#include <SFML/Graphics/ConvexShape.hpp> // Other 1st party headers #include <SFML/Graphics/CircleShape.hpp> #include <catch2/catch_approx.hpp> #include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp> #include <SystemUtil.hpp> #include <type_traits> TEST_CASE("[Graphics] sf::ConvexShape") { SECTION("Type traits") { STATIC_CHECK(std::is_copy_constructible_v<sf::ConvexShape>); STATIC_CHECK(std::is_copy_assignable_v<sf::ConvexShape>); STATIC_CHECK(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<sf::ConvexShape>); STATIC_CHECK(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<sf::ConvexShape>); } SECTION("Default constructor") { const sf::ConvexShape convex; CHECK(convex.getPointCount() == 0); } SECTION("Point count constructor") { const sf::ConvexShape convex(15); CHECK(convex.getPointCount() == 15); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < convex.getPointCount(); ++i) CHECK(convex.getPoint(i) == sf::Vector2f(0, 0)); } SECTION("Set point count") { sf::ConvexShape convex; convex.setPointCount(42); CHECK(convex.getPointCount() == 42); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < convex.getPointCount(); ++i) CHECK(convex.getPoint(i) == sf::Vector2f(0, 0)); } SECTION("Set point") { sf::ConvexShape convex; convex.setPointCount(1); convex.setPoint(0, {3, 4}); CHECK(convex.getPoint(0) == sf::Vector2f(3, 4)); } SECTION( "Construct clockwise ConvexShapes from CircleShapes to verify that they get approx. the same geometric center") { sf::ConvexShape convex; for (unsigned int i = 2; i < 10; ++i) { const sf::CircleShape circle(4.f, i); convex.setPointCount(i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { convex.setPoint(j, circle.getPoint(j)); } CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == Approx(circle.getGeometricCenter())); } } SECTION( "Construct counterclockwise ConvexShapes from CircleShapes to verify that they get approx. the same geometric " "center") { sf::ConvexShape convex; for (unsigned int i = 2; i < 10; ++i) { const sf::CircleShape circle(4.f, i); convex.setPointCount(i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { convex.setPoint(i - 1 - j, circle.getPoint(j)); } CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == Approx(circle.getGeometricCenter())); } } SECTION("Geometric center for one point") { sf::ConvexShape convex(1); convex.setPoint(0, {1.f, 1.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(1.f, 1.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for two points") { sf::ConvexShape convex(2); convex.setPoint(0, {0.f, 0.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {4.f, 2.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(2.f, 1.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for three points with a small area") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {-100000.f, 0.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {100000.f, 0.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {100000.f, 0.000001f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter().x == Catch::Approx(100000. / 3.).margin(1e-2)); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter().y == Catch::Approx(0).margin(1e-5)); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points") { SECTION("Geometric center for partly aligned points") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {-100.f, 0.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {0.f, 0.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {100.f, 1.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == Approx(sf::Vector2f(0.f, 1.f / 3.f))); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points with the two furthest apart not first and last") { sf::ConvexShape convex(4); convex.setPoint(0, {-50.f, -50.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {-150.f, -150.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {150.f, 150.f}); convex.setPoint(3, {50.f, 50.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points increasing x and y") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {1.f, 1.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {5.f, 3.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {9.f, 5.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(5.f, 3.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points increasing x, decreasing y") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {1.f, 5.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {5.f, 3.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {9.f, 1.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(5.f, 3.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points decreasing x and y") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {9.f, 5.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {5.f, 3.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {1.f, 1.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(5.f, 3.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points decreasing x, increasing y") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {9.f, 1.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {5.f, 3.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {1.f, 5.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(5.f, 3.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points with the same x value") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {1.f, 2.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {1.f, 3.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {1.f, 1.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(1.f, 2.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points with the same y value") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {2.f, 5.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {3.f, 5.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {1.f, 5.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(2.f, 5.f)); } SECTION("Geometric center for aligned points out of order") { sf::ConvexShape convex(3); convex.setPoint(0, {5.f, 3.f}); convex.setPoint(1, {1.f, 5.f}); convex.setPoint(2, {9.f, 1.f}); CHECK(convex.getGeometricCenter() == sf::Vector2f(5.f, 3.f)); } } }