, you must specify which modules you want to use (System, Window, Graphics, Network, Audio, Main). # If none is given, no imported target will be created and you won't be able to link to SFML libraries. # example: # find_package(SFML COMPONENTS Graphics Window System) # find the graphics, window and system modules # # You can enforce a specific version, either MAJOR.MINOR or only MAJOR. # If nothing is specified, the version won't be checked (i.e. any version will be accepted). # example: # find_package(SFML COMPONENTS ...) # no specific version required # find_package(SFML 3 COMPONENTS ...) # any 3.x version # find_package(SFML 2.6 COMPONENTS ...) # version 2.6 or greater with the same major version # # By default, the dynamic libraries of SFML will be found. To find the static ones instead, # you must set the SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES variable to ON before calling find_package(SFML ...). # You don't need to deal with SFML's dependencies when linking your targets against SFML libraries, # they will all be configured automatically, even if you use SFML static libraries. # example: # set(SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES ON) # find_package(SFML 3 COMPONENTS Network System) # # When searching for SFML with find_package(), keep in mind that it will also find versions which are # in development (i.e. between two released versions), if you have them in your search path. # If you want to make sure that a found SFML package corresponds to an official release, check the # bool output variable SFML_VERSION_IS_RELEASE, which is true for official releases and false for development versions. # # If you want to use the latest features before a new SFML version is released, make sure to look for # the upcoming version number. For example, if you want to use latest SFML 3 features before 3.0.0 is officially released, # look for version 3 with find_package(). # # On macOS by default CMake will search for frameworks. If you want to use static libraries and have installed # both SFML frameworks and SFML static libraries, your must set CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK to "NEVER" or "LAST" # in addition to setting SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES to ON. Otherwise CMake will check the frameworks bundle config and # fail after finding out that it does not provide static libraries. Please refer to CMake documentation for more details. # # Additionally, keep in mind that SFML frameworks are only available as release libraries unlike dylibs which # are available for both release and debug modes. # # If SFML is not installed in a standard path, you can use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to tell CMake in what directory # SFML was installed. # # Output # ------ # # This script defines the following variables: # - For each specified module XXX (System, Window, Graphics, Network, Audio, Main): # - SFML_XXX_FOUND: true if either the debug or release library of the xxx module is found # - SFML_FOUND: true if all the required modules are found # # And the following targets: # - For each specified module XXX (System, Window, Graphics, Network, Audio, Main): # - SFML::XXX # The SFML targets are the same for both Debug and Release build configurations and will automatically provide # correct settings based on your currently active build configuration. The SFML targets name also do not change # when using dynamic or static SFML libraries. # # When linking against a SFML target, you do not need to specify indirect dependencies. For example, linking # against SFML::Graphics will also automatically link against SFML::Window and SFML::System. # # example: # find_package(SFML 3 COMPONENTS Graphics Audio REQUIRED) # add_executable(myapp ...) # target_link_libraries(myapp PRIVATE SFML::Graphics SFML::Audio) if(NOT SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "find_package(SFML) called with no component") endif() set(SFML_SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS Audio Graphics Main Network System Window) foreach(component ${SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if(NOT component IN_LIST SFML_SUPPORTED_COMPONENTS) set(SFML_FOUND OFF) set(SFML_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE "Unsupported SFML component: ${component}") message(FATAL_ERROR "${SFML_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE}") endif() endforeach() set(FIND_SFML_PATHS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../.." ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local /usr /sw /opt/local /opt/csw /opt) find_path(SFML_DOC_DIR SFML.tag PATH_SUFFIXES SFML/doc share/doc/SFML PATHS ${FIND_SFML_PATHS}) # Update requested components (eg. request window component if graphics component was requested) set(FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED "") if("Audio" IN_LIST SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS) list(APPEND FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED "System" "Audio") endif() if("Graphics" IN_LIST SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS) list(APPEND FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED "System" "Window" "Graphics") endif() if("Main" IN_LIST SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS) list(APPEND FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED "Main") endif() if("Network" IN_LIST SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS) list(APPEND FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED "System" "Network") endif() if("System" IN_LIST SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS) list(APPEND FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED "System") endif() if("Window" IN_LIST SFML_FIND_COMPONENTS) list(APPEND FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED "System" "Window") endif() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED) # Choose which target definitions must be imported if(SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES) set(SFML_IS_FRAMEWORK_INSTALL "@SFML_BUILD_FRAMEWORKS@") if(SFML_IS_FRAMEWORK_INSTALL) message(WARNING "Static frameworks are not supported by SFML. Clear cache entries, \ and either change SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES or CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK before calling find_package(SFML)") endif() set(config_name "Static") else() set(config_name "Shared") endif() # Set SFML_FOUND to ON by default, may be overwritten by one of the includes below set(SFML_FOUND ON) # Only configure dependencies if we are static linking if(SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES) # Look for dependencies in "reverse order" # This is due to the fact that among other things, resolving the # X11 dependency will break our own find_package(Freetype CONFIG) # because X11 attempts to find Freetype itself to resolve its Xft dependency. set(FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_REVERSED ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED}) list(REVERSE FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_REVERSED) foreach(component ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_REVERSED}) set(dependencies_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/SFML${component}Dependencies.cmake") if(EXISTS "${dependencies_file}") include("${dependencies_file}") endif() endforeach() endif() foreach(component ${FIND_SFML_COMPONENTS_SORTED}) string(TOUPPER "${component}" UPPER_COMPONENT) set(targets_config_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/SFML${component}${config_name}Targets.cmake") # Generate imported targets for SFML components if(EXISTS "${targets_config_file}") include("${targets_config_file}") if(TARGET SFML::${component}) set(SFML_${UPPER_COMPONENT}_FOUND ON) else() set(SFML_${UPPER_COMPONENT}_FOUND OFF) set(SFML_FOUND OFF) if(SFML_FIND_REQUIRED_${component}) set(FIND_SFML_ERROR "Found SFML but requested component '${component}' is missing in the package configuration.") endif() endif() else() set(FIND_SFML_ERROR "Requested SFML configuration (${config_name}) was not found") set(SFML_${UPPER_COMPONENT}_FOUND OFF) set(SFML_FOUND OFF) endif() endforeach() if(SFML_FOUND) set(SFML_VERSION_IS_RELEASE @VERSION_IS_RELEASE@) else() if(SFML_FIND_REQUIRED) # fatal error message(FATAL_ERROR "${FIND_SFML_ERROR}") elseif(NOT SFML_FIND_QUIETLY) # error but continue message(STATUS "${FIND_SFML_ERROR}") endif() endif() if(SFML_FOUND AND NOT SFML_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "Found SFML @PROJECT_VERSION@ in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}") endif()