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// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
// Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org)
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#pragma once
// Headers
#include <SFML/Window/Export.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/Vulkan.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/WindowEnums.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/WindowHandle.hpp>
#include <SFML/System/Vector2.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <cstdint>
namespace sf
class Cursor;
class String;
class VideoMode;
namespace priv
class WindowImpl;
class Event;
/// \brief Window that serves as a base for other windows
class SFML_WINDOW_API WindowBase
/// \brief Default constructor
/// This constructor doesn't actually create the window,
/// use the other constructors or call create() to do so.
/// \brief Construct a new window
/// This constructor creates the window with the size and pixel
/// depth defined in \a mode. An optional style can be passed to
/// customize the look and behavior of the window (borders,
/// title bar, resizable, closable, ...). An optional state can
/// be provided. If \a state is State::Fullscreen, then \a mode
/// must be a valid video mode.
/// \param mode Video mode to use (defines the width, height and depth of the rendering area of the window)
/// \param title Title of the window
/// \param style %Window style, a bitwise OR combination of sf::Style enumerators
/// \param state %Window state
WindowBase(VideoMode mode, const String& title, std::uint32_t style = Style::Default, State state = State::Windowed);
/// \brief Construct a new window
/// This constructor creates the window with the size and pixel
/// depth defined in \a mode.
/// \param mode Video mode to use (defines the width, height and depth of the rendering area of the window)
/// \param title Title of the window
/// \param state %Window state
WindowBase(VideoMode mode, const String& title, State state);
/// \brief Construct the window from an existing control
/// \param handle Platform-specific handle of the control
explicit WindowBase(WindowHandle handle);
/// \brief Destructor
/// Closes the window and frees all the resources attached to it.
virtual ~WindowBase();
/// \brief Deleted copy constructor
WindowBase(const WindowBase&) = delete;
/// \brief Deleted copy assignment
WindowBase& operator=(const WindowBase&) = delete;
/// \brief Create (or recreate) the window
/// If the window was already created, it closes it first.
/// If \a state is State::Fullscreen, then \a mode must be
/// a valid video mode.
/// \param mode Video mode to use (defines the width, height and depth of the rendering area of the window)
/// \param title Title of the window
/// \param style %Window style, a bitwise OR combination of sf::Style enumerators
/// \param state %Window state
virtual void create(VideoMode mode, const String& title, std::uint32_t style = Style::Default, State state = State::Windowed);
/// \brief Create (or recreate) the window from an existing control
/// \param handle Platform-specific handle of the control
virtual void create(WindowHandle handle);
/// \brief Close the window and destroy all the attached resources
/// After calling this function, the sf::Window instance remains
/// valid and you can call create() to recreate the window.
/// All other functions such as pollEvent() or display() will
/// still work (i.e. you don't have to test isOpen() every time),
/// and will have no effect on closed windows.
virtual void close();
/// \brief Tell whether or not the window is open
/// This function returns whether or not the window exists.
/// Note that a hidden window (setVisible(false)) is open
/// (therefore this function would return true).
/// \return True if the window is open, false if it has been closed
bool isOpen() const;
/// \brief Pop the next event from the front of the FIFO event queue, if any, and return it
/// This function is not blocking: if there's no pending event then
/// it will return an empty event. Note that more than one event
/// may be present in the event queue, thus you should always call
/// this function in a loop to make sure that you process every
/// pending event.
/// \code
/// while (const auto event = window.pollEvent())
/// {
/// // process event...
/// }
/// \endcode
/// \return The event; will be `Empty` (convertible to `false`) if no events are pending
/// \see waitEvent
[[nodiscard]] Event pollEvent();
/// \brief Wait for an event and return it
/// This function is blocking: if there's no pending event then
/// it will wait until an event is received. After this function
/// returns if no error occurred, the returned event will not be
/// empty. This function is typically used when you have a thread
/// that is dedicated to events handling: you want to make this
/// thread sleep as long as no new event is received.
/// \code
/// if (const auto event = window.waitEvent())
/// {
/// // process event...
/// }
/// \endcode
/// \return The event
/// \see pollEvent
[[nodiscard]] Event waitEvent();
/// \brief Get the position of the window
/// \return Position of the window, in pixels
/// \see setPosition
Vector2i getPosition() const;
/// \brief Change the position of the window on screen
/// This function only works for top-level windows
/// (i.e. it will be ignored for windows created from
/// the handle of a child window/control).
/// \param position New position, in pixels
/// \see getPosition
void setPosition(const Vector2i& position);
/// \brief Get the size of the rendering region of the window
/// The size doesn't include the titlebar and borders
/// of the window.
/// \return Size in pixels
/// \see setSize
Vector2u getSize() const;
/// \brief Change the size of the rendering region of the window
/// \param size New size, in pixels
/// \see getSize
void setSize(const Vector2u& size);
/// \brief Set the minimum window rendering region size
/// Pass std::nullopt to unset the minimum size
/// \param minimumSize New minimum size, in pixels
void setMinimumSize(const std::optional<Vector2u>& minimumSize);
/// \brief Set the maximum window rendering region size
/// Pass std::nullopt to unset the maximum size
/// \param maximumSize New maximum size, in pixels
void setMaximumSize(const std::optional<Vector2u>& maximumSize);
/// \brief Change the title of the window
/// \param title New title
/// \see setIcon
void setTitle(const String& title);
/// \brief Change the window's icon
/// \a pixels must be an array of \a width x \a height pixels
/// in 32-bits RGBA format.
/// The OS default icon is used by default.
