2015-03-02 13:41:54 -05:00

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// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
// Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org)
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// Headers
#include <SFML/System/Export.hpp>
#include <SFML/System/Utf.hpp>
#include <locale>
#include <string>
namespace sf
/// \brief Utility string class that automatically handles
/// conversions between types and encodings
class SFML_SYSTEM_API String
// Types
typedef std::basic_string<Uint32>::iterator Iterator; ///< Iterator type
typedef std::basic_string<Uint32>::const_iterator ConstIterator; ///< Read-only iterator type
// Static member data
static const std::size_t InvalidPos; ///< Represents an invalid position in the string
/// \brief Default constructor
/// This constructor creates an empty string.
/// \brief Construct from a single ANSI character and a locale
/// The source character is converted to UTF-32 according
/// to the given locale.
/// \param ansiChar ANSI character to convert
/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
String(char ansiChar, const std::locale& locale = std::locale());
/// \brief Construct from single wide character
/// \param wideChar Wide character to convert
String(wchar_t wideChar);
/// \brief Construct from single UTF-32 character
/// \param utf32Char UTF-32 character to convert
String(Uint32 utf32Char);
/// \brief Construct from a null-terminated C-style ANSI string and a locale
/// The source string is converted to UTF-32 according
/// to the given locale.
/// \param ansiString ANSI string to convert
/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
String(const char* ansiString, const std::locale& locale = std::locale());
/// \brief Construct from an ANSI string and a locale
/// The source string is converted to UTF-32 according
/// to the given locale.
/// \param ansiString ANSI string to convert
/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
String(const std::string& ansiString, const std::locale& locale = std::locale());
/// \brief Construct from null-terminated C-style wide string
/// \param wideString Wide string to convert
String(const wchar_t* wideString);
/// \brief Construct from a wide string
/// \param wideString Wide string to convert
String(const std::wstring& wideString);
/// \brief Construct from a null-terminated C-style UTF-32 string
/// \param utf32String UTF-32 string to assign
String(const Uint32* utf32String);
/// \brief Construct from an UTF-32 string
/// \param utf32String UTF-32 string to assign
String(const std::basic_string<Uint32>& utf32String);
/// \brief Copy constructor
/// \param copy Instance to copy
String(const String& copy);
/// \brief Create a new sf::String from a UTF-8 encoded string
/// \param begin Forward iterator to the beginning of the UTF-8 sequence
/// \param end Forward iterator to the end of the UTF-8 sequence
/// \return A sf::String containing the source string
/// \see fromUtf16, fromUtf32
template <typename T>
static String fromUtf8(T begin, T end);
/// \brief Create a new sf::String from a UTF-16 encoded string
/// \param begin Forward iterator to the beginning of the UTF-16 sequence
/// \param end Forward iterator to the end of the UTF-16 sequence
/// \return A sf::String containing the source string
/// \see fromUtf8, fromUtf32
template <typename T>
static String fromUtf16(T begin, T end);
/// \brief Create a new sf::String from a UTF-32 encoded string
/// This function is provided for consistency, it is equivalent to
/// using the constructors that takes a const sf::Uint32* or
/// a std::basic_string<sf::Uint32>.
/// \param begin Forward iterator to the beginning of the UTF-32 sequence
/// \param end Forward iterator to the end of the UTF-32 sequence
/// \return A sf::String containing the source string
/// \see fromUtf8, fromUtf16
template <typename T>
static String fromUtf32(T begin, T end);
/// \brief Implicit conversion operator to std::string (ANSI string)
/// The current global locale is used for conversion. If you
/// want to explicitly specify a locale, see toAnsiString.
/// Characters that do not fit in the target encoding are
/// discarded from the returned string.
/// This operator is defined for convenience, and is equivalent
/// to calling toAnsiString().
/// \return Converted ANSI string
/// \see toAnsiString, operator std::wstring
operator std::string() const;
/// \brief Implicit conversion operator to std::wstring (wide string)
/// Characters that do not fit in the target encoding are
/// discarded from the returned string.
/// This operator is defined for convenience, and is equivalent
/// to calling toWideString().
/// \return Converted wide string
/// \see toWideString, operator std::string
operator std::wstring() const;
/// \brief Convert the Unicode string to an ANSI string
/// The UTF-32 string is converted to an ANSI string in
/// the encoding defined by \a locale.
/// Characters that do not fit in the target encoding are
/// discarded from the returned string.
