#include <SFML/Graphics/Image.hpp> // Other 1st party headers #include <SFML/System/Exception.hpp> #include <SFML/System/FileInputStream.hpp> #include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp> #include <GraphicsUtil.hpp> #include <array> #include <type_traits> TEST_CASE("[Graphics] sf::Image") { SECTION("Type traits") { STATIC_CHECK(std::is_copy_constructible_v<sf::Image>); STATIC_CHECK(std::is_copy_assignable_v<sf::Image>); STATIC_CHECK(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<sf::Image>); STATIC_CHECK(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v<sf::Image>); } SECTION("Construction") { SECTION("Default constructor") { const sf::Image image; CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u()); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() == nullptr); } SECTION("File constructor") { SECTION("Invalid file") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(sf::Image("."), sf::Exception); CHECK_THROWS_AS(sf::Image("this/does/not/exist.jpg"), sf::Exception); } SECTION("Successful load") { SECTION("bmp") { const sf::Image image("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.bmp"); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::White); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(1001, 304)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); } SECTION("png") { const sf::Image image("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.png"); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 0)); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(1001, 304)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); } SECTION("jpg") { const sf::Image image("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.jpg"); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::White); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(1001, 304)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); } SECTION("gif") { const sf::Image image("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.gif"); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::White); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(146, 210, 62)); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(1001, 304)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); } SECTION("psd") { const sf::Image image("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.psd"); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::White); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(1001, 304)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); } } } SECTION("Memory constructor") { SECTION("Invalid pointer") { CHECK_THROWS_AS(sf::Image(nullptr, 1), sf::Exception); } SECTION("Invalid size") { const std::byte testByte{0xAB}; CHECK_THROWS_AS(sf::Image(&testByte, 0), sf::Exception); } SECTION("Failed load") { std::vector<std::uint8_t> memory; SECTION("Empty") { memory.clear(); } SECTION("Junk data") { memory = {1, 2, 3, 4}; } CHECK_THROWS_AS(sf::Image(memory.data(), memory.size()), sf::Exception); } SECTION("Successful load") { const auto memory = sf::Image({24, 24}, sf::Color::Green).saveToMemory("png").value(); const sf::Image image(memory.data(), memory.size()); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(24, 24)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::Green); CHECK(image.getPixel({23, 23}) == sf::Color::Green); } } SECTION("Stream constructor") { sf::FileInputStream stream("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.png"); const sf::Image image(stream); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(1001, 304)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 0)); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); } SECTION("Vector2 constructor") { const sf::Image image(sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Black); } } } SECTION("Vector2 and color constructor") { const sf::Image image(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Red); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Red); } } } SECTION("Vector2 and std::uint8_t* constructor") { // 10 x 10, with 4 color channels array std::array<std::uint8_t, 400> pixels{}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pixels.size(); i += 4) { pixels[i] = 255; // r pixels[i + 1] = 0; // g pixels[i + 2] = 0; // b pixels[i + 3] = 255; // a } const sf::Image image(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), pixels.data()); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Red); } } } } SECTION("Resize") { SECTION("resize(Vector2)") { sf::Image image; image.resize(sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Black); } } } SECTION("resize(Vector2, Color)") { sf::Image image; image.resize(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Red); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Red); } } } SECTION("resize(Vector2, std::uint8_t*)") { // 10 x 10, with 4 colour channels array std::array<std::uint8_t, 400> pixels{}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pixels.size(); i += 4) { pixels[i] = 255; // r pixels[i + 1] = 0; // g pixels[i + 2] = 0; // b pixels[i + 3] = 255; // a } sf::Image image; image.resize(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), pixels.data()); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Red); } } } } SECTION("loadFromFile()") { sf::Image image; SECTION("Invalid