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synced 2025-03-03 18:38:03 +08:00
XCODE 4 TEMPLATES ================= These are templates to create easily a new project in Xcode 4. Features -------- * You can choose between command line tool or bundle application. * You can select or not each module of SFML you'll use into your project. * A basic example is inserted automatically into your project's code. Install ------- Copy the four folders into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates folder (you might need to create it first). Usage ----- To use these templates follow these steps : * open Xcode 4, * select «create a new Xcode project» from the «Welcome to Xcode» window or select menu File > New > New Project, * select «Templates» under «Mac OS X», * then select either «SFML Application» or «SFML Command Line Tool», * fill in the requested information and you're done. Note ---- If you wish to add/remove any module of SFML from your project without rebuilding a new one follow these steps : * select your project from the project navigator panel (cmd+1), * select your project's target on the main area, * go to the «Build Settings» tab, * go down to the bottom, * edit any MODULEX_CONFIG variable (e.g. AUDIO_DEBUG, NETWORK_RELEASE) you want to. Examples : * to disable the audio module simply erase the content of AUDIO_DEBUG and AUDIO_RELEASE. * to add the network module set NETWORK_DEBUG to '-lsfml-network-d' and NETWORK_RELEASE to '-lsfml-network'.