// Headers
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QTimer>

class QEvent;

/// QSFMLCanvas allows to run SFML in a Qt control
class QSFMLCanvas : public QWidget, public sf::RenderWindow
public :

    /// Construct the QSFMLCanvas
    /// \param size :      Initial size of the widget
    /// \param frameTime : Frame duration, in milliseconds
    /// \param parent :    Parent of the widget
    QSFMLCanvas(const QSize& size, unsigned int frameTime = 0, QWidget* parent = NULL);

    /// Destructor
    virtual ~QSFMLCanvas();

private :

    /// Notification for the derived class that moment is good
    /// for doing initializations
    virtual void OnInit();

    /// Notification for the derived class that moment is good
    /// for doing its update and drawing stuff
    virtual void OnUpdate();

    /// Return the paint engine used by the widget to draw itself
    virtual QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const;

    /// Called each time an event is received by the widget ;
    /// we use it to catch the Polish event and initialize
    /// our SFML window
    /// \param event : Event's attributes
    virtual bool event(QEvent* event);

    /// Called when the widget needs to be painted ;
    /// we use it to display a new frame
    virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*);

    // Member data
    QTimer myTimer; ///< Timer used to update the view