file") { CHECK(!image.loadFromFile(".")); CHECK(!image.loadFromFile("this/does/not/exist.jpg")); // small n with tilde, from Spanish, outside of ASCII, inside common Latin 1 codepage CHECK(!image.loadFromFile(std::filesystem::path(U"missing-file-\u00f1.png"))); // small n with acute accent, from Polish, outside of Latin 1 codepage CHECK(!image.loadFromFile(std::filesystem::path(U"missing-file-\u0144.png"))); // CJK symbol for Sun, outside of any European language codepage CHECK(!image.loadFromFile(std::filesystem::path(U"missing-file-\u65E5.png"))); // snail emoji, outside of Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane CHECK(!image.loadFromFile(std::filesystem::path(U"missing-file-\U0001F40C.png"))); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(0, 0)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() == nullptr); } SECTION("Successful load") { SECTION("bmp") { REQUIRE(image.loadFromFile("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.bmp")); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::White); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); } SECTION("png") { REQUIRE(image.loadFromFile("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.png")); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 0)); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); } SECTION("jpg") { REQUIRE(image.loadFromFile("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.jpg")); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::White); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); } SECTION("gif") { REQUIRE(image.loadFromFile("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.gif")); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::White); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(146, 210, 62)); } SECTION("psd") { REQUIRE(image.loadFromFile("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.psd")); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::White); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); } CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(1001, 304)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); } } SECTION("loadFromMemory()") { sf::Image image; SECTION("Invalid pointer") { CHECK(!image.loadFromMemory(nullptr, 1)); } SECTION("Invalid size") { const std::byte testByte{0xAB}; CHECK(!image.loadFromMemory(&testByte, 0)); } SECTION("Failed load") { std::vector<std::uint8_t> memory; SECTION("Empty") { memory.clear(); } SECTION("Junk data") { memory = {1, 2, 3, 4}; } CHECK(!image.loadFromMemory(memory.data(), memory.size())); } SECTION("Successful load") { const auto memory = []() { sf::Image savedImage; savedImage.resize({24, 24}, sf::Color::Green); return savedImage.saveToMemory("png").value(); }(); CHECK(image.loadFromMemory(memory.data(), memory.size())); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(24, 24)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color::Green); CHECK(image.getPixel({23, 23}) == sf::Color::Green); } } SECTION("loadFromStream()") { sf::Image image; sf::FileInputStream stream; SECTION("Invalid stream") { CHECK(!image.loadFromStream(stream)); } SECTION("Successful load") { CHECK(stream.open("Graphics/sfml-logo-big.png")); REQUIRE(image.loadFromStream(stream)); CHECK(image.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(1001, 304)); CHECK(image.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); CHECK(image.getPixel({0, 0}) == sf::Color(255, 255, 255, 0)); CHECK(image.getPixel({200, 150}) == sf::Color(144, 208, 62)); } } SECTION("saveToFile()") { SECTION("Invalid size") { CHECK(!sf::Image({10, 0}, sf::Color::Magenta).saveToFile("test.jpg")); CHECK(!sf::Image({0, 10}, sf::Color::Magenta).saveToFile("test.jpg")); } const sf::Image image({256, 256}, sf::Color::Magenta); SECTION("No extension") { CHECK(!image.saveToFile("wheresmyextension")); CHECK(!image.saveToFile("pls/add/extension")); } SECTION("Invalid extension") { CHECK(!image.saveToFile("test.ps")); CHECK(!image.saveToFile("test.foo")); } SECTION("Successful save") { auto filename = std::filesystem::temp_directory_path(); SECTION("To .bmp") { filename /= "test.bmp"; } SECTION("To .tga") { filename /= "test.tga"; } SECTION("To .png") { filename /= "test.png"; } SECTION("To Spanish Latin1 filename .png") { // small n with tilde, from Spanish, outside of ASCII, inside common Latin 1 codepage filename /= U"test-\u00f1.png"; } SECTION("To Polish filename .png") { // small n with acute accent, from Polish, outside of Latin 1 codepage filename /= U"test-\u0144.png"; } SECTION("To Japanese CJK filename .png") { // CJK symbol for Sun, outside of any European language codepage filename /= U"test-\u65E5.png"; } SECTION("To emoji non-BMP Unicode filename .png") { // snail emoji, outside of Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane filename /= U"test-\U0001F40C.png"; } // Cannot test JPEG encoding due to it triggering UB in stbiw__jpg_writeBits REQUIRE(image.saveToFile(filename)); REQUIRE(std::filesystem::exists(filename)); const sf::Image loadedImage(filename); CHECK(loadedImage.getSize() == sf::Vector2u(256, 256)); CHECK(loadedImage.getPixelsPtr() != nullptr); CHECK(std::filesystem::remove(filename)); } } SECTION("saveToMemory()") { SECTION("Invalid size") { CHECK(!sf::Image({10, 0}, sf::Color::Magenta).saveToMemory("test.jpg")); CHECK(!sf::Image({0, 