/// \param locale Locale to use for conversion
/// \return Converted ANSI string
/// \see toWideString, operator std::string
std::string toAnsiString(const std::locale& locale = std::locale()) const;
/// \brief Convert the Unicode string to a wide string
/// Characters that do not fit in the target encoding are
/// discarded from the returned string.
/// \return Converted wide string
/// \see toAnsiString, operator std::wstring
std::wstring toWideString() const;
/// \brief Convert the Unicode string to a UTF-8 string
/// \return Converted UTF-8 string
/// \see toUtf16, toUtf32
std::basic_string<Uint8> toUtf8() const;
/// \brief Convert the Unicode string to a UTF-16 string
/// \return Converted UTF-16 string
/// \see toUtf8, toUtf32
std::basic_string<Uint16> toUtf16() const;
/// \brief Convert the Unicode string to a UTF-32 string
/// This function doesn't perform any conversion, since the
/// string is already stored as UTF-32 internally.
/// \return Converted UTF-32 string
/// \see toUtf8, toUtf16
std::basic_string<Uint32> toUtf32() const;
/// \brief Overload of assignment operator
/// \param right Instance to assign
/// \return Reference to self
String& operator =(const String& right);
/// \brief Overload of += operator to append an UTF-32 string
/// \param right String to append
/// \return Reference to self
String& operator +=(const String& right);
/// \brief Overload of [] operator to access a character by its position
/// This function provides read-only access to characters.
/// Note: the behavior is undefined if \a index is out of range.
/// \param index Index of the character to get
/// \return Character at position \a index
Uint32 operator [](std::size_t index) const;
/// \brief Overload of [] operator to access a character by its position
/// This function provides read and write access to characters.
/// Note: the behavior is undefined if \a index is out of range.
/// \param index Index of the character to get
/// \return Reference to the character at position \a index
Uint32& operator [](std::size_t index);
/// \brief Clear the string
/// This function removes all the characters from the string.
/// \see isEmpty, erase
void clear();
/// \brief Get the size of the string
/// \return Number of characters in the string
/// \see isEmpty
std::size_t getSize() const;
/// \brief Check whether the string is empty or not
/// \return True if the string is empty (i.e. contains no character)
/// \see clear, getSize
bool isEmpty() const;
/// \brief Erase one or more characters from the string
/// This function removes a sequence of \a count characters
/// starting from \a position.
/// \param position Position of the first character to erase
/// \param count Number of characters to erase
void erase(std::size_t position, std::size_t count = 1);
/// \brief Insert one or more characters into the string
/// This function inserts the characters of \a str
/// into the string, starting from \a position.
/// \param position Position of insertion
/// \param str Characters to insert
void insert(std::size_t position, const String& str);
/// \brief Find a sequence of one or more characters in the string
/// This function searches for the characters of \a str
/// in the string, starting from \a start.
/// \param str Characters to find
/// \param start Where to begin searching
/// \return Position of \a str in the string, or String::InvalidPos if not found
std::size_t find(const String& str, std::size_t start = 0) const;
/// \brief Replace a substring with another string
/// This function replaces the substring that starts at index \a position
/// and spans \a length characters with the string \a replaceWith.
/// \param position Index of the first character to be replaced
/// \param length Number of characters to replace. You can pass InvalidPos to
/// replace all characters until the end of the string.
/// \param replaceWith String that replaces the given substring.
void replace(std::size_t position, std::size_t length, const String& replaceWith);
/// \brief Replace all occurrences of a substring with a replacement string
/// This function replaces all occurrences of \a searchFor in this string
/// with the string \a replaceWith.
/// \param searchFor The value being searched for
/// \param replaceWith The value that replaces found \a searchFor values
void replace(const String& searchFor, const String& replaceWith);
/// \brief Return a part of the string
/// This function returns the substring that starts at index \a position
/// and spans \a length characters.
/// \param position Index of the first character
/// \param length Number of characters to include in the substring (if
/// the string is shorter, as many characters as possible
/// are included). \ref InvalidPos can be used to include all
/// characters until the end of the string.
/// \return String object containing a substring of this object
String substring(std::size_t position, std::size_t length = InvalidPos) const;
/// \brief Get a pointer to the C-style array of characters
/// This functions provides a read-only access to a
/// null-terminated C-style representation of the string.
/// The returned pointer is temporary and is meant only for
/// immediate use, thus it is not recommended to store it.
