
Welcome to the official SFML.Net documentation. Here you will find a detailed description of all the SFML.Net classes.
If you are looking for tutorials, help or whatever, you can visit the official website at www.sfml-dev.org.

Short example

Here is a short example in C#, to show you how simple it is to use SFML.Net :

using System;
using SFML.Audio;
using SFML.Window;
using SFML.Graphics;

namespace Example
    class Program
        static void OnClose(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Close the window when OnClose event is received
            RenderWindow window = (RenderWindow)sender;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the main window
            RenderWindow window = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML window");
            window.Closed += new EventHandler(OnClose);

            // Load a sprite to display
            Image  image  = new Image("cute_image.jpg");
            Sprite sprite = new Sprite(image);

            // Create a graphical string to display
            Font font = new Font("arial.ttf");
            Text text = new Text("Hello SFML.Net", font);

            // Load a music to play
            Music music = new Music("nice_music.ogg");

            // Start the game loop
            while (window.IsOpened())
                // Process events

                // Clear screen

                // Draw the sprite

                // Draw the string

                // Update the window