10}, sf::Color::Magenta).saveToMemory("test.jpg")); } const sf::Image image({16, 16}, sf::Color::Magenta); SECTION("No extension") { CHECK(!image.saveToMemory("")); } SECTION("Invalid extension") { CHECK(!image.saveToMemory(".")); CHECK(!image.saveToMemory("gif")); CHECK(!image.saveToMemory(".jpg")); // Supposed to be "jpg" } SECTION("Successful save") { std::optional<std::vector<std::uint8_t>> maybeOutput; SECTION("To bmp") { maybeOutput = image.saveToMemory("bmp"); REQUIRE(maybeOutput.has_value()); const auto& output = *maybeOutput; REQUIRE(output.size() == 1146); CHECK(output[0] == 66); CHECK(output[1] == 77); CHECK(output[2] == 122); CHECK(output[3] == 4); CHECK(output[1000] == 255); CHECK(output[1001] == 255); CHECK(output[1002] == 255); CHECK(output[1003] == 0); } SECTION("To tga") { maybeOutput = image.saveToMemory("tga"); REQUIRE(maybeOutput.has_value()); const auto& output = *maybeOutput; REQUIRE(output.size() == 98); CHECK(output[0] == 0); CHECK(output[1] == 0); CHECK(output[2] == 10); CHECK(output[3] == 0); } SECTION("To png") { maybeOutput = image.saveToMemory("png"); REQUIRE(maybeOutput.has_value()); const auto& output = *maybeOutput; REQUIRE(output.size() == 92); CHECK(output[0] == 137); CHECK(output[1] == 80); CHECK(output[2] == 78); CHECK(output[3] == 71); } // Cannot test JPEG encoding due to it triggering UB in stbiw__jpg_writeBits } } SECTION("Set/get pixel") { sf::Image image(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Green); CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(2, 2)) == sf::Color::Green); image.setPixel(sf::Vector2u(2, 2), sf::Color::Blue); CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(2, 2)) == sf::Color::Blue); } SECTION("Copy from Image") { SECTION("Copy (Image, Vector2u)") { const sf::Image image1(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Blue); sf::Image image2(sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image2.copy(image1, sf::Vector2u(0, 0))); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image1.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == image2.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j))); } } } SECTION("Copy (Image, Vector2u, IntRect)") { const sf::Image image1(sf::Vector2u(5, 5), sf::Color::Blue); sf::Image image2(sf::Vector2u(10, 10)); CHECK(image2.copy(image1, sf::Vector2u(0, 0), sf::IntRect(sf::Vector2i(0, 0), sf::Vector2i(5, 5)))); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { if (i <= 4 && j <= 4) CHECK(image2.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Blue); else CHECK(image2.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Black); } } } SECTION("Copy (Image, Vector2u, IntRect, bool)") { const sf::Color dest(255, 0, 0, 255); const sf::Color source(5, 255, 78, 232); // Create the composited color for via the alpha composite over operation const auto a = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(source.a + (dest.a * (255 - source.a)) / 255); const auto r = static_cast<std::uint8_t>( ((source.r * source.a) + ((dest.r * dest.a) * (255 - source.a)) / 255) / a); const auto g = static_cast<std::uint8_t>( ((source.g * source.a) + ((dest.g * dest.a) * (255 - source.a)) / 255) / a); const auto b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>( ((source.b * source.a) + ((dest.b * dest.a) * (255 - source.a)) / 255) / a); const sf::Color composite(r, g, b, a); sf::Image image1(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), dest); const sf::Image image2(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), source); CHECK(image1.copy(image2, sf::Vector2u(0, 0), sf::IntRect(sf::Vector2i(0, 0), sf::Vector2i(10, 10)), true)); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image1.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == composite); } } } SECTION("Copy (Out of bounds sourceRect)") { const sf::Image image1(sf::Vector2u(5, 5), sf::Color::Blue); sf::Image image2(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Red); CHECK(!image2.copy(image1, sf::Vector2u(0, 0), sf::IntRect(sf::Vector2i(5, 5), sf::Vector2i(9, 9)))); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image2.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color::Red); } } } } SECTION("Create mask from color") { SECTION("createMaskFromColor(Color)") { sf::Image image(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Blue); image.createMaskFromColor(sf::Color::Blue); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color(0, 0, 255, 0)); } } } SECTION("createMaskFromColor(Color, std::uint8_t)") { sf::Image image(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Blue); image.createMaskFromColor(sf::Color::Blue, 100); for (std::uint32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (std::uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(i, j)) == sf::Color(0, 0, 255, 100)); } } } } SECTION("Flip horizontally") { sf::Image image(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Red); image.setPixel(sf::Vector2u(0, 0), sf::Color::Green); image.flipHorizontally(); CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(9, 0)) == sf::Color::Green); } SECTION("Flip vertically") { sf::Image image(sf::Vector2u(10, 10), sf::Color::Red); image.setPixel(sf::Vector2u(0, 0), sf::Color::Green); image.flipVertically(); CHECK(image.getPixel(sf::Vector2u(0, 9)) == sf::Color::Green); } }