/// \return Read-only pointer to the array of characters
const Uint32* getData() const;
/// \brief Return an iterator to the beginning of the string
/// \return Read-write iterator to the beginning of the string characters
/// \see end
Iterator begin();
/// \brief Return an iterator to the beginning of the string
/// \return Read-only iterator to the beginning of the string characters
/// \see end
ConstIterator begin() const;
/// \brief Return an iterator to the end of the string
/// The end iterator refers to 1 position past the last character;
/// thus it represents an invalid character and should never be
/// accessed.
/// \return Read-write iterator to the end of the string characters
/// \see begin
Iterator end();
/// \brief Return an iterator to the end of the string
/// The end iterator refers to 1 position past the last character;
/// thus it represents an invalid character and should never be
/// accessed.
/// \return Read-only iterator to the end of the string characters
/// \see begin
ConstIterator end() const;
friend SFML_SYSTEM_API bool operator ==(const String& left, const String& right);
friend SFML_SYSTEM_API bool operator <(const String& left, const String& right);
// Member data
std::basic_string<Uint32> m_string; ///< Internal string of UTF-32 characters
/// \relates String
/// \brief Overload of == operator to compare two UTF-32 strings
/// \param left Left operand (a string)
/// \param right Right operand (a string)
/// \return True if both strings are equal
SFML_SYSTEM_API bool operator ==(const String& left, const String& right);
/// \relates String
/// \brief Overload of != operator to compare two UTF-32 strings
/// \param left Left operand (a string)
/// \param right Right operand (a string)
/// \return True if both strings are different
SFML_SYSTEM_API bool operator !=(const String& left, const String& right);
/// \relates String
/// \brief Overload of < operator to compare two UTF-32 strings
/// \param left Left operand (a string)
/// \param right Right operand (a string)
/// \return True if \a left is lexicographically before \a right
SFML_SYSTEM_API bool operator <(const String& left, const String& right);
/// \relates String
/// \brief Overload of > operator to compare two UTF-32 strings
/// \param left Left operand (a string)
/// \param right Right operand (a string)
/// \return True if \a left is lexicographically after \a right
SFML_SYSTEM_API bool operator >(const String& left, const String& right);
/// \relates String
/// \brief Overload of <= operator to compare two UTF-32 strings
/// \param left Left operand (a string)
/// \param right Right operand (a string)
/// \return True if \a left is lexicographically before or equivalent to \a right
SFML_SYSTEM_API bool operator <=(const String& left, const String& right);
/// \relates String
/// \brief Overload of >= operator to compare two UTF-32 strings
/// \param left Left operand (a string)
/// \param right Right operand (a string)
/// \return True if \a left is lexicographically after or equivalent to \a right
SFML_SYSTEM_API bool operator >=(const String& left, const String& right);
/// \relates String
/// \brief Overload of binary + operator to concatenate two strings
/// \param left Left operand (a string)
/// \param right Right operand (a string)
/// \return Concatenated string
SFML_SYSTEM_API String operator +(const String& left, const String& right);
#include <SFML/System/String.inl>
} // namespace sf
/// \class sf::String
/// \ingroup system
/// sf::String is a utility string class defined mainly for
/// convenience. It is a Unicode string (implemented using
/// UTF-32), thus it can store any character in the world
/// (European, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.).
/// It automatically handles conversions from/to ANSI and
/// wide strings, so that you can work with standard string
/// classes and still be compatible with functions taking a
/// sf::String.
/// \code
/// sf::String s;
/// std::string s1 = s; // automatically converted to ANSI string
/// std::wstring s2 = s; // automatically converted to wide string
/// s = "hello"; // automatically converted from ANSI string
/// s = L"hello"; // automatically converted from wide string
/// s += 'a'; // automatically converted from ANSI string
/// s += L'a'; // automatically converted from wide string
/// \endcode
/// Conversions involving ANSI strings use the default user locale. However
/// it is possible to use a custom locale if necessary:
/// \code
/// std::locale locale;
/// sf::String s;
/// ...
/// std::string s1 = s.toAnsiString(locale);
/// s = sf::String("hello", locale);
/// \endcode
/// sf::String defines the most important functions of the
/// standard std::string class: removing, random access, iterating,
/// appending, comparing, etc. However it is a simple class
/// provided for convenience, and you may have to consider using
/// a more optimized class if your program requires complex string
/// handling. The automatic conversion functions will then take
/// care of converting your string to sf::String whenever SFML
/// requires it.
/// Please note that SFML also defines a low-level, generic
/// interface for Unicode handling, see the sf::Utf classes.