/// \param size Icon's width and height, in pixels
/// \param pixels Pointer to the array of pixels in memory. The
/// pixels are copied, so you need not keep the
/// source alive after calling this function.
/// \see setTitle
void setIcon(const Vector2u& size, const std::uint8_t* pixels);
/// \brief Show or hide the window
/// The window is shown by default.
/// \param visible True to show the window, false to hide it
void setVisible(bool visible);
/// \brief Show or hide the mouse cursor
/// The mouse cursor is visible by default.
/// \param visible True to show the mouse cursor, false to hide it
void setMouseCursorVisible(bool visible);
/// \brief Grab or release the mouse cursor
/// If set, grabs the mouse cursor inside this window's client
/// area so it may no longer be moved outside its bounds.
/// Note that grabbing is only active while the window has
/// focus.
/// \param grabbed True to enable, false to disable
void setMouseCursorGrabbed(bool grabbed);
/// \brief Set the displayed cursor to a native system cursor
/// Upon window creation, the arrow cursor is used by default.
/// \warning The cursor must not be destroyed while in use by
/// the window.
/// \warning Features related to Cursor are not supported on
/// iOS and Android.
/// \param cursor Native system cursor type to display
/// \see sf::Cursor::loadFromSystem
/// \see sf::Cursor::loadFromPixels
void setMouseCursor(const Cursor& cursor);
/// \brief Enable or disable automatic key-repeat
/// If key repeat is enabled, you will receive repeated
/// KeyPressed events while keeping a key pressed. If it is disabled,
/// you will only get a single event when the key is pressed.
/// Key repeat is enabled by default.
/// \param enabled True to enable, false to disable
void setKeyRepeatEnabled(bool enabled);
/// \brief Change the joystick threshold
/// The joystick threshold is the value below which
/// no JoystickMoved event will be generated.
/// The threshold value is 0.1 by default.
/// \param threshold New threshold, in the range [0, 100]
void setJoystickThreshold(float threshold);
/// \brief Request the current window to be made the active
/// foreground window
/// At any given time, only one window may have the input focus
/// to receive input events such as keystrokes or mouse events.
/// If a window requests focus, it only hints to the operating
/// system, that it would like to be focused. The operating system
/// is free to deny the request.
/// This is not to be confused with setActive().
/// \see hasFocus
void requestFocus();
/// \brief Check whether the window has the input focus
/// At any given time, only one window may have the input focus
/// to receive input events such as keystrokes or most mouse
/// events.
/// \return True if window has focus, false otherwise
/// \see requestFocus
bool hasFocus() const;
/// \brief Get the OS-specific handle of the window
/// The type of the returned handle is sf::WindowHandle,
/// which is a type alias to the handle type defined by the OS.
/// You shouldn't need to use this function, unless you have
/// very specific stuff to implement that SFML doesn't support,
/// or implement a temporary workaround until a bug is fixed.
/// \return System handle of the window
WindowHandle getNativeHandle() const;
/// \brief Create a Vulkan rendering surface
/// \param instance Vulkan instance
/// \param surface Created surface
/// \param allocator Allocator to use
/// \return True if surface creation was successful, false otherwise
[[nodiscard]] bool createVulkanSurface(const VkInstance& instance,
VkSurfaceKHR& surface,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* allocator = nullptr);
/// \brief Function called after the window has been created
/// This function is called so that derived classes can
/// perform their own specific initialization as soon as
/// the window is created.
virtual void onCreate();
/// \brief Function called after the window has been resized
/// This function is called so that derived classes can
/// perform custom actions when the size of the window changes.
virtual void onResize();
friend class Window;
/// \brief Create (or recreate) the window
/// Implementation detail for sharing underlying implementation
/// with sf::Window
/// \param mode Video mode to use (defines the width, height and depth of the rendering area of the window)
/// \param style %Window style, a bitwise OR combination of sf::Style enumerators
/// \param state %Window state
void create(VideoMode mode, std::uint32_t& style, State& state);
/// \brief Processes an event before it is sent to the user
/// This function is called every time an event is received
/// from the internal window (through pollEvent or waitEvent).
/// It filters out unwanted events, and performs whatever internal
/// stuff the window needs before the event is returned to the
/// user.
/// \param event Event to filter
void filterEvent(const Event& event);
/// \brief Perform some common internal initializations
void initialize();
/// \brief Get the fullscreen window
/// \return The fullscreen window or a null pointer if there is none
const WindowBase* getFullscreenWindow();
/// \brief Set a window as the fullscreen window
/// \param window Window to set as fullscreen window
void setFullscreenWindow(const WindowBase* window);
// Member data
std::unique_ptr<priv::WindowImpl> m_impl; //!< Platform-specific implementation of the window
Vector2u m_size; //!< Current size of the window
} // namespace sf
/// \class sf::WindowBase
/// \ingroup window
/// sf::WindowBase serves as the base class for all Windows.
/// A sf::WindowBase can create its own new window, or be embedded into
/// an already existing control using the create(handle) function.
/// The sf::WindowBase class provides a simple interface for manipulating
/// the window: move, resize, show/hide, control mouse cursor, etc.
/// It also provides event handling through its pollEvent() and waitEvent()
/// functions.
/// Usage example:
/// \code
/// // Declare and create a new window
/// sf::WindowBase window(sf::VideoMode({800, 600}), "SFML window");
/// // The main loop - ends as soon as the window is closed
/// while (window.isOpen())
/// {
/// // Event processing
/// while (const auto event = window.pollEvent())
/// {
/// // Request for closing the window
/// if (event.is<sf::Event::Closed>())
/// window.close();
/// }
/// // Do things with the window here...
/// }
/// \endcode