# some of these macros are inspired from the boost/cmake macros # this macro adds external dependencies to a static target, # compensating for the lack of a link step when building a static library. # every compiler has its own way of doing it: # - VC++ supports it directly through the static library flags # - MinGW/gcc doesn't support it, but as a static library is nothing more than an archive, # we can simply merge the external dependencies to our generated target as a post-build step # - for other compilers and OSes, static build is not encouraged so we don't try to # pre-link dependencies, we just "link" them so that the SFML samples can compile # out-of-the-box (CMake forwards the dependencies automatically) macro(sfml_static_add_libraries target) if(WINDOWS AND COMPILER_GCC) # Windows - gcc foreach(lib ${ARGN}) if(NOT ${lib} MATCHES ".*/.*") string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/bin/.*\\.exe" "\\1" STANDARD_LIBS_PATH "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}") set(lib "${STANDARD_LIBS_PATH}/lib/lib${lib}.a") endif() string(TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} BUILD_TYPE) get_target_property(TARGET_FILENAME ${target} ${BUILD_TYPE}_LOCATION) add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} x ${lib} COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} rcs ${TARGET_FILENAME} *.o COMMAND del *.o /f /q VERBATIM) endforeach() elseif(MSVC) # Visual C++ set(LIBRARIES "") foreach(lib ${ARGN}) if(NOT ${lib} MATCHES ".*\\.lib") set(lib ${lib}.lib) endif() if(MSVC_IDE AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 2010) # for Visual Studio projects < 2010, we must add double quotes # around paths because they may contain spaces set(LIBRARIES "${LIBRARIES} "\\;${lib}"\\;") else() set(LIBRARIES "${LIBRARIES} \"${lib}\"") endif() endforeach() set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS ${LIBRARIES}) else() # All other platforms target_link_libraries(${target} ${ARGN}) endif() endmacro() # check if a value is contained in a list # sets ${var} to TRUE if the value is found macro(sfml_list_contains var value) set(${var}) foreach(value2 ${ARGN}) if(${value} STREQUAL ${value2}) set(${var} TRUE) endif() endforeach() endmacro() # parse a list of arguments and options # ex: sfml_parse_arguments(THIS "SOURCES;DEPENDS" "FLAG" FLAG SOURCES s1 s2 s3 DEPENDS d1 d2) # will define the following variables: # - THIS_SOURCES (s1 s2 s3) # - THIS_DEPENDS (d1 d2) # - THIS_FLAG TRUE macro(sfml_parse_arguments prefix arg_names option_names) foreach(arg_name ${arg_names}) set(${prefix}_${arg_name}) endforeach() foreach(option_name ${option_names}) set(${prefix}_${option_name} FALSE) endforeach() set(current_arg_name) set(current_arg_list) foreach(arg ${ARGN}) sfml_list_contains(is_arg_name ${arg} ${arg_names}) if(is_arg_name) set(${prefix}_${current_arg_name} ${current_arg_list}) set(current_arg_name ${arg}) set(current_arg_list) else() sfml_list_contains(is_option ${arg} ${option_names}) if(is_option) set(${prefix}_${arg} TRUE) else() set(current_arg_list ${current_arg_list} ${arg}) endif() endif() endforeach() set(${prefix}_${current_arg_name} ${current_arg_list}) endmacro() # add a new target which is a SFML library # ex: sfml_add_library(sfml-graphics # SOURCES sprite.cpp image.cpp ... # DEPENDS sfml-window sfml-system # EXTERNAL_LIBS opengl freetype ...) macro(sfml_add_library target) # parse the arguments sfml_parse_arguments(THIS "SOURCES;DEPENDS;EXTERNAL_LIBS" "" ${ARGN}) # create the target add_library(${target} ${THIS_SOURCES}) # define the export symbol of the module string(REPLACE "-" "_" NAME_UPPER "${target}") string(TOUPPER "${NAME_UPPER}" NAME_UPPER) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL ${NAME_UPPER}_EXPORTS) # adjust the output file prefix/suffix to match our conventions if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) if(WINDOWS) # include the major version number in Windows shared library names (but not import library names) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX -d) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES SUFFIX "-${VERSION_MAJOR}${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") else() set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX -d) endif() if (WINDOWS AND COMPILER_GCC) # on Windows/gcc get rid of "lib" prefix for shared libraries, # and transform the ".dll.a" suffix into ".a" for import libraries set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES PREFIX "") set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES IMPORT_SUFFIX ".a") endif() else() set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX -s-d) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES RELEASE_POSTFIX -s) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES MINSIZEREL_POSTFIX -s) endif() # set the version and soversion of the target (for compatible systems -- mostly Linuxes) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES SOVERSION ${VERSION_MAJOR}) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES VERSION ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}) # for gcc >= 4.0 on Windows, apply the SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS option if it is enabled if(WINDOWS AND COMPILER_GCC AND SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS) if(NOT GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS "4") set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++") endif() endif() # If using gcc >= 4.0 or clang >= 3.0 on a non-Windows platform, we must hide public symbols by default # (exported ones are explicitely marked) if(NOT WINDOWS AND ((COMPILER_GCC AND NOT GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS "4") OR (COMPILER_CLANG AND NOT CLANG_VERSION VERSION_LESS "3"))) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -fvisibility=hidden) endif() # link the target to its SFML dependencies if(THIS_DEPENDS) target_link_libraries(${target} ${THIS_DEPENDS}) endif() # build frameworks or dylibs if(MACOSX AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) if(SFML_BUILD_FRAMEWORKS) # adapt target to build frameworks instead of dylibs set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES FRAMEWORK TRUE FRAMEWORK_VERSION ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH} MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_IDENTIFIER org.sfml-dev.${target} MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_SHORT_VERSION_STRING ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH} MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_VERSION ${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}) endif() # adapt install directory to allow distributing dylibs/frameworks in user’s frameworks/application bundle set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH 1 INSTALL_NAME_DIR "@executable_path/../Frameworks") endif() # link the target to its external dependencies if(THIS_EXTERNAL_LIBS) if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # in shared build, we use the regular linker commands target_link_libraries(${target} ${THIS_EXTERNAL_LIBS}) else() # in static build there's no link stage, but with some compilers it is possible to force # the generated static library to directly contain the symbols from its dependencies sfml_static_add_libraries(${target} ${THIS_EXTERNAL_LIBS}) endif() endif() # add the install rule install(TARGETS ${target} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin COMPONENT bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX} COMPONENT bin ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX} COMPONENT devel FRAMEWORK DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_FRAMEWORK_PREFIX} COMPONENT bin) endmacro() # add a new target which is a SFML example # ex: sfml_add_example(ftp # SOURCES ftp.cpp ... # DEPENDS sfml-network sfml-system) macro(sfml_add_example target) # parse the arguments sfml_parse_arguments(THIS "SOURCES;DEPENDS" "GUI_APP" ${ARGN}) # create the target if(THIS_GUI_APP AND WINDOWS) add_executable(${target} WIN32 ${THIS_SOURCES}) target_link_libraries(${target} sfml-main) else() add_executable(${target} ${THIS_SOURCES}) endif() # set the debug suffix set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX -d) # for gcc >= 4.0 on Windows, apply the SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS option if it is enabled if(WINDOWS AND COMPILER_GCC AND SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS) if(NOT GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS "4") set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++") endif() endif() # link the target to its SFML dependencies if(THIS_DEPENDS) target_link_libraries(${target} ${THIS_DEPENDS}) endif() # add the install rule install(TARGETS ${target} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${INSTALL_MISC_DIR}/examples/${target} COMPONENT examples) # install the example's resources as well set(EXAMPLE_RESOURCES "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${target}/resources") if(EXISTS ${EXAMPLE_RESOURCES}) install(DIRECTORY ${EXAMPLE_RESOURCES} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_MISC_DIR}/examples/${target} COMPONENT examples PATTERN ".svn" EXCLUDE) endif() endmacro()