#!/usr/bin/python from PySFML import sf import math import random class Menu: def __init__(self, screen_width, screen_height): self.selection = 0 text_color = sf.Color(220, 220, 20, 255) self.spacing = screen_height/7 self.title = sf.String("PyWorm!") self.title.SetColor(text_color) self.title.SetPosition(screen_width/2-80., self.spacing) levels = ["Very Easy", "Easy", "Medium", "Hard"] x_align = [-80., -50., -70., -50.] self.strings = [] for i in range(0, 4): string = sf.String(levels[i]) string.SetColor(text_color) string.SetPosition(screen_width/2+x_align[i], (2+i)*self.spacing+20) self.strings.append(string) self.rectangle = sf.Shape.Rectangle(0, 0, screen_width, 40, sf.Color(50, 50, 10)) def next_frame(self, win): self.rectangle.SetY(self.spacing*(2 + self.selection)+20) win.Draw(self.rectangle) win.Draw(self.title) win.Draw(self.strings) def key_up(self, pressed): if pressed: self.selection = (self.selection - 1) % 4 def key_down(self, pressed): if pressed: self.selection = (self.selection + 1) % 4 class Apple(sf.Sprite): def __init__(self): apple_img = sf.Image() # Apple's image if not apple_img.LoadFromFile("./data/apple.png"): pass # print "Could not load data/apple.png" sf.Sprite.__init__(self, apple_img) self.SetCenter(apple_img.GetWidth()/2, apple_img.GetHeight()/2) self.size = apple_img.GetWidth() def random_move(self, arena): self.SetPosition( \ random.randrange(arena.arena_left+arena.border, arena.arena_right-arena.border), \ random.randrange(arena.arena_top+arena.border, arena.arena_bottom-arena.border) \ ) class Arena(dict): shrink_value, border, arena_top = 20, 30, 20 def __init__(self, window_width, window_height): self.window_width = window_width self.arena_bottom, self.exit_left, self.exit_right = window_height-80, window_width/2 - 50, window_width/2 + 50 self['level_str'] = sf.String() self['level_str'].SetColor(sf.Color.White) self['level_str'].SetPosition(60., window_height-60) self['score_str'] = sf.String() self['score_str'].SetColor(sf.Color.White) self['score_str'].SetPosition(260., window_height-60) self.exit_rect = sf.Shape.Rectangle(self.exit_left, 0, self.exit_right, self.arena_top, sf.Color.Black) self.reset() self.update_arena_rect() def update_arena_rect(self): self['arena_rect'] = sf.Shape.Rectangle(self.arena_left, self.arena_top, self.arena_right, self.arena_bottom, sf.Color.Black) def reset(self): self.level, self.score, self.arena_left, self.arena_right = 1, 0, self.shrink_value, self.window_width-self.shrink_value self.update_arena_rect() self['level_str'].SetText("Level: 1") self['score_str'].SetText("Score: 0") def update_score(self): self.score += 1 self['score_str'].SetText("Score: " + str(self.score)) def next_level(self): self.level += 1 self['level_str'].SetText("Level: " + str(self.level)) self.arena_left += self.shrink_value self.arena_right -= self.shrink_value self.update_arena_rect() self.score += 4 self.update_score() class Part(sf.Sprite): def __init__(self, rond, x, y): sf.Sprite.__init__(self, rond) self.SetCenter(rond.GetWidth()/2, rond.GetHeight()/2) self.SetPosition(x, y) class Worm(list): parts_spacing, turn_step, part_size, start_x, start_y, required_length, grow_length = 3, 0.15, 6.0, 50., 50., 300, 20 def __init__(self, difficulty): self.parts_per_frame = 1 + difficulty self.angle = 0 self.direction = 0 # 0, 1 or -1 according to the key pressed self.rond = sf.Image() self.level_completed = False if not self.rond.LoadFromFile("./data/rond2.png"): pass # print "Could not load data/rond2.png" def reset(self, arena): self.targeted_length, self.angle, self.direction = 30, 0, 0 self[:] = [Part(self.rond, arena.arena_left+self.start_x, arena.arena_top+self.start_y)] def left(self, pressed): if pressed: self.direction = -1 elif self.direction == -1: self.direction = 0 def right(self, pressed): if pressed: self.direction = 1 elif self.direction == 1: self.direction = 0 def restart(self, arena): if self.targeted_length == 0 and not self.level_completed: arena.reset() self.reset(arena) return True else: return False def crash(self): self.targeted_length = 0 def move(self, arena, apple): head_x, head_y = -1, -1 if self.is_running(): # Create new parts and check collisions if the worm hasn't crashed