*	DSFML - SFML Library wrapper for the D programming language.
*	Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Dagorn (sirjulio13@gmail.com)
*	Copyright (C) 2010 Andreas Hollandt
*	This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or
*	implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held
*	liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
*	Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
*	including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute
*	it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
*	1.  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
*		you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
*		If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
*		in the product documentation would be appreciated but
*		is not required.
*	2.  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
*		and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
*	3.  This notice may not be removed or altered from any
*		source distribution.

module dsfml.graphics.image;

import	dsfml.graphics.color,
//		dsfml.graphics.renderwindow;

import	dsfml.system.common,

 *	Image is the low-level class for loading and
 *	manipulating images
class Image : DSFMLObject
	this(SFMLClass ptr)
		super(ptr, true);

	 *	Default constructor

	 *	Construct an empty image
	 *	Params:	
	 *		width = Image width
	 *		height = Image height
	 *		col = Image color (black by default)
	this(uint width, uint height, Color col = Color.BLACK)
		super(sfImage_CreateFromColor(width, height, col));

	 *	Construct the image from a file
	 *	Params: 
	 *		filename = Path of the image file to load
	 *	Throws:
	 *		LoadingException if filename is empty or null.
	this(string filename)
		if (filename is null || filename.length == 0)
			throw new LoadingException("LoadingException : Filename is invalid.");


	 *	Construct the image from a file in memory
	 *	Params:
	 *		data = array of data in memory
	 *	Throws:
	 *		LoadingException if data is empty or null.
	this(ubyte[] data)
		if (data is null || data.length == 0)
			throw new LoadingException("Memory stream is invalid.");
		super(sfImage_CreateFromMemory(data.ptr, data.length));

	 *	Construct the image directly from an array of pixels
	 *	Params: 
	 *		width = Image width
	 *		height = Image height
	 *		data = array of pixels in memory (assumed format is RGBA)
	 *	Throws:
	 *		LoadingException if data length doesn't match Width * Height * 4
	this(uint width, uint height, ubyte[] data)
		if (width * height * 4 != data.length)
			throw new LoadingException("Pixels array length doesn't match the specified size.");
		super(sfImage_CreateFromPixels(width, height, data.ptr));

	override void dispose()

	 *	Save the content of the image to a file
	 *	Params: 
	 *		filename = Path of the file to save (overwritten if already exist)
	 *	Returns: 
	 *		True if saving was successful
	bool saveToFile(string filename)
		return cast(bool)sfImage_SaveToFile(m_ptr, toStringz(filename));

	 *	Create an empty image
	 *	Params:	
	 *		width = Image width
	 *		height = Image height
	 *		col = Image color (black by default)
	 *	Returns: 
	 *		True if creation was successful
	bool create(uint width, uint height, Color col = Color.BLACK)
		m_ptr = sfImage_CreateFromColor(width, height, col);
		return (m_ptr !is null); 

	 *	Create transparency mask from a specified colorkey
	 *	Params: 
	 *		colorKey = Color to become transparent
	 *		alpha = Alpha value to use for transparent pixels (0 by default)
	void createMaskFromColor(Color colorKey, ubyte alpha = 0)
		sfImage_CreateMaskFromColor(m_ptr, colorKey, alpha);

	 *	Create the image from the current contents of the
	 *	given window
	 *	Params:	
	 *		window = Window to capture
	 *		sourceRect = Sub-rectangle of the screen to copy (empty by default - entire image)
	 *	Returns:
	 *		True if copy was successful
	 bool copyScreen(RenderWindow window, IntRect sourceRect = IntRect())
		 return cast(bool)sfImage_CopyScreen(m_ptr, window.nativePointer, sourceRect);

	 *	Copy pixels from another image onto this one.
	 *	This function does a slow pixel copy and should only
	 *	be used at initialization time
	 *	Params:
	 *		source = Source image to copy
	 *		destX = X coordinate of the destination position
	 *		destY = Y coordinate of the destination position
	 *		sourceRect = Sub-rectangle of the source image to copy
	void copyImage(Image source, uint destX, uint destY, IntRect sourceRect = IntRect())
		sfImage_CopyImage(m_ptr, source.nativePointer, destX, destY, sourceRect);

