mirror of https://github.com/SFML/SFML.git synced 2025-03-03 18:38:03 +08:00
LaurentGom 0e2297af28 Moved all bindings to the "bindings" sub-directory
Renamed the CSFML directory to c
Renamed the DSFML directory to d
--> bindings must now be updated to match the new organization!

git-svn-id: https://sfml.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sfml/branches/sfml2@1630 4e206d99-4929-0410-ac5d-dfc041789085
2010-11-09 17:13:17 +00:00

119 lines
4.0 KiB
Executable File

# coding=UTF-8
from PySFML import sf
# Amélioration à faire : trouver les méthodes héritées, et de quelle classe
def function_str(function, class_name=None):
string = ''
name = function.__name__
doc = function.__doc__
if not doc.startswith(name+'('):
string += name+"(...)"+'\n'
string += doc+'\n'
strings = string.split('\n')
strings[0] = '<div class="attr_name">'+strings[0]+'</div>\n<div class="desc">'
string = strings[0]
for s in strings[1:-1]:
string += s + '<br />'
string += strings[-1]
inherited = ''
if class_name != None:
base_class_name = function.__objclass__.__name__
if base_class_name != class_name:
inherited = '<div class="inherited">Inherited</div>\n'
except AttributeError:
return string.replace('\t', '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;')+'</div>\n'+inherited
class FilesManager:
def __init__(self):
self.files = {}
f = open("header.htm")
self.header = f.read()
f = open("footer.htm")
self.footer = f.read()
def add(self, filename, string):
if not self.files.has_key(filename):
self.files[filename] = open('../doc/' + filename + '.html', 'w')
self.files[filename].write(self.header.replace('TITLE', filename))
def __del__(self):
for filename in self.files:
def Main():
fm = FilesManager()
fm.add('index', '<h1>PySFML index</h1>\n')
fm.add('index', '<h2>Classes</h2>\n')
module_methods = ""
module_constants = ""
for m in dir(sf):
if not m.startswith('__'):
if m == 'Event':
attr = sf.Event()
attr = getattr(sf, m)
if type(attr) == str:
module_constants += '<div class="attr_name">'+m+'</div>\n<div class="desc">"'+attr+'"</div>\n'
elif str(type(attr)) == "<type 'builtin_function_or_method'>" or str(type(attr)) == "<type 'method_descriptor'>":
module_methods += function_str(attr)
fm.add('index', '<a href="'+m+'.html">'+m+'</a><br />\n')
info = {'Attributes':'', 'Constants':'', 'Methods':'', 'Static methods':''}
members = ""
constants = ""
static_methods = ""
methods = ""
for n in dir(attr):
if not n.startswith('__'):
attr2 = getattr(attr, n)
if str(type(attr2)) == "<type 'member_descriptor'>": # member
info['Attributes'] += '<div class="attr_name">'+n+'</div>\n<div class="desc">'+attr2.__doc__+'</div>\n'
elif type(attr2) == long:
info['Attributes'] += '<div class="attr_name">'+n+'</div>\n'
elif type(attr2) == int or type(attr2) == sf.Color: # int or color (constant)
info['Constants'] += '<div class="attr_name">'+n+'</div>\n'
elif str(type(attr2)) == "<type 'builtin_function_or_method'>": # static method
info['Static methods'] += function_str(attr2, m)
elif str(type(attr2)) == "<type 'method_descriptor'>": # method
info['Methods'] += function_str(attr2, m)
elif str(type(attr2)).startswith("<type 'Event."):
info['Attributes'] += '<div class="attr_name">'+n+'</div>\n<div class="desc">' + attr2.__doc__+'</div>\n'
for o in dir(attr2):
if not o.startswith('__'):
attr3 = getattr(attr2, o)
info['Attributes'] += '<div class="event_member"> > ' + o + '</div>\n'
print "Warning : unknown type for " + n + " " + str(type(attr2))
fm.add(m, '<h1>sf.'+m+' Class Reference</h1>\n')
fm.add(m, '<div class="class_desc">'+attr.__doc__.replace('\n', '<br />\n').replace('\t', '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;')+'</div>\n')
if m != 'Event':
base = attr.__base__.__name__
if base != 'object':
fm.add(m, '<div class="base_class">Base class: <a href="'+base+'.html">sf.'+base+'</a>.</div>\n')
for t in info:
if info[t] != '':
fm.add(m, '<h2>'+t+'</h2>\n'+info[t]+'<br />\n')
fm.add(m, '<br />\n<br />\n')
fm.add('index', '<h2>Module methods</h2>\n' + module_methods)
fm.add('index', '<h2>Module constants</h2>\n' + module_constants)