yet for i in range(self.parts_per_frame): # We create PartsPerFrame Worm's parts self.angle += self.direction*self.turn_step head_x, head_y = self[-1].GetPosition() head_x += self.parts_spacing*math.cos(self.angle) head_y += self.parts_spacing*math.sin(self.angle) if self.is_running() and self.targeted_length <= self.required_length: # let's check if the worm ate the apple if math.hypot(apple.GetPosition()[0] - head_x, apple.GetPosition()[1] - head_y) < apple.size/2 + self.part_size/2: # Yes it did arena.update_score() self.targeted_length += self.grow_length # The worm gets longer apple.random_move(arena) if head_x<arena.arena_left+self.part_size/2 or head_x>arena.arena_right-self.part_size/2 or head_y<arena.arena_top+self.part_size/2 or head_y>arena.arena_bottom-self.part_size/2: # Crash into a wall if len(self) > self.required_length: if head_y<arena.arena_top+self.part_size/2: if head_x<arena.exit_left+self.part_size/2 or head_x>arena.exit_right-self.part_size/2: # Crash into the exit walls self.crash() elif head_y < 0: self.level_completed = True self.targeted_length = 0 else: self.crash() elif self.is_running(): self.crash() if self.is_running(): self.append(Part(self.rond, head_x, head_y)) if len(self) > self.targeted_length: if len(self) - self.targeted_length >= self.parts_per_frame: del self[0:self.parts_per_frame] else: del self[0:len(self) - self.targeted_length] if (head_x, head_y) == (-1, -1) and len(self) > 0: head_x, head_y = self[-1].GetPosition() if len(self) > self.part_size/self.parts_spacing + 1: for i in range(len(self)): if i < len(self) - self.part_size/self.parts_spacing - 1: test_x, test_y = self[i].GetPosition() if math.hypot(head_x-test_x, head_y-test_y) < self.part_size and self.is_running(): # Check for collision self.crash() if len(self) == 0: if self.level_completed: self.level_completed = False arena.next_level() self.reset(arena) def is_running(self): return (self.targeted_length > 0) and not self.level_completed def draw_exit(self): return self.targeted_length > self.required_length or self.level_completed class Game: def __init__(self, difficulty, window_width, window_height): self.arena = Arena(window_width, window_height) self.worm = Worm(difficulty) self.worm.reset(self.arena) self.apple = Apple() self.apple.random_move(self.arena) self.pause = False def enter(self, pressed): if pressed: if not self.worm.restart(self.arena): self.pause = not self.pause def next_frame(self, win): win.Draw(self.arena.values()) if not self.pause: self.worm.move(self.arena, self.apple) if self.worm.draw_exit(): win.Draw(self.arena.exit_rect) elif self.worm.is_running(): win.Draw(self.apple) win.Draw(self.worm) class Main: # Entry Point def __init__(self): # Initialize the window self.win = sf.RenderWindow(sf.VideoMode(800, 600,32), "PyWorm", sf.Style.Close) # Creates the window self.win.EnableKeyRepeat(False) background_color = sf.Color(100, 100, 0, 255) self.win.SetFramerateLimit(30) event = sf.Event() self.keys = {} # keys to watch self.menu_begin() # Boucle principale while self.win.IsOpened(): while self.win.GetEvent(event): # Event Handler if event.Type == sf.Event.Closed: self.win.Close() elif event.Type == sf.Event.KeyPressed or event.Type == sf.Event.KeyReleased: if event.Key.Code in self.keys: self.keys[event.Key.Code](event.Type == sf.Event.KeyPressed) self.win.Display() self.win.Clear(background_color) self.next_frame(self.win) # Menu def menu_begin(self): self.menu = Menu(self.win.GetWidth(), self.win.GetHeight()) self.keys = {sf.Key.Escape:self.close_window, sf.Key.Up:self.menu.key_up, sf.Key.Down:self.menu.key_down, sf.Key.Return:self.menu_end} self.next_frame = self.menu.next_frame def close_window(self, pressed): if pressed: self.win.Close() def menu_end(self, pressed): if pressed: selection = self.menu.selection del self.menu self.game_begin(selection) # Game def game_begin(self, selection): self.game = Game(selection, self.win.GetWidth(), self.win.GetHeight()) self.keys = {sf.Key.Left:self.game.worm.left, sf.Key.Right:self.game.worm.right, sf.Key.Return:self.game.enter, sf.Key.Escape:self.game_end} self.next_frame = self.game.next_frame def game_end(self, pressed): if pressed: del self.game self.menu_begin() Main()