	 *	Change the color of a pixel
	 *	Don't forget to call Update when you end modifying pixels
	 *	Params:	
	 *		x = X coordinate of pixel in the image
	 *		y = Y coordinate of pixel in the image
	 *		col = New color for pixel (X, Y)
	void setPixel(uint x, uint y, Color col)
		sfImage_SetPixel(m_ptr, x, y, col);

	 *	Get a pixel from the image
	 *	Params:	
	 *		x = X coordinate of pixel in the image
	 *		y = Y coordinate of pixel in the image
	 *	Returns: 
	 *		Color of pixel (x, y)
	Color getPixel(uint x, uint y)
		return sfImage_GetPixel(m_ptr, x, y);

	 *	Get an array of pixels (8 bits integers RGBA)
	 *	Array size is GetWidth() x GetHeight() x 4
	 *	This array becomes invalid if you reload or resize the image
	 *	Returns:
	 *		array of pixels
	ubyte[] getPixelsArray()
		return sfImage_GetPixelsPtr(m_ptr)[0..width() * height() * 4];

	 *	Bind the image for rendering
	void bind()

	 *	Update a sub-rectangle of the image from an array of pixels
	 *	Warning: for performances reasons, this function doesn't
	 *	perform any check; thus you're responsible of ensuring that
	 *	rectangle does not exceed the image size, and that
	 *	pixels contains enough elements.
	 *	Params:
	 *		rectangle	= sub rectangle of the image to update
	 *		pixels		= array of pixels to write to the image
	void updatePixels(ubyte[] pixels, IntRect rectangle)
		sfImage_UpdatePixels(m_ptr, pixels.ptr, rectangle);
	 *	Enable or disable image smooth filter.
	 *	This parameter is enabled by default
	 *	Params: 
	 *		s = True to enable smoothing filter, false to disable it
	void smooth(bool s)
		sfImage_SetSmooth(m_ptr, s);

	 *	Return the width of the image
	 *	Returns: 
	 *		Width in pixels
	uint width()
		return sfImage_GetWidth(m_ptr);

	 *	Return the height of the image
	 *	Returns: 
	 *		Height in pixels
	uint height()
		return sfImage_GetHeight(m_ptr);
	 *	Tells whether the smooth filtering is enabled or not
	 *	Returns:
	 *		True if image smoothing is enabled
	bool smooth()
		return cast(bool)sfImage_IsSmooth(m_ptr);

	static extern (C)
		SFMLClass	function()										sfImage_Create;
		SFMLClass	function(uint, uint, Color)						sfImage_CreateFromColor;
		SFMLClass	function(uint, uint, ubyte*)					sfImage_CreateFromPixels;
		SFMLClass	function(cchar*)								sfImage_CreateFromFile;
		SFMLClass	function(ubyte* ,size_t)						sfImage_CreateFromMemory;
		void		function(SFMLClass)								sfImage_Destroy;
		int			function(SFMLClass, cchar*)						sfImage_SaveToFile;
		void		function(SFMLClass, Color, ubyte)				sfImage_CreateMaskFromColor;
		SFMLClass	function(SFMLClass)								sfImage_Copy;
		int			function(SFMLClass, SFMLClass, IntRect)			sfImage_CopyScreen;
		void		function(SFMLClass, SFMLClass, uint, uint, IntRect)	sfImage_CopyImage;
		void		function(SFMLClass, uint, uint, Color)			sfImage_SetPixel;
		Color		function(SFMLClass, uint, uint)					sfImage_GetPixel;
		ubyte*		function(SFMLClass)								sfImage_GetPixelsPtr;
		void		function(SFMLClass)								sfImage_Bind;
		void		function(SFMLClass, int)						sfImage_SetSmooth;
		uint		function(SFMLClass)								sfImage_GetWidth;
		uint		function(SFMLClass)								sfImage_GetHeight;
		int			function(SFMLClass)								sfImage_IsSmooth;
		void		function(SFMLClass, ubyte*, IntRect)			sfImage_UpdatePixels;

	mixin(loadFromSharedLib2("csfml-graphics", "sfImage",
	"Create", "CreateFromColor", "CreateFromPixels", "CreateFromFile", "CreateFromMemory", "Destroy", "SaveToFile",
	"CreateMaskFromColor", "Copy", "CopyScreen", "CopyImage", "SetPixel", "GetPixel", "GetPixelsPtr", "Bind", "SetSmooth", "GetWidth",
	"GetHeight", "IsSmooth", "UpdatePixels"));