//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Headers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { struct JoystickObject { sf::Text label; sf::Text value; }; using Texts = std::unordered_map; Texts texts; std::ostringstream sstr; float threshold = 0.1f; // Axes labels in as strings const std::array axislabels = {"X", "Y", "Z", "R", "U", "V", "PovX", "PovY"}; // Helper to set text entries to a specified value template void set(const std::string& label, const T& value) { sstr.str(""); sstr << value; texts.at(label).value.setString(sstr.str()); } // Update joystick identification void updateIdentification(unsigned int index) { sstr.str(""); sstr << "Joystick " << index << ":"; auto& [label, value] = texts.at("ID"); label.setString(sstr.str()); value.setString(sf::Joystick::getIdentification(index).name); } // Update joystick axes void updateAxes(unsigned int index) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sf::Joystick::AxisCount; ++j) { if (sf::Joystick::hasAxis(index, static_cast(j))) set(axislabels[j], sf::Joystick::getAxisPosition(index, static_cast(j))); } } // Update joystick buttons void updateButtons(unsigned int index) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sf::Joystick::getButtonCount(index); ++j) { sstr.str(""); sstr << "Button " << j; set(sstr.str(), sf::Joystick::isButtonPressed(index, j)); } } // Helper to update displayed joystick values void updateValues(unsigned int index) { if (sf::Joystick::isConnected(index)) { // Update the label-value sf::Text objects based on the current joystick state updateIdentification(index); updateAxes(index); updateButtons(index); } } } // namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Entry point of application /// /// \return Application exit code /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { // Create the window of the application sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode({400, 775}), "Joystick", sf::Style::Close); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); // Load the text font sf::Font font; if (!font.loadFromFile("resources/tuffy.ttf")) return EXIT_FAILURE; // Set up our string conversion parameters sstr.precision(2); sstr.setf(std::ios::fixed | std::ios::boolalpha); // Set up our joystick identification sf::Text objects { auto [it, success] = texts.emplace("ID", JoystickObject{{font, ""}, {font}}); auto& [label, value] = it->second; label.setPosition({5.f, 5.f}); value.setPosition({80.f, 5.f}); } // Set up our threshold sf::Text objects sstr.str(""); sstr << threshold << " (Change with up/down arrow keys)"; { auto [it, success] = texts.emplace("Threshold", JoystickObject{{font, "Threshold:"}, {font, sstr.str()}}); auto& [label, value] = it->second; label.setPosition({5.f, 5.f + 2 * font.getLineSpacing(14)}); value.setPosition({80.f, 5.f + 2 * font.getLineSpacing(14)}); } // Set up our label-value sf::Text objects for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sf::Joystick::AxisCount; ++i) { auto [it, success] = texts.emplace(axislabels[i], JoystickObject{{font, axislabels[i] + ":"}, {font, "N/A"}}); auto& [label, value] = it->second; label.setPosition({5.f, 5.f + (static_cast(i + 4) * font.getLineSpacing(14))}); value.setPosition({80.f, 5.f + (static_cast(i + 4) * font.getLineSpacing(14))}); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sf::Joystick::ButtonCount; ++i) { sstr.str(""); sstr << "Button " << i; auto [it, success] = texts.emplace(sstr.str(), JoystickObject{{font, sstr.str() + ":"}, {font, "N/A"}}); auto& [label, value] = it->second; label.setPosition({5.f, 5.f + (static_cast(sf::Joystick::AxisCount + i + 4) * font.getLineSpacing(14))}); value.setPosition({80.f, 5.f + (static_cast(sf::Joystick::AxisCount + i + 4) * font.getLineSpacing(14))}); } for (auto& [label, joystickObject] : texts) { joystickObject.label.setCharacterSize(14); joystickObject.value.setCharacterSize(14); } // Update initially displayed joystick values if a joystick is already connected on startup for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sf::Joystick::Count; ++i) { if (sf::Joystick::isConnected(i)) { updateValues(i); break; } } while (window.isOpen()) { // Handle events for (sf::Event event; window.pollEvent(event);) { // Window closed or escape key pressed: exit if (event.is() || (event.is() && event.getIf()->code == sf::Keyboard::Key::Escape)) { window.close(); break; } else if (const auto* joystickButtonPressed = event.getIf()) { // Update displayed joystick values updateValues(joystickButtonPressed->joystickId); } else if (const auto* joystickButtonReleased = event.getIf()) { // Update displayed joystick values updateValues(joystickButtonReleased->joystickId); } else if (const auto* joystickMoved = event.getIf()) { // Update displayed joystick values updateValues(joystickMoved->joystickId); } else if (const auto* joystickConnected = event.getIf()) { // Update displayed joystick values updateValues(joystickConnected->joystickId); } else if (event.is()) { // Reset displayed joystick values to empty for (auto& [label, joystickObject] : texts) joystickObject.value.setString("N/A"); auto& [label, value] = texts.at("ID"); label.setString(""); value.setString(""); sstr.str(""); sstr << threshold << " (Change with up/down arrow keys)"; texts.at("Threshold").value.setString(sstr.str()); } } // Update threshold if the user wants to change it float newThreshold = threshold; if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::Up)) newThreshold += 0.1f; if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::Down)) newThreshold -= 0.1f; newThreshold = std::clamp(newThreshold, 0.1f, 100.0f); if (newThreshold != threshold) { threshold = newThreshold; window.setJoystickThreshold(threshold); sstr.str(""); sstr << threshold << " (Change with up/down arrow keys)"; texts.at("Threshold").value.setString(sstr.str()); } // Clear the window window.clear(); // Draw the label-value sf::Text objects for (const auto& [label, joystickObject] : texts) { window.draw(joystickObject.label); window.draw(joystickObject.value); } // Display things on screen window.display(); } }