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// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
// Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Laurent Gomila (laurent@sfml-dev.org)
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
// subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#pragma once
// Headers
#include <SFML/Window/Export.hpp>
namespace sf
class String;
/// \brief Give access to the real-time state of the keyboard
namespace Keyboard
/// \brief Key codes
/// The enumerators refer to the "localized" key; i.e. depending
/// on the layout set by the operating system, a key can be mapped
/// to `Y` or `Z`.
enum class Key
Unknown = -1, //!< Unhandled key
A = 0, //!< The A key
B, //!< The B key
C, //!< The C key
D, //!< The D key
E, //!< The E key
F, //!< The F key
G, //!< The G key
H, //!< The H key
I, //!< The I key
J, //!< The J key
K, //!< The K key
L, //!< The L key
M, //!< The M key
N, //!< The N key
O, //!< The O key
P, //!< The P key
Q, //!< The Q key
R, //!< The R key
S, //!< The S key
T, //!< The T key
U, //!< The U key
V, //!< The V key
W, //!< The W key
X, //!< The X key
Y, //!< The Y key
Z, //!< The Z key
Num0, //!< The 0 key
Num1, //!< The 1 key
Num2, //!< The 2 key
Num3, //!< The 3 key
Num4, //!< The 4 key
Num5, //!< The 5 key
Num6, //!< The 6 key
Num7, //!< The 7 key
Num8, //!< The 8 key
Num9, //!< The 9 key
Escape, //!< The Escape key
LControl, //!< The left Control key
LShift, //!< The left Shift key
LAlt, //!< The left Alt key
LSystem, //!< The left OS specific key: window (Windows and Linux), apple (macOS), ...
RControl, //!< The right Control key
RShift, //!< The right Shift key
RAlt, //!< The right Alt key
RSystem, //!< The right OS specific key: window (Windows and Linux), apple (macOS), ...
Menu, //!< The Menu key
LBracket, //!< The [ key
RBracket, //!< The ] key
Semicolon, //!< The ; key
Comma, //!< The , key
Period, //!< The . key
Apostrophe, //!< The ' key
Slash, //!< The / key
Backslash, //!< The \ key
Grave, //!< The ` key
Equal, //!< The = key
Hyphen, //!< The - key (hyphen)
Space, //!< The Space key
Enter, //!< The Enter/Return keys
Backspace, //!< The Backspace key
Tab, //!< The Tabulation key
PageUp, //!< The Page up key
PageDown, //!< The Page down key
End, //!< The End key
Home, //!< The Home key
Insert, //!< The Insert key
Delete, //!< The Delete key
Add, //!< The + key
Subtract, //!< The - key (minus, usually from numpad)
Multiply, //!< The * key
Divide, //!< The / key
Left, //!< Left arrow
Right, //!< Right arrow
Up, //!< Up arrow
Down, //!< Down arrow
Numpad0, //!< The numpad 0 key
Numpad1, //!< The numpad 1 key
Numpad2, //!< The numpad 2 key
Numpad3, //!< The numpad 3 key
Numpad4, //!< The numpad 4 key
Numpad5, //!< The numpad 5 key
Numpad6, //!< The numpad 6 key
Numpad7, //!< The numpad 7 key
Numpad8, //!< The numpad 8 key
Numpad9, //!< The numpad 9 key
F1, //!< The F1 key
F2, //!< The F2 key
F3, //!< The F3 key
F4, //!< The F4 key
F5, //!< The F5 key
F6, //!< The F6 key
F7, //!< The F7 key
F8, //!< The F8 key
F9, //!< The F9 key
F10, //!< The F10 key
F11, //!< The F11 key
F12, //!< The F12 key
F13, //!< The F13 key
F14, //!< The F14 key
F15, //!< The F15 key
Pause, //!< The Pause key
/// \brief The total number of keyboard keys, ignoring Key::Unknown
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
static constexpr unsigned int KeyCount{static_cast<unsigned int>(Key::Pause) + 1};
/// \brief Scancodes
/// The enumerators are bound to a physical key and do not depend on
/// the keyboard layout used by the operating system. Usually, the AT-101
/// keyboard can be used as reference for the physical position of the keys.
enum class Scan
Unknown = -1, //!< Represents any scancode not present in this enum
A = 0, //!< Keyboard a and A key
B, //!< Keyboard b and B key
C, //!< Keyboard c and C key
D, //!< Keyboard d and D key
E, //!< Keyboard e and E key
F, //!< Keyboard f and F key
G, //!< Keyboard g and G key
H, //!< Keyboard h and H key
I, //!< Keyboard i and I key
J, //!< Keyboard j and J key
K, //!< Keyboard k and K key
L, //!< Keyboard l and L key
M, //!< Keyboard m and M key
N, //!< Keyboard n and N key
O, //!< Keyboard o and O key
P, //!< Keyboard p and P key
Q, //!< Keyboard q and Q key
R, //!< Keyboard r and R key
S, //!< Keyboard s and S key
T, //!< Keyboard t and T key
U, //!< Keyboard u and U key
V, //!< Keyboard v and V key
W, //!< Keyboard w and W key
X, //!< Keyboard x and X key
Y, //!< Keyboard y and Y key
Z, //!< Keyboard z and Z key
Num1, //!< Keyboard 1 and ! key
Num2, //!< Keyboard 2 and @ key
Num3, //!< Keyboard 3 and # key
Num4, //!< Keyboard 4 and $ key
Num5, //!< Keyboard 5 and % key
Num6, //!< Keyboard 6 and ^ key
Num7, //!< Keyboard 7 and & key
Num8, //!< Keyboard 8 and * key
Num9, //!< Keyboard 9 and ) key
Num0, //!< Keyboard 0 and ) key
Enter, //!< Keyboard Enter/Return key
Escape, //!< Keyboard Escape key
Backspace, //!< Keyboard Backspace key
Tab, //!< Keyboard Tab key
Space, //!< Keyboard Space key
Hyphen, //!< Keyboard - and _ key
Equal, //!< Keyboard = and +
LBracket, //!< Keyboard [ and { key
RBracket, //!< Keyboard ] and } key
// For US keyboards mapped to key 29 (Microsoft Keyboard Scan Code Specification)
// For Non-US keyboards mapped to key 42 (Microsoft Keyboard Scan Code Specification)
// Typical language mappings: Belg:£µ` FrCa:<>} Dan:*' Dutch:`´ Fren:µ* Ger:'# Ital:§ù LatAm:[}` Nor:*@ Span:ç} Swed:*' Swiss:$£} UK:~# Brazil:}]
Backslash, //!< Keyboard \ and | key OR various keys for Non-US keyboards
Semicolon, //!< Keyboard ; and : key
Apostrophe, //!< Keyboard ' and " key
Grave, //!< Keyboard ` and ~ key
Comma, //!< Keyboard , and < key
Period, //!< Keyboard . and > key
Slash, //!< Keyboard / and ? key
F1, //!< Keyboard F1 key
F2, //!< Keyboard F2 key
F3, //!< Keyboard F3 key
F4, //!< Keyboard F4 key
F5, //!< Keyboard F5 key
F6, //!< Keyboard F6 key
F7, //!< Keyboard F7 key
F8, //!< Keyboard F8 key
F9, //!< Keyboard F9 key
F10, //!< Keyboard F10 key
F11, //!< Keyboard F11 key
F12, //!< Keyboard F12 key
F13, //!< Keyboard F13 key
F14, //!< Keyboard F14 key
F15, //!< Keyboard F15 key
F16, //!< Keyboard F16 key
F17, //!< Keyboard F17 key
F18, //!< Keyboard F18 key
F19, //!< Keyboard F19 key
F20, //!< Keyboard F20 key
F21, //!< Keyboard F21 key
F22, //!< Keyboard F22 key
F23, //!< Keyboard F23 key
F24, //!< Keyboard F24 key
CapsLock, //!< Keyboard Caps %Lock key
PrintScreen, //!< Keyboard Print Screen key
ScrollLock, //!< Keyboard Scroll %Lock key
Pause, //!< Keyboard Pause key
Insert, //!< Keyboard Insert key
Home, //!< Keyboard Home key
PageUp, //!< Keyboard Page Up key
Delete, //!< Keyboard Delete Forward key
End, //!< Keyboard End key
PageDown, //!< Keyboard Page Down key
Right, //!< Keyboard Right Arrow key
Left, //!< Keyboard Left Arrow key
Down, //!< Keyboard Down Arrow key
Up, //!< Keyboard Up Arrow key
NumLock, //!< Keypad Num %Lock and Clear key
NumpadDivide, //!< Keypad / key
NumpadMultiply, //!< Keypad * key
NumpadMinus, //!< Keypad - key
NumpadPlus, //!< Keypad + key
NumpadEqual, //!< keypad = key
NumpadEnter, //!< Keypad Enter/Return key
NumpadDecimal, //!< Keypad . and Delete key
Numpad1, //!< Keypad 1 and End key
Numpad2, //!< Keypad 2 and Down Arrow key
Numpad3, //!< Keypad 3 and Page Down key
Numpad4, //!< Keypad 4 and Left Arrow key
Numpad5, //!< Keypad 5 key
Numpad6, //!< Keypad 6 and Right Arrow key
Numpad7, //!< Keypad 7 and Home key
Numpad8, //!< Keypad 8 and Up Arrow key
Numpad9, //!< Keypad 9 and Page Up key
Numpad0, //!< Keypad 0 and Insert key
// For US keyboards doesn't exist
// For Non-US keyboards mapped to key 45 (Microsoft Keyboard Scan Code Specification)
// Typical language mappings: Belg:<\> FrCa:«°» Dan:<\> Dutch:]|[ Fren:<> Ger:<|> Ital:<> LatAm:<> Nor:<> Span:<> Swed:<|> Swiss:<\> UK:\| Brazil: \|.
NonUsBackslash, //!< Keyboard Non-US \ and | key
Application, //!< Keyboard Application key
Execute, //!< Keyboard Execute key
ModeChange, //!< Keyboard Mode Change key
Help, //!< Keyboard Help key
Menu, //!< Keyboard Menu key
Select, //!< Keyboard Select key
Redo, //!< Keyboard Redo key
Undo, //!< Keyboard Undo key
Cut, //!< Keyboard Cut key
Copy, //!< Keyboard Copy key
Paste, //!< Keyboard Paste key
VolumeMute, //!< Keyboard Volume Mute key
VolumeUp, //!< Keyboard Volume Up key
VolumeDown, //!< Keyboard Volume Down key
MediaPlayPause, //!< Keyboard Media Play Pause key
MediaStop, //!< Keyboard Media Stop key
MediaNextTrack, //!< Keyboard Media Next Track key
MediaPreviousTrack, //!< Keyboard Media Previous Track key
LControl, //!< Keyboard Left Control key
LShift, //!< Keyboard Left Shift key
LAlt, //!< Keyboard Left Alt key
LSystem, //!< Keyboard Left System key
RControl, //!< Keyboard Right Control key
RShift, //!< Keyboard Right Shift key
RAlt, //!< Keyboard Right Alt key
RSystem, //!< Keyboard Right System key
Back, //!< Keyboard Back key
Forward, //!< Keyboard Forward key
Refresh, //!< Keyboard Refresh key
Stop, //!< Keyboard Stop key
Search, //!< Keyboard Search key
Favorites, //!< Keyboard Favorites key
HomePage, //!< Keyboard Home Page key
LaunchApplication1, //!< Keyboard Launch Application 1 key
LaunchApplication2, //!< Keyboard Launch Application 2 key
LaunchMail, //!< Keyboard Launch Mail key
LaunchMediaSelect, //!< Keyboard Launch Media Select key
using Scancode = Scan;
/// \brief The total number of scancodes, ignoring Scan::Unknown
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
static constexpr unsigned int ScancodeCount{static_cast<unsigned int>(Scan::LaunchMediaSelect) + 1};
/// \brief Check if a key is pressed
/// \param key Key to check
/// \return True if the key is pressed, false otherwise
SFML_WINDOW_API bool isKeyPressed(Key key);
/// \brief Check if a key is pressed
/// \param code Scancode to check
/// \return True if the physical key is pressed, false otherwise
SFML_WINDOW_API bool isKeyPressed(Scancode code);
/// \brief Localize a physical key to a logical one
/// \param code Scancode to localize
/// \return The key corresponding to the scancode under the current
/// keyboard layout used by the operating system, or
/// sf::Keyboard::Key::Unknown when the scancode cannot be mapped
/// to a Key.
/// \see delocalize
SFML_WINDOW_API Key localize(Scancode code);
/// \brief Identify the physical key corresponding to a logical one
/// \param key Key to "delocalize"
/// \return The scancode corresponding to the key under the current
/// keyboard layout used by the operating system, or
/// sf::Keyboard::Scan::Unknown when the key cannot be mapped
/// to a sf::Keyboard::Scancode.
/// \see localize
SFML_WINDOW_API Scancode delocalize(Key key);
/// \brief Provide a string representation for a given scancode
/// The returned string is a short, non-technical description of
/// the key represented with the given scancode. Most effectively
/// used in user interfaces, as the description for the key takes
/// the users keyboard layout into consideration.
/// \warning The result is OS-dependent: for example, sf::Keyboard::Scan::LSystem
/// is "Left Meta" on Linux, "Left Windows" on Windows and
/// "Left Command" on macOS.
/// The current keyboard layout set by the operating system is used to
/// interpret the scancode: for example, sf::Keyboard::Key::Semicolon is
/// mapped to ";" for layout and to "é" for others.
/// \param code Scancode to check
/// \return The localized description of the code
SFML_WINDOW_API String getDescription(Scancode code);
/// \brief Show or hide the virtual keyboard
/// \warning The virtual keyboard is not supported on all
/// systems. It will typically be implemented on mobile OSes
/// (Android, iOS) but not on desktop OSes (Windows, Linux, ...).
/// If the virtual keyboard is not available, this function does
/// nothing.
/// \param visible True to show, false to hide
SFML_WINDOW_API void setVirtualKeyboardVisible(bool visible);
} // namespace Keyboard
} // namespace sf
/// \namespace sf::Keyboard
/// \ingroup window
/// sf::Keyboard provides an interface to the state of the
/// keyboard.
/// This namespace allows users to query the keyboard state at any
/// time and directly, without having to deal with a window and
/// its events. Compared to the KeyPressed and KeyReleased events,
/// sf::Keyboard can retrieve the state of a key at any time
/// (you don't need to store and update a boolean on your side
/// in order to know if a key is pressed or released), and you
/// always get the real state of the keyboard, even if keys are
/// pressed or released when your window is out of focus and no
/// event is triggered.
/// Usage example:
/// \code
/// if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::Left))
/// {
/// // move left...
/// }
/// else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::Right))
/// {
/// // move right...
/// }
/// else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key::Escape))
/// {
/// // quit...
/// }
/// else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Scan::Grave))
/// {
/// // open in-game command line (if it's not already open)
/// }
/// \endcode
/// \see sf::Joystick, sf::Mouse